Akashic Record Reading - Unlocking Your Next-Level Reality
Akashic Record Readings are a powerful tool to use on your manifestation journey helping you gain clarity, understand your life path and purpose, soul’s gifts and more.
If you’ve found yourself wondering about the Akashic Records and specifically Akashic Record Readings -
What they are, how they work, and what benefit they bring in helping you create the life you desire.
You’ve come to the right place.
An Akashic Record Reading will tell you the most important information you could possibly know about your soul…
Activate Your Feminine Magnetism: A Guide to Powerful Manifestation
Do you feel like you’re always pushing to get things done?
Do you find it hard to release control and simply ALLOW things to come to you?
Learning how to activate your feminine magnetism could be just the antidote you need to manifest your desires more effortlessly…
Visualizing Your Highest Self: A Powerful Technique for Personal Transformation
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become the best version of yourself?
The person on your vision board who’s already manifested the life you desire to live…
Career success, deep love, soulful connections, financial abundance, a fulfilling life.
When you know how to connect to your highest self you open up a pathway to unlimited personal transformation where manifesting your desires becomes more effortless…
12 Universal Laws Explained: How To Manifest Magic In Your Life
Most people are familiar with the Law Of Attraction.
But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually just ONE of the 12 universal laws?
Yes that’s right - there are TWELVE.
As a Manifestation Coach I support others to manifest what they want into their lives and this often extends further than just putting the Law Of Attraction into practice…
1111 Angel Number: What It REALLY Means
I frequently get asked about the meaning of seeing the angel number 1111.
And the truth is, there are a lot of different explanations out there (some of which I don’t necessarily agree with) which is one of the reasons I decided to write this post!
Find out why you are seeing this important number and what it means for you…
Can You Jinx Your Manifesting?
If you’ve ever wondered if you have “jinxed” something, then it’s likely you’re the type of person to say “touch wood” or even throw salt over your left shoulder from time to time.
And while according to the Oxford Dictionary the term “Jinx” means: “a person or thing that brings bad luck”, when we use the term in conjunction with manifesting we are usually referring to the fact that we believe we have sabotaged our manifesting efforts as a result of talking about them.
3 Reasons I LOVE Mercury Retrograde - & How You Can Too!
Mercury Retrograde - Yes, it’s that time of year again.
Now, you would think being a Gemini that I would despise this time (given it’s my ruling planet and all) but actually, that’s not the case.
In fact, I have come to LOVE and even THRIVE during Mercury Retrograde and I’ll explain why…