7 Ways To Maintain An Abundance Mindset When Money Feels Tight
There will be periods in your life when things feel hard, and it becomes difficult to maintain an abundance mindset.
Whether it's having a low cash month in business, a salary decrease or listening to people talk about a looming recession.
One thing’s for sure - fear, uncertainty, stress, worry and having a limited mindset can make your energy contract 🥀
Positive Affirmations For Money & Success - That Work!
Positive affirmations for money and success comes up a lot in my work as a Manifestation Coach (and for good reason!).
Affirmations have the power to affect your subconscious mind which is what makes them a great tool for manifesting.
Tips For Keeping Your Vibration High During Coronavirus
The fear of the Coronavirus is in full swing at the moment, which is why now, more than ever, we need to be actively raising our vibration and using manifestation techniques to stay positively focused.
A Simple Gratitude Ritual To Keep Your Thoughts Positive & Vibe High
Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest ways to raise your vibration.
Not only does it help you to REFOCUS your thoughts, it helps you stay in ATTRACTING MODE while manifesting…