12 Universal Laws Explained: How To Manifest Magic In Your Life

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine is wearing a brown silk dress and smiling at the camera.

Most people are familiar with the Law Of Attraction.

But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually just ONE of the 12 universal laws?

Yes that’s right - there are TWELVE.

As a Manifestation Coach I support others to manifest what they want into their lives and this often extends further than just putting the Law Of Attraction into practice.

My speciality has always been in feeling into people’s energy and vibration and picking up on where they are stuck or blocked in attracting what they want, and sometimes this doesn’t have anything to do with how committed they are to practicing the LOA.

Often people “know” deep down that there’s more to the story and other practices and principals out there that can help them attract the life they desire - which is where the other universal laws come in.

If you’ve found yourself wondering…

What are the 12 laws of the universe and how can I apply them in my life to manifest more of what I want?

You’ve found yourself in the right place, because in this post I expand & explain how you can use each of these 12 beautiful laws in your own life to enhance & enrich it even further.

Also, as a side note, sometimes people can feel overwhelmed when they learn there’s more spiritual laws they need to follow and implement.

In times like this its important to remember…

Nobody can tell you how to live your life. But you might find (& I’m sure you will) that if you start to introduce these 12 universal laws gently & lovingly into your life, things will change & only for the better!

Think of them more as guidelines & guiding principles than strict laws. There is no ‘universal law’ police!

Let’s lay out these laws, unpack where they came from & then we’ll get into the nitty gritty of each one, what they mean & how you can apply these 12 universal laws to your life starting TODAY.

Understanding The Laws - Where They Originated

So who ‘invented’ the 12 Laws of the Universe? There’s not one single source & these things actually cannot be invented. Just like Sir Isaac Newton, he didn’t ‘invent’ or ‘create’ the Laws he is famous for, he simply observed & discovered them, brought it forward to the human attention & experience as it were. 

The ‘Laws’ themselves are beautiful, unchanging & infinite principles that just exist. However, the true magic of these laws is that although they don’t change, we can change, ebb & flow within them.

The ancient cultures way back when, were much more spiritually tuned & aware than we are today. The 12 Universal Laws can be traced back to the ancient Hawaiian culture & the Ho'oponopono meditation for freedom.

You see, they were ‘aware’ that there were ‘other forces’ at play & much more connected to their intuition, observant of the world & willing to consider beyond the realms of what they can immediately see.

I think it all links back to Law #1…the Divine Oneness.

People knew that these laws were ‘existing’’ & since we’re all connected, it flowed down the chain of connection so to speak.

A purple infographic that says: The 12 Universal Laws Explained - How to manifest magic in your life

Universal Law 1: The Law Of Divine Oneness

This one is SO beautiful my friends & I feel like it is #1 for a reason. 

Everything is energy. Everything you think, see, feel, hear & touch is energy. Even a solid object that looks ‘whole & solid’ isn’t. It’s energy vibrating.

You see, everything has its own vibration & energetic frequency, that’s why people use words like ‘alignment’ ‘high vibes’ when they talk about manifesting what they want. 

The best part about this law?

We are all connected in the divine oneness.

Every thought, feeling & action is connected to everyone & everything. No matter how near or far, we are all one. It’s the most divine & beautiful relationship.

So how can you use this to enhance your life?

I think the most helpful & tangible way to apply this particular universal law is to treat everyone & everything (including yourself) with kindness & compassion. 

Start by asking yourself these 2 very important questions:

How can I show myself more grace & compassion today?

How can I show this to others?

When we treat ourselves with love and kindness and show this to others, we send a signal to the universe that this is how we desire to be treated which can help us attract experiences that match that. 

Don’t judge yourself if you struggle with this at first! Remember, we’re introducing these 12 universal laws lovingly & gently. 

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 1 The Law Of Divine Oneness - We are all connected

Universal Law 2: The Law Of Energy & Vibration

As mentioned in Law # 1, everything (& I mean everything) vibrates at a certain frequency. 

Love, anger, hate, joy, peace ALL have their own frequency. Positive & negative thoughts too. 

Have you seen the diagram of the emotion vortex & the frequencies that each emotion operates on? 

I’m sure you can guess that the more ‘positive’ the emotion; joy, peace, love, the ‘higher’ the vibration. 

So, how can we match these vibrations? 

How can we actually use this in our real, everyday lives?

The first solution is pretty simple. 

Start right now, today, doing things that bring you joy, peace & love. 

They can be as little & ‘insignificant’ as possible; drinking coffee from your favorite mug, calling a loved one, sharing a funny meme with a friend. The list is endless.

Don’t get too caught up in making ‘drastic’ frequency changes immediately. Slowly surely, bit by bit is the way to raise your vibration steadily & in a sustainable way. 

