Akashic Record Reading - Unlocking Your Next-Level Reality
Akashic Record Readings are a powerful tool to use on your manifestation journey helping you gain clarity, understand your life path and purpose, soul’s gifts and more.
If you’ve found yourself wondering about the Akashic Records and specifically Akashic Record Readings -
What they are, how they work, and what benefit they bring in helping you create the life you desire.
You’ve come to the right place.
An Akashic Record Reading will tell you the most important information you could possibly know about your soul…
Create a Weight Loss Vision Board in 5 Easy Steps
Want to supercharge your weight loss goals?
Creating a weight loss vision board is a powerful way to focus your mind and intention on what you want and see it manifest into reality in a way that feels like magic 🪄
This is because; whether you realize it or not, your thoughts, energy and intentions are a driving force that’s either helping or hindering you on your weight loss journey…
Top 5 Best Crystals For Manifesting Success, Money & Abundance
There’s no debating that success, money and abundance go hand in hand, and this is especially true when it comes to manifesting with crystals!
Manifesting is all about changing your frequency to DRAW things to you and crystals have unique properties that can naturally help you do this.
3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere
Energy healing can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you change your life, especially when you are trying to manifest more love, money, success and abundance.
Read this post to learn how you can practice energy healing yourself.
Manifesting Love: 7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Tips
Manifesting love into your life, whether that’s your soulmate or bringing more love into the relationship you are currently in, can be greatly enhanced by using the law of attraction.
2 Simple Steps To Speed Up The Manifesting Process
Speeding up the Manifesting Process is a hot topic among my clients and for good reason - who doesn’t want to attract their desires more quickly?
If this is something you’re interested in, I’ve got good news for you!
Attracting your desires more quickly isn’t difficult. In fact, it can be done in just 2 simple steps…
11 Law of Attraction Quotes To Manifest Money, Success & Abundance
Law of Attraction Quotes for manifesting money, success and abundance can be a wonderful tool to help you enhance your practice.
And this is because, not only are they inspiring to read but they keep you MOTIVATED.
What Is Manifestation? 4 Steps To Attract Anything You Want!
What Is Manifestation?
Learn how to manifest anything you want using this simple process…
A Simple Gratitude Ritual To Keep Your Thoughts Positive & Vibe High
Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest ways to raise your vibration.
Not only does it help you to REFOCUS your thoughts, it helps you stay in ATTRACTING MODE while manifesting…
Can You Jinx Your Manifesting?
If you’ve ever wondered if you have “jinxed” something, then it’s likely you’re the type of person to say “touch wood” or even throw salt over your left shoulder from time to time.
And while according to the Oxford Dictionary the term “Jinx” means: “a person or thing that brings bad luck”, when we use the term in conjunction with manifesting we are usually referring to the fact that we believe we have sabotaged our manifesting efforts as a result of talking about them.