Akashic Record Reading - Unlocking Your Next-Level Reality

 Akashic Record Readings are a powerful tool to use on your manifestation journey helping you gain clarity, understand your life path and purpose, soul’s gifts and more.

If you’ve found yourself wondering about the Akashic Records and specifically Akashic Record Readings -

What they are, how they work, and what benefit they bring in helping you create the life you desire.

You’ve come to the right place.

An Akashic Record Reading will tell you the most important information you could possibly know about your soul.

And this knowledge has the power to transform your life forever.

In this post I’m going to share everything you need to know about Akashic Record Readings, including different types of readings, how to know if you're ready for a reading, what to expect from a reading, what’s included, how they are delivered and most importantly HOW they can benefit you in creating the life you desire. 

Plus, if you’re ready to take things further, I’ve just opened up spots for my Online Akashic Readings.

First, things first. Let’s clarify what the Akashic Records are exactly.

1. What Are The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the storehouse of all information. A celestial library that contains every single piece of knowledge you could possibly imagine. Think Google but for your soul.

In fact, every soul has a record contained within the Akasha that holds important details about that soul including - life purpose, soul gifts, life lessons, psychic strengths, past lives, soul contracts and more.

When you access the records you are able to retrieve this information which can impact your life (and your manifesting journey) tremendously which I’ll explain more later in the post. 

One thing I know for sure after delivering so many readings to my private clients and receiving their feedback is that:

Once you have a reading you’ll be changed on a soul level, never able to return to your ‘old self’ again (in a good way!)

Here are some of the responses I’ve received:


Clear quartz crystal

Absolutely astonished

I’m absolutely astonished with what came out in the reading. I’ve only skimmed through it but what has come out of it is crazy.

I was even writing a statement as part of my beauty business and the words I wrote down were: “balance, beauty and harmony” which were the exact words you wrote!

The other crazy part, is that you spoke of an spark of energy back in February and I know exactly what this was in relation to.

You also mention the person I was with was not my soulmate which I also know and I have had reading with top psychics that confirmed this too.

All I can say is what an experience, really.

- Natalie S

6 individual screenshots of people's responses to having received an Akashic Record Reading from Juliette Kristine

More testimonials can be found on this page.



2. How To Know If You’re Ready For A Reading

If you’re new to the records you might be wondering…

How do you know if you’re ready for a reading?

One thing that I’ve learnt from my own journey with the Akashic Records is that…

The records call you.

You will know that you’re ready for an Akashic Record Reading because somewhere deep inside you will feel called to receive one.

And the interesting part is.

You will feel called even if you don’t fully understand or know what the records are.

Before I became a Certified Akashic Record Reader I knew I wanted to study the records and incorporate them into my Manifestation Coaching business.

I knew this prior to having a reading done or fully understanding what the records are and how they would benefit my life.

Today, whenever I mention the records in my blogs, instagram, newsletters I always get people responding asking me if I do readings and most of these people say they feel called in some way without having full knowledge of what they’re about.

If you feel this call, keep reading…

3. Different Types Of Akashic Record Readings & What To Expect

There are two main types of readings, channelled or mediumship readings and soul readings.

Let’s discuss the difference between both and what to expect from each.

Channelled Akashic Record Reading

In a channelled reading practitioners connect with spirit guides, angels or higher beings who facilitate the access to the records and provide information that they deem as important for the soul to know at this time.

Often in these types of readings the practitioner will ask a specific question or questions on behalf of the client and channel the answer through the higher beings in this way.

Sometimes these readings are delivered over email in written form and sometimes they are done, over the phone or online face-to-face via Zoom or Skype.

This type of reading can be beneficial if there’s a specific area of your life where you feel stuck and need some extra clarity and guidance. 

Sometimes these readings also include healings and energy clearings.

Soul Akashic Record Reading

The next type of reading (the type that I do) is a soul reading. In this type of reading the practitioner uses their intuition and psychic abilities to navigate the clients soul record and reveal very specific information about that soul and its purpose.

Every practitioner is different in how they navigate the records, the information they provide and the way they deliver the insights.

Below I’ll outline my process and what I include in my readings.

*Pss want an Online Akashic Reading from me? Click here to lean more.

Process For Accessing The Records

As I mentioned earlier there are different ways to access the Akashic Records in order to receive information.

Some practitioners use meditations, some use prayer and others use visualization (or a combination). The exact process isn’t as important as the intention to SHIFT your consciousness to a place where you can enter the Akasha and access the records is.

I use a combination of all of these things - meditation, prayer and visualization.

Prior to doing a reading I will also ask the client for specific information about their name, date of birth, place of birth and a recent photo.

I will then use that information to access the clients soul record in the Akashic Records.

Once I have access to the soul record I will use my intuition and psychic abilities to tune in, ask questions and receive information on a number of different areas.


Some of the information I will look up about a soul will include:

1. Your Soul’s Energetic Training

Every soul trains in a particular energetic realm which corresponds to 1 of  the 8 main chakras.

When you know your energy center of training it sheds light on WHO YOU ARE on a soul level, what your purpose is and the energies you bring to others in this lifetime. 

For example, my primary energy center of training is the 6th Chakra which relates to intuition and even though I am a Manifestation Coach, the way I work is primarily as an intuitive - feeling into people's energy and vibration to pick up on where they are stuck or blocked in attracting what they want.