Ask yourself:

What ways can you bring more positive feelings & experiences into your life?

Journal your responses down and leave yourself little post-it notes or reminders to take action on the things you feel guided towards. 

When we work on raising our vibrational frequency we will naturally attract more positive experiences into our lives. 

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 2 The Law Of Energy & Vibration - Everything is energy

Universal Law 3: The Law Of Action

Or as I like to call it; The Law of Inspired Action.

You see, there’s 2 types of ‘action’ someone can take & those are;

1. Forcing 

2. Allowing & following the FEELING

You can absolutely take the first option (there’s nothing wrong with that) & many people do. 


 It can quite easily lead you into energies of frustration - feeling like you’re pushing for things to happen, even feeling resentment & anger towards yourself, what you’re trying to do or others.

Which, if you remember universal law # 2 are not high vibrating emotional frequencies. 

You are actually going DOWN the emotional scale.

So what can you do instead?

You can follow ‘inspired action’ or as I like to call it, ‘soul-inspired action’ which is action guided by your intuition. 

What actions can I take today towards my goals that feel good?

What steps do I feel inspired to take today?

Whatever it is, honor it & embrace it, whether that’s taking a nap, doing some yoga as opposed to an intense workout or going for a nice walk. 

Listen to the inspiration, it rarely fails. 

Start selecting small actions that are aligned & in sync with your goals, no matter how small or big these may be. Listen to the ‘nudge’. 

There is a massive energetic difference between these 2 types of ‘action’. It’s a big shift to make, but once you do, there is no better feeling & no going back.

My coaching programs are based on the belief that when you are clear about what you want & you use your intuition to take soul-inspired action, your dreams can quickly materialize. You can learn more about this in my unique manifesting course The Surrender Approach.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 3 The Law Of Action - Manifestation requires inspired action

Universal Law 4: The Law Of Correspondence

I know you may be thinking…

“Correspondence…..isn’t that like writing a letter?”

Not quite.

But if you want to write a letter to the universe this can be a great way to attract more magic into your life (more on that another time!).

In this context, the official definition of ‘correspondence’ is:

‘a close similarity, connection, or equivalence’.

I like the word ‘equivalence’ for this particular law & here’s why:

The world is like a mirror, it reflects the internal into the external, therefore; the equivalent.

I know this one sounds a little ‘scary’ but I want you to think about it for a second…

Have you ever had a really bad day? 

You think about it & mull on it over & over & before you know it, more ‘bad’ things are happening. This is because what you’re feeling in the ‘inner world’ is being reflected out into the ‘external world’. 

How can you use this to your advantage?

I’m not going to tell you just to ‘think happy thoughts’ all the time, as that isn’t practical. 

But, what you can do is be observant without judgment; what’s going on in your current reality/world? 

What kind of day are you having?

Can you trace back what’s going on to maybe a thought or a feeling you had recently or at the beginning of the day?

Remember, no judgment, just observe & try & see how this can be altered & adjusted.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 4 The Law Of Correspondence - The world is a mirror

Universal Law 5: The Law Of Cause & Effect 

Since you’ve learned that we're all connected in the divine oneness, every cause has an effect & vice versa.

According to Newton’s Third Law, for every action force, there will be an equal and opposite reaction.

This law invites the idea that there is no ‘chance’ & everything is a deliberate result of this cause & effect. 

This is actually very empowering! This means that you can be in control of your daily life & can bring a great sense of peace knowing this law is in operation. 

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 5 The Law Of Cause & Effect - Every action has a consequence

Universal Law 6: The Law Of Compensation

This ties in nicely with law # 5 & it’s definitely a little bit of a ‘get what you give’ vibe.

 In order to receive blessings, positivity & ‘good things’ we have to give this out. If you’re wanting to attract more money & financial success into your life, do you think it will happen if you sit around worrying about money & gripping onto every penny you possess?

 Nope. Of course not. 

For example, by donating either a small amount, investing in yourself or your business, even the tiniest bit can really set the wheels into motion of getting back what you give. It’s similar to the idea of ‘Karma’.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 6 The Law Of Compensation - You get what you give

Universal Law 7: The Law Of Attraction

The big one that everybody knows.

“Why’s it so far down on the list?”

In order to understand & use the Law of Attraction, it is important to have read & (hopefully) understood the laws that came before it. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that The Law of Attraction is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to the 12 universal laws. 

The Law of Attraction simply put is the magnet of life. Putting out ‘positive’ thoughts, feelings & actions, will in turn ‘attract’ & magnetize these incredible things to us.

What you focus on, will be attracted to you. 

Focusing on lack will attract more of this & focusing your energy on all the ‘good’ things in your life & expressing gratitude, even if it’s a tiny thing, will work wonders. 

