2 Simple Steps To Speed Up The Manifesting Process

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine relaxes on a white sofa, leaning her head in her hand and smiling. She wears a white long-sleeved top and black leather skirt.

Speeding up the Manifesting Process is a hot topic among my clients and for good reason - who doesn’t want to attract their desires more quickly?

If this is something you’re interested in, I’ve got good news for you.

Manifesting your desires more quickly doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can be done in just 2 simple steps.

How to speed up the manifesting process - in two simple steps



The first step that you need to take if you want to attract your desires more quickly is to acknowledge where your energy is out of balance.

And what I mean by that is; recognise where in your life your energy is being drained or where you feel most frustrated .

The reason this is such an important step is because, whenever we have a problem in our lives our first reaction is usually to try and manifest something new and ‘shiny’ to act as the solution .

Now, the issue with this is;

You can’t get to where you want to be, by running from where you are.

This is because, as vibrational beings we take our energy with us wherever we go. So in order to manifest something better for ourselves we actually need to clean up our vibration around our current problem.

A great example of this would be if you were working in a job that you hate, that is literally “sucking the life out of you” everyday.

Now you would think that the answer would be to manifest a better job or get started on your new business so you don’t HAVE to work there anymore.

But all this does is actually create a sense of NEED within you which then propels your desires away from you.

This is why you actually need to make peace with your situation FIRST, find appreciation for the experience, and then you will find that the circumstances in your life start to change to reflect that.

After you have found peace and appreciation you will have successfully cleaned up your vibration around the issue and be able to speed up your manifesting because you will no longer be coming from a place of NEED and your energy will be balanced.

Here’s an affirmation to help remind you of this process:

“The more my life is in balance, the quicker I manifest my desires.”



Once you have cleaned up your vibration and your energy is no longer out of balance, the second step is a little process I like to call:

Reverse engineering your desires.

If you’re thinking:

“What the hell is she talking about?”

Let me explain…

When we are trying to manifest something into our experience it’s always because we think we will feel better in the having of it.

And what we are actually doing is chasing a FEELING that we think our desire will give us.

This means, if we want to speed up the manifesting process and attract our desires more quickly, we need to find a way to FEEL the way we want to FEEL NOW.

For example, say you want to manifest money more quickly…

You need to ask yourself:

“What is the feeling that I am chasing?”

“What is it that the money will give me?”

A common answer to these questions would be FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE.

Once you have your answers you then need to ask yourself:

What can I do to FEEL - FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE NOW?

An idea for freedom might be:

Change your schedule to allow yourself to have more time off each week. Even if you had to reduce the number of clients you work with, the benefit would be the change in your energy to reflect this new sense of FREEDOM.

An idea for abundance might be:

Start slowly upgrading the items in your house so they make you FEEL ABUNDANT.

For example; buying the more luxurious brand of toilet paper, upgrading your bed linen, investing in some new clothes that make you feel wealthy and successful, always having an abundance of fresh flowers.

REMEMBER: These things might sound simple but as long as they are doing the trick to evoke that FEELING within you - the universe will respond by sending you more things of like vibration .

So there you have it - How to Speed up the Manifesting Process in 2 simple steps.

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Comment below and tell me what steps you are going to implement…

Juliette xx

If you are new around here and want a quick and easy way to bring yourself into vibrational alignment with your desires - grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual.

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