Akashic Reading Online
Uncover life-changing information about your soul!

Interested in an Online Akashic Record Reading?
One thing I learnt early on from studying The Akashic Records and becoming an Intuitive Certified Akashic Record Reader is that:
The records call you.
What do I mean by “the records call you”? Deep down you feel drawn them, like a magnetic pull you can’t quite explain.
Maybe you heard someone talk about the records, read information online, or simply knew on a soul-level that you needed to receive an Akashic Record Reading even before you fully understood exactly what they were. If you’re reading this, and feeling that pull. You’ve come to the right place.
I didn't expect how deeply it would resonate on a somatic level
“What I didn't expect was just how deeply, on a somatic level the reading would resonate. To have my soul gifts mirrored back to me with such a sense of purpose, felt like a gigantic gift of validation.
I feel more me. I feel more accepting, embracing, and confident in who I am, and what my purpose is. It's given me more of a belief in myself, my intuition, and my own authentic connection to something bigger than me (aka spirit/source/"the universe").
The intuitive audio recording added a whole new layer of depth. I could feel Juliette’s intuitive energy, passion for this work, and genuine care in really helping to connect, explain, and empower me with what she is seeing shine through.
This Akashic Record Reading is a gift that keeps on giving.
Go get a reading; I guarantee you won't regret it!” - Natalie Douglas

What are The Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are the storehouse of all information. A celestial library that holds all knowledge, events, thoughts, and emotions that have ever occurred in the past, present, or future.
Every soul that exists has a record contained within the Akasha with every piece of information you could possible want to know about that soul. Think - life purpose, soul gifts, life lessons, psychic strengths, past lives, soul contracts, just to name a few.
Your Akashic Record holds this information (and other details), which needless to say, can be life-changing on your manifestation journey.
Receiving an Akashic record reading can help you to recognise patterns that may be holding you back, hidden gifts, knowing why your soul is here, and uncovering energetic strengths that can help you transcend and become your highest self.
Packed with so much wisdom and powerful intuitive insights
“I had the privilege of having an Akashic reading with Juliette, which I sought out to gain insights, understand recurring lessons and patterns in my life, as well as learn about my strengths and how to best share these.
The reading was packed with so much wisdom and powerful intuitive insights. Juliette provided practical tips on how to harness and share my soul gifts, while effortlessly illuminating key life lessons. It encouraged me to embrace my gifts and leverage them within my business to align with my purpose.
Juliette communicated the insights throughout the audio in such a clear, succinct and easy to understand way. It's an incredibly valuable resource to have along with the written reading.
The experience has been incredibly validating and healing. An enlightening and valuable resource I know I’ll revisit for years to come. Thank you, Juliette! ”
- Michelle Swan
My Journey With The Akashic Records
The very first time I heard the words “Akashic Records”, I felt a calling deep inside of me, and I knew the records were going to be a very significant part of my soul’s journey. When I started my Manifestation Coaching business 8 years ago, I began entering the records, asking specific questions and receiving insights with profound accuracy.
This led me to study the records, become an Intuitive Certified Akashic Record Reader, and interlace this knowledge with the work I was doing with my private clients. I began to see and identify specific information that was contained in a clients soul record, and how this was directly impacting their energetic frequency and their ability to manifest.
This took my Manifestation Coaching business to new heights as I was able to blend this knowledge with the intuitive and energetic work I was already doing and help my clients get even bigger results.
The type of readings that I offer my clients today are “Soul Readings”, where I navigate a clients soul record, and reveal very specific information about that soul and its purpose.
This is different to a channeled reading in that it’s not designed to answer a specific question, that may be relevant for a specific time period.
Rather, it’s a LIFETIME reading, that gives a profile overview of the soul revealing some of the most important information you could possibly want know.
I blend this with intuitive insights and manifestation guidance that stays relevant for your entire life.
Here’s a snapshot of the feedback I receive…

I’m absolutely astonished
I’m absolutely astonished with what came out in the reading. I’ve only skimmed through it but what has come out of it is crazy.
I was even writing a statement as part of my beauty business and the words I wrote down were: “balance, beauty and harmony” which were the exact words you wrote!
The other crazy part, is that you spoke of an spark of energy back in February and I know exactly what this was in relation to.
You also mention the person I was with was not my soulmate which I also know and I have had reading with top psychics that confirmed this too.
All I can say is what an experience, really.
- Natalie S
And more feedback…

