What Is Manifestation? 4 Steps To Attract Anything You Want!

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine using visualisation to supercharge her manifesting. She is wearing a white knit top and sitting next to a large quartz crystal.

What Is Manifestation?

“Manifestation is the process of using your thoughts, words, feelings and emotions to intentionally create something in your life that you desire.”

Or to put it another way…

Manifesting is harnessing the power of the universe to get what you want whether that’s; a new love interest, successful business, dream home or new pair of Jimmy Choos!

So, the question you should be asking yourself isn’t:

What is manifesting?

It’s: How do I manifest?

In my years working as a Manifestation Coach, helping countless others use the Law of Attraction to create the life of their dreams, I often find people get confused by all the different manifestation techniques.

So here is a simple run down of the manifesting process I use myself (and with my clients and students) that gets tremendous results time and time again!

What is Manifestation? 4 Steps To Manifest Anything You Want!


The first step in manifesting anything you want is to decide what it is you want and then focus your attention on that.

And the easiest and simplest way to do this is by creating a Powerful Vision Board. 


Because vision boards do 3 very important things;

They make you FOCUS.

They make you FEEL.

And they change your FREQUENCY.

And at the end of the day it’s the change in your FREQUENCY that is going to help you draw what you want into your life!

Now, it might sound simple enough to create a vision board by collecting some images of things you want and sticking them to a board, but this is actually the part where lots of people get stuck, and I’ll explain why…

Lots of manifesting teachers and resources say that you can ask the universe for ANYTHING you want when you’re creating your vision board, but here’s why I don’t always agree…

If you create a vision board that’s focused on desires that are too far outside your vibrational reach, you will end up doubting whether your manifestation will ever happen and this doubt will create a disruption in your vibration which will prevent what you want from showing up!

A great example of this would be creating a vision board with a million dollar mansion on it while you’re currently renting a 2 bedroom apartment.

Now, I’m not saying it's impossible to manifest the mansion, I’m just saying in most cases it's just too far vibrationally from where you are, which means it will be harder for you to attract.

This is why I always recommend to my clients and students to start small.

Create your vision board focused on manifesting things that are your next logical step and feel exciting yet believable.

So in the example above, this could be choosing to focus your attention on manifesting the deposit to buy your first home.

When you start your manifesting in this way, you will find that, not only do you attract things quicker, but you will start to STRENGTHEN your belief in the manifesting process and make it easier to go after those BIGGER desires!

Step 2. Become Your Vision

The second step to manifest anything you want is to become your vision.

Now, I know this might sound a little confusing, and you’re probably thinking... 

“How do I become a vision of a successful business owner, who just met her soulmate and snagged a pair of Jimmy Choos on sale?”

And the answer is (drum roll please)...

You don’t need to become the ‘things’ you want, you need to become the ‘energy’ of the things you want.

And this is because; in order for manifesting to work properly in your life you need to be able to MATCH the energetic frequency of your desires.

And the way I teach my clients and students to do this is by REVERSE ENGINEERING the manifestation process.

So in the example above you would start by asking yourself…

How will I FEEL when I manifest: my business, soulmate and pair of Jimmy Choos?

Perhaps the answer will be:


Once you have your answer, find ways to make yourself FEEL that way now, because when you do you will have ‘become the energy you want to attract’ which will start PULLING your desire towards you!

I recently manifested a new home doing this and it came out looking EXACTLY like the picture on my vision board!

An example of manifesting in action!

Step 3. Clear Your Manifesting Blocks

After you have successfully changed your frequency to match that of your desires, the third step to making them manifest is to clear your manifesting blocks.

And what I’m referring to here is transforming the thoughts and emotions that BLOCK your manifestations.

And the biggest culprits are fear, self-doubt and attachment.

Now let me explain why this is so important… 

If you want to manifest more clients for your business, but deep down you don’t feel worthy of success, or you are coming from a place of ‘NEED’ or attachment, it’s going to be really difficult to attract what you want because you will be sending CONTRADICTING signals out to the universe.

So it’s like on one hand you are saying to the universe:

“Please send me an abundance of clients!”

 But on the other hand your energy is saying:

“I don’t deserve to be wealthy and successful”.

This is why you need to do the ‘inner-work’ to make sure your thoughts and beliefs line up with what you want to create.

And the easiest way to do this is to find manifestation tools and techniques to help you: feel worthy of what you want, release your fears and let go of any attachment.

*If you are interested in learning my personal techniques for doing this, I cover this and more in my online manifestation course.

Because once you do this you will be able to move onto the step 4 - with ease and grace.


Once you have completed steps 1-3 you will find that, not only will you be a vibrational match to what you want, but your signal will be STRONG and STEADY.

And this is because;

✔︎ You won’t be focused on things outside your vibrational reach (which cause unnecessary doubt).

✔︎ You will have embodied the energetic frequency of what you want to attract (by feeling the way your desires will make you feel).

✔︎ And you won’t be filled with thoughts and emotions that block your manifesting like: fear, self-doubt and attachment.

And this is what I like to call -


Because then you will be in the perfect energy to SUPERCHARGE your manifesting abilities and attract your desires quicker by using tools like visualization, affirmations and focused meditation.

*While some manifesting resources recommend using these tools at any stage in the manifesting process I have found that if you haven’t done the previous work (in steps 1-3) they can hinder your ability to manifest and here’s why…

If you are trying to use an affirmation like: “I’m a million dollar coach”, but you haven’t addressed the self-worth aspect FIRST, you are going to feel like you’re lying to yourself and it won’t work.

This is why whenever I am working with a new client or student I always make sure that we do the ‘inner-work’ FIRST, because once you’ve addressed your fears, self-worth and attachment issues…

You will FEEL like a Million Dollar Coach!

And one who’s worthy of all the love, money, success and Jimmy Choo’s they desire!

And this means, whenever you repeat an affirmation like: “I’m a million dollar coach” or visualise yourself as that, it will simply HEIGHTEN how you ALREADY FEEL and therefore SUPERCHARGE your manifesting abilities helping you to attract what you want quicker.

Now who doesn’t want that?

And that’s it!

My simple 4 step process to manifest anything you want.

I hope that this post has answered the question: “What is Manifesting?”

If you’re interested in learning what types of things you can manifest I have included some recent successes from my clients and students below…

Juliette xx

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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