When I found out my energetic center of training it was extremely validating and enabled me to anchor more deeply into my natural gifts and purpose.

I have also discovered how this aspect directly relates to your manifesting abilities and how you can harness your particular energy training for increased power in your manifestation practice which I shed more light on in my readings.

2. Your Soul’s Origin 

Not all soul’s are “earth souls”, some of us (and most likely you if you’re reading this) and what are known as star travellers or star seeds and who come from other places.

When I first learnt about the records the importance of knowing this was explained to me so well -

Imagine you are from Japan and you move to the US when you’re 12, when you move there, even if you become an American citizen, you’re still Japanese and have that culture embedded within you.

When you know your Soul’s origin (where it’s from) it shines a light on - why you are the way you are. 

What makes you unique, why you feel the way you do, and even why you experience certain things in this lifetime.

3. The Trainings Your Soul Has Undertaken Between Lifetimes

Every soul incarnates more than once (or in most cases anyway). So why is this important?

Between lifetimes soul’s undertake particular trainings which then contribute greatly to the soul’s strengths and gifts in this lifetime.

When you know the most significant traininings your soul has undertaken it gives insight into additional skills that you have master and what you’re naturally good at.

For example, I am trained in the 5th Order which makes me extremely good at working with energy. 

I use this skill (coupled with my training in the 6th Chakra - intuition), to not only identify where my clients are blocked but also knowing what my clients need to do in order to change their energy and vibration to bring themselves back into alignment with their desires (which equals faster/easier manifesting for them).

4. Your Life Lessons

Every soul has life lessons that it chooses to explore and learn in order to integrate those particular energies into their soul so they can experience a greater sense of ‘wholeness’.

What’s interesting about life lessons is that you subconsciously choose to attract certain situations into your life to help you learn your life lessons. 

For example, if your life lesson is around patience, you will be exploring this theme and attracting situations that help you to become more patient.

This type of information can be life-changing on your manifesting journey.

I had a client with a life lesson of patience who was very good at attracting things but often they took her a long time. When I found out this information I was able to give her direct insights into what she could do to manifest faster even with this life lesson of patience.

5. Your Soul Gifts

There are over 35 different soul gifts that you can embody which are like energetic roles that you play in this lifetime and directly relate to your soul’s purpose.

These gifts show you where your natural talents and abilities lie and when combined with the other elements in the reading give a thorough overview of your soul’s purpose.

One thing that I have found in my own life and so many of my clients that I have read for, is that when you learn to work with all of your gifts your life starts to feel very ‘complete’ like all the pieces of the puzzle have come together.

I also believe that these areas are where you will naturally experience the most success and can achieve a sort of ‘energetic mastery’.

6. Your Intuitive Gifts

Your intuitive gifts are how your spirit guides and higher self communicate with you. 

Similar to your life lessons, knowing exactly what your strongest intuitive gifts are and how your guides and higher-self communicate with you can be life changing to your manifestation journey. 

Here are some reasons why…

Firstly, when you know your strongest intuitive gifts you know where to focus your attention in order to receive clear guidance relating to your manifestation.

And your intuition is always sending you signals on what you need to do to manifest your desires in the easiest and most aligned way possible.

Secondly, when you’re able to know your strongest intuitive gifts with accuracy, it saves you from trying to figure it out by yourself. 

This means you can develop your gifts quicker because you know which ones to work on strengthening. 

In my opinion you’re always better off strengthening what’s already working (to begin with) than trying to develop other gifts.

I always knew that I was primarily Clairsentient and Claircognizant, but when I focused more strongly on my Claircognizance, I reached a whole new level of psychic and intuitive ability.

When I do Akashic Record Readings for my private clients I’m then able to help them develop their particular psychic gifts in our sessions.

7. Divine Beings

Occasionally I will also pick up on information about Divine Beings that surround you and are here to help you at this time. 

This can be wonderfully ‘confirming’ if you’ve felt the presence of someone around you and it can also give you a greater sense of support and someone specific to communicate with and ask for assistance.

How The Reading Is Presented & Delivered

There are many different ways of presenting and delivering readings which each have their own benefit.

I personally like to collate the information and present it all in a beautiful Akashic Record “Your Soul Guidebook” (PDF File) that you get to keep forever and refer back to when you feel called.

This guidebook acts as a blueprint that contains all the information about your soul that will be relevant for your entire lifetime!

I also provide a 40 minute intuitive audio recording “Your Soul’s Divine Plan” where I speak about the key findings, my intuitive insights and what’s most important for you to focus on to fully embody your soul’s gifts.

I often tell clients to revisit the reading and listen to the recording whenever they feel inclined as the information will take on new and deeper levels of meaning as time goes on.

The information you take in when you first read it and listen will be different to what you take in the second and third time as your awareness changes.

As I mentioned before, receiving a reading can be life-changing on your manifestation journey. You will discover some of the most important information you could ever know about your soul.

Interested in receiving a reading from me?

I’ve just opened up spots for my Online Akashic Readings. If you want to learn more click here.


More Feedback

4 x screenshots of responses from people who have received an Akashic Reading Online from Juliette Kristine
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