What an Online Akashic Reading will give you:
→ Clarity and insight - understanding the most important aspects about your soul, its mission and energetic gifts
→ Guidance and direction - knowing what to focus on to harness your natural strengths and abilities, as well as be in your ‘magnetic’ manifesting energy
→ Healing - understanding who you are as a soul, why you have certain experiences and feelings that block new levels of manifestation
→ Empowerment - helping you tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, along with increased self-awareness leading to greater confidence, resilience, and self-mastery
→ Validation - confirmation and reassurances, on a deep soul level of why you’re here and what you’re meant to do

Not only do the records give you profound insights into your soul, they can be extremely VALIDATING, help you to cut through the clutter and noise of what to focus on and harness your natural strengths and abilities.
The result?
They can help you take your business and career to the next level, anchoring into your soul gifts, embodying your most magnetic self, and harnessing this energy to manifest more of what you want.
I have never felt more deeply seen, known and understood
“The reading gave me even deeper insights into who I am on a soul level, which has allowed me to feel more inspired and confident in my future.
I have never felt more deeply seen, known, and understood before and this felt like a soul blueprint for me that I didn't know I was missing. These new understandings also highlighted the life lessons I was working on and allowed me to focus my energy more on what was going to serve my highest purpose, and reduce friction and stress in my life.
Since having this reading I feel a sense of calm, peace, and confidence in my direction and an increased faith in myself in the universe as far as my own spiritual master plan goes.
If you're thinking about getting an Akashic reading I can't recommend it enough.
Not only is it encouraging, empowering and inspiring it provides you with energetic insights that will help you navigate your life with more ease and joy.”
Akashic Record Reading Online
What’s included
I take an intuitive approach to readings and will often ask different questions depending on where I feel guided with each individual. This means there will be slight variations in what is included. However, the areas mentioned below are covered in all readings, along with a summary of my findings.
In the intuitive audio, I provide guidance and energetic insights on how the information impacts your manifesting abilities, and how to harness the energy to step into your highest self and manifest what you want effortlessly.
Prior to the reading you will also be asked to provide me with an intention for what you most want to get out of the reading. I use this when accessing your record to obtain the information that will be the most powerful for you in creating what you want whether its: uncovering your soul’s purpose, understanding your divine gifts, gaining clarity, creating more success and abundnace in your business or receiving healing.
Your Soul’s Energetic Training:
Every soul trains in a particular energetic realm which corresponds to 1 of the 8 main chakras. When you know your energy center of training, it sheds light on WHO YOU ARE on a soul level, what your purpose is, and the energies you bring to others in this lifetime.
Your Soul’s Origin:
Not all souls are “earth souls”; some of us (and likely you if you feel pulled towards to the Akashic Records) are what are known as star travellers who come from other places. When you know your soul’s origin (where it’s from), it shines a light on - why you are the way you are, what makes you unique, why you feel the way you do, and even why you experience certain things in this lifetime.
Trainings Between Lifetimes:
Between lifetimes, souls undertake particular trainings which then contribute greatly to the soul’s strengths and gifts in this lifetime. When you know the most significant trainings your soul has undertaken, it gives insight into additional skills that you have mastered, and what you’re naturally good at.
Your Life Lessons:
Every soul has life lessons that it chooses to explore and learn in order to integrate those particular energies so it can experience a greater sense of ‘wholeness’. What's important to note is that you subconsciously choose to attract certain situations into your life to help you learn your life lessons.
Your Soul Gifts:
There are over 35 different soul gifts that you can embody, which are like energetic roles that you play in this lifetime and directly relate to your soul’s purpose. These gifts show you where your natural talents and abilities lie, and when combined with the other elements in the reading, give a thorough overview of your soul’s purpose.
Your Intuitive Gifts:
Your intuitive gifts are how your spirit guides and higher self communicate with you. Similar to your life lessons, knowing exactly what your strongest intuitive gifts are, and how your guides and higher self communicate with you, can be life-changing to your manifestation journey because it will show you where to focus your attention in order to receive clear guidance relating to your manifestation.
Divine Beings:
Occasionally, I will also pick up on information about Divine Beings that surround you and are here to help you at this time. This can be wonderfully ‘confirming’ if you’ve felt the presence of someone around you, and it can also give you a greater sense of support and someone specific to communicate with and ask for assistance.
Complete clarity and certainty
“I recommend it to anyone who really wants to know their purpose.
For a long time I was unsure what my path would look like. Thanks to the reading, I now have complete clarity and certainty about what I want to do professionally. I have absolute clarity around my next steps. I know so much more about who I am on a soul level and what is good for me.
I can hardly describe how much this reading has positively influenced me! It is simply very, very powerful, helpful and valuable. You get to know yourself better and understand yourself and life on a completely different, much deeper level!
I recommend it to anyone who really wants to know why they’re here and what their purpose in life is.”
- Victoria Neubauer-Stiedl
Online Akashic Record Reading Delivery & Presentation
The information I find about your soul is presented in a beautiful Akashic Record, “Your Soul Guidebook” (PDF File), that you get to keep forever and refer back to when you feel called. With this guidebook, you also receive a 40-minute intuitive audio recording “Your Soul’s Divine Plan” where I speak about the key findings, my intuitive insights, and what’s most important for you to focus on to fully embody your soul’s gifts and progress on your manifesting journey.
The guidebook and intuitive audio combined act as both a blueprint and channeled transmission containing all the important information about your soul that will be relevant for your entire lifetime!
More feedback from clients
A stronger and deeper renewed sense of purpose and direction
“Before receiving my reading with Juliette, I was at a crossroads in my life and felt like I really needed some guidance to understand and know myself better. I’d heard about the Akashic Records and after hearing a friend say Juliette’s reading was incredible, I wanted to try for myself!
So much of the information resonated deeply. The life lessons (I had four main ones come up) felt so on the money; it was amazing. Those 4 basically are the four things I’ve valued/struggled with throughout my life so I was blown away by that.
I now feel calmer and reassured that I’m on the right track. I have a deeper sense of purpose. A lightness is with me that wasn’t there before. I’m so grateful to Juliette. It was such a beautiful reading and audio to go along with it.”
- Samantha Shepherd
I have two words - spot on. It hit every target!
“I had my Akashic Records read with Juliette, and I have two words - spot on. It hit every target.
It was spot on with the lessons I have needed to learn and understanding things that have kept me in energy cycles like giving up way too quickly on things. I have seen this throughout my life and in past lives.
It was accurate, chock full of details and how I can best use the information going forward.
Juliette is a star in her own right. She is a naturally gifted intuitive and your biggest cheerleader. Highly recommend.” - Susan Carabello

