How To Give Yourself An Energetic Upgrade - 4 Simple Steps
Giving yourself an energetic upgrade (or spiritual upgrade) is one of the fastest ways you can begin manifesting more of what you want.
Because it helps you transform your energy and vibration to reach higher states that are naturally more aligned with the next-level version of yourself who’s already manifested what you want…
How To Quickly Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals For Manifesting
Got some new crystals ready to use?
Before you jump in and start incorporating them into your manifesting practice it’s important that you take a moment to cleanse and charge your crystals.
Think of your crystals as if they were a real living person (yes, they’re alive!)…
Inner Child Healing Exercise - Heal Your Inner Child In Minutes (Try This)
We all have an inner child begging to be healed. It is the part deep within us that carries all of the negative memories and experiences from our childhood.
It is, in essence, an accumulation of past pain.
This inner child often surfaces when we are triggered by something or someone in a way that resembles what happened in our past and this can affect our manifesting abilities…
3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere
Energy healing can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you change your life, especially when you are trying to manifest more love, money, success and abundance.
Read this post to learn how you can practice energy healing yourself.
Tips For Keeping Your Vibration High During Coronavirus
The fear of the Coronavirus is in full swing at the moment, which is why now, more than ever, we need to be actively raising our vibration and using manifestation techniques to stay positively focused.
A Simple Process To Deal With Setbacks When Manifesting
One of the things that can really bring us down when we’re manifesting is dealing with setbacks and disappointments.
We can go from feeling as high as a kite to down right dreadful in a very short space of time.
And the problem with this is; these setbacks and disappointments often create negative emotions that then effect our ability to manifest.
So today I want to share with you a simple (yet powerful) exercise from my new manifesting course The Surrender Approach™.
How I Work as a Manifestation Coach
I felt called to share a more intimate post with you today, one that gives more of a “behind the scenes” look at how I work as a Manifestation Coach.
Because, the truth is, the way I work is actually very different to what a lot of people think.
In fact, I can assure you that whatever image you may have conjured up in your mind about what it would be like to work with a Manifestation Coach is a far cry from what it’s like to work with me, and I’ll explain why ;) ...