Check out my post about how you can give yourself an energetic upgrade in 4 simple steps.

It's like a giant signal to the universe; I’m feeling good & I’m ready & open for more.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 7 The Law Of Attraction - What you focus on you attract

Universal Law 8: The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy

Ok so, this one is a mouthful.  Let’s unpack it a bit, because it’s very empowering. 

Essentially, it is giving us the power to know that at any given moment, we can change & transform our lives. 

This may sound alien to you if you're really struggling, but did you know there’s a better, easier way? 

You have full permission to drop the struggle & hustle. 

This is exactly what I teach inside my unique program The Surrender Approach.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 8 The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy - You have the power to change your life

Universal Law 9: The Law Of Relativity

You may be familiar with the saying: “comparison is the thief of joy”.

I like to link the law of relativity to gratitude or I think that it can lead us down a path of unnecessary comparison.  We all have challenges, issues & problems. Life is not linear & it is a journey.

But there is SO much beauty to be found in it.

We cannot know the light without the darkness, the ups without the downs. 

We don’t need to compare ourselves or what we have to others, but a better way of looking at it is a perspective shift

I want to encourage you to think of this law as “I know where I’m heading & what I want, but what can I be grateful for right now?”

In reality, lot’s of things are ‘neutral’. It is the meaning that we assign it that can impact us the most.

Remember that ‘bad day’ I mentioned earlier? It would be easy to think & assign the meaning that your whole life is a disaster & is falling apart.

In reality, there might just need to be a few tweaks & adjustments. 

Taking a step back, focussing on things you’re grateful for (start small remember) can transform things at a rapid & surprising rate. 

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 9 The Law Of Relativity - Everything is relative

We’re almost at the end of learning about the 12 Universal Laws.

If you’ve made it this far, keep going!

Universal Law 10: The Law Of Polarity

This could be one of the hardest of the 12 Universal Laws to grasp…

How can we know light without experiencing darkness? 

In order to know joy, we must experience sadness. Growth can be incredibly painful, but necessary.

 The human experience is full of such a wide spectrum of emotions & experiences, which brings us the joy & the pain.

 How can we TRULY know cold without warmth?

 Sweet without sour? 

Everything has an opposite & it’s these opposites that can make the human experience so well rounded & embodied. 

We don’t need to fear ‘big’ emotions, we just need to stand still in the fact that they exist & they need to be somewhat experienced. 

Hold the hope that once you move through whatever it is at this current time, the opposite is lovingly waiting for you in due time.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 10 The Law Of Polarity - To know light we must know dark

Universal Law 11: The Law Of Rhythm

There are cycles & rhythms to everything in this world e.g. the life cycle, the reproduction cycle, the seasons.

We all have a ‘natural rhythm’. 

Have you heard of the Circadian rhythm? This is essentially the wake-sleep cycle. I know so many of us struggle with sleep, indicating that your ‘rhythm’ is off somehow. 

What’s your inner rhythm? 

I know this is a bit of an odd question to ask, but I would invite you to tune in & see where you may be feeling a little ‘off’.

Maybe you’re run down or just too wired? 

Have a listen & see what’s going on & lovingly ask yourself what do you ‘need’ to be in better sync?

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 11 The Law Of Rhythm - Everything has a cycle & rhythm

Universal Law 12: The Law Of Gender

You’ve made it…the end of the 12 Universal Laws!

Last, but by no means least, we have the masculine & feminine, the ying & yang. The ‘hustle & push’ vs ‘allowing & flow’. 

We should strive for balance in this law. 

Some thoughts for you…

Where do you feel like you’re ‘pushing’ too much?

How can you be more ‘allowing’ in aspects of your life?

It might be helpful to write a list of these areas, have a look & see if you can find a solution & strive for more balance in a graceful & self honoring way.

A purple infographic that reads: 12 Universal Laws Explained - Law # 12 The Law Of Divine Gender - Manifestation requires a balance of energies


Understanding the 12 universal laws can help you (not only) manifest more of what you want into your life but lead you to having a deeper sense of connection and purpose in this world. 

Remember, these laws are gentle guidelines & principles & not hard fast rules.

Use them to EMPOWER yourself because you absolutely deserve to live your best, most fulfilling life.

As always I hope you enjoyed this post…

I’d love to know, which laws resonate with you the most? 

Which aspects are you going to try & incorporate more of in your life?

Juliette xx

P.S If you’re looking for ways to take your manifesting to the next-level, I have a juicy offering for you with my Free Vision Board Masterclass. 

In this training I share how I used vision boards and manifestation to attract:

➤ My Dream Home (identical to my vision board),

➤ My Soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight),

➤ A Fully Booked Coaching Business for 7+ years (using organic marketing) and

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights 

You can register and watch it here

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