Extremely rare, fascinating and useful knowledge
“Juliette’s intuitive reading elaborated on several points of my soul's purpose and gave me confidence in what I should double and triple down on as I build my business and what is most likely going to be the most satisfying and effective path to success.
Now that I understand that I was born an expert in using my energy to influence people and events, I've started relying more on that over action, to great effect.
I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin now. There were findings in the reading that described exactly how I'd felt my entire life and put into words longstanding feelings for which I never had words for.
By the third time you listen and read it, you’ll think, "holy crap, this is extremely rare, fascinating, and useful knowledge.”
- Monique R

Akashic Reading Online FAQ's :
In order to access your Akschic Record I will need information from you relating to your name, date of birth and place of birth. You will be asked to fill out a form with these details immeditely after booking. I will also ask you for your specific intention for the reading which I will use to enhance the process. Examples of intentions could be: 1. Clarity Of Soul Purpose 2. Business Success 3. Career Advancement 4. Spiritual Expansion
Readings will be delivered approximately 3 weeks after booking.
My readings are perfect for you if you feel a pull or calling towards the Akashic Records. You desire to know yourself on a deep soul-level, uncover your purpose, find clarity, shed light on patterns that may be holding you back, and you want to take your manifesting to new heights with energetic insights and information that will change your life forever.
There are no refunds offered for readings.
If you want to go deeper with your Akashic Record and your manifesting abilities my 3 month coaching program offers personalised support and direct 1:1 access to me. This reading is included in that package here.