60 Of The Best Affirmations To Attract A New Job (Fast)
Affirmations can be a quick and easy tool to help you find and attract a job.
They can help you focus on what you want, bring you into vibrational alignment with your desire and even shift your negative beliefs.
This is why positive affirmations and manifesting work so well together.
Whether you desire to attract a new job, your ultimate dream job, a career change or just nail the interview process - positive affirmations can help you.
What’s going to get you the best results though, isn’t just finding any old job affirmation on Google and thinking it will work (sorry!).
It’s about choosing the right affirmation for you.
One that’s going to work specifically on your mindset blocks.
And once you have those perfect affirmations chosen, you are going to need a simple daily practice for repeating them so they actually work.
If this has got you excited then good, because in this guide I’m not just going to be sharing a list of affirmations for a job, I’ll be going deep into how to choose the best ones for you and how to use them as well.
Before I get into the details I first quickly want to explain affirmations are just one tool for attracting a dream job.
If you want results like these from my clients below then you should also read my guide on: How To Manifest Your Dream Job And Salary.
Quick Links:
Table of Contents
- How Affirmations Work
- How To Choose The Best Affirmations For Your Job And Career Goals
- 60 Of The Best Affirmations For Finding And Attracting A New Job
- Daily Routine For Repeating Job Affirmations
- The Best Manifestation Tools To Use With Your Affirmations
- How To Manifest Overnight (Fastest Manifesting Method)
- The Best Manifestation Quotes To Attract Love, Money, Success
How Affirmations Work
When you first begin looking for a new job or thinking about a career change, it can feel exciting and inspiring.
However, this “honeymoon phase” can quickly diminish as you realize:
➤ There are other people out there who are competing for the exact same role you are
➤ You may not have the right skill set for the type of position you desire
➤ The salary you want just isn’t feasible
These thoughts are just that - thoughts.
Yes there may be some “truth” to those statements but YOU as a powerful creator have the ability to SHIFT your perspective and anchor into another set of “truths”…
➤ That you are unique and brilliant
➤ You can land your dream job at the type of company you desire
➤ You have the ability to manifest a salary that matches the life you want to live
(If you want proof of this just have a read of the testimonials at the top of this page).
This is where positive affirmations can be so powerful.
Scientific studies have shown that repeating positive affirmations activates the reward centers in your brain and also helps to fire up neural pathways.
This can help you attract the type of job you want more easily by RETRAINING your mind to focus on what you want (rather than what you don’t want).
When looking at this through the lens of manifestation and the law of attraction, changing your thoughts, changes how you feel which alters your energy and vibration to become a vibrational match to your desires which then draws what you want towards you.
How To Choose The Best Affirmations For Your Job And Career Goals
I talk about this a lot in my guides on positive affirmations, but I’m going to repeat myself again here because it's true.
Not all affirmations are created equal.
Choosing a random affirmation from a list on Google without giving any thought to how it's affecting your energy and vibration *can* often mean that you are wasting your time.
Whenever you use affirmations (whether it's to attract a new job, manifest more money or call-in your soulmate) you always want to be choosing ones that are;
1. Related to what you most need help with.
2. Feel good and somewhat true to you when you repeat them.
Now let me expand on these points:
1. Choosing an affirmation based on what you most need help with
Saying an affirmation like: “My new job manifests easily and effortlessly” is great, but what if the thing that was blocking you from manifesting your dream role was lack of self-confidence and not feeling worthy of the type of position you want?
In this instance you can definitely use an affirmation like: “My new job manifests easily and effortlessly” (it won’t hurt), but if you REALLY want your affirmations to make a difference you want to be using ones that help you overcome and transform your mindset blocks.
So in the example above you could use something like:
“I have something special to offer a company that no one else has - my new job manifests easily and effortlessly”.
Then you really want to do the work to anchor into the belief that you have something special to offer. This will make you magnetic in a job interview!
Speaking of magnetic…
If you want to learn how to manifest and magnetize your desires with ease (including your dream job and salary!) using a vision board alongside your affirmations will revolutionize the process.
If you need help creating a powerful vision board that depicts these goals you can watch my Free Vision Board Training here.
2. Choosing an affirmation that feels good when you say it
The second factor to consider when choosing the best affirmations is to make sure they FEEL good when you say them.
Even though you are using affirmations to help you shift your mindset this doesn’t mean they should feel like a lie when you repeat them.
If they do, you won’t be transforming your energy and vibration in the right way to have them work.
For this reason, when you work your way down the list of new job affirmations try some of them on for size before you commit.
You’ll know you’re onto a winner if you find one that addresses what you most need help with and fills you with a sense of wonder and excitement when you repeat it.
Now for that list of affirmations…
*Please note I have included affirmations here that relate to a range of topics including: affirmations for dream job, affirmations for getting a job, affirmations for job interview, affirmations for salary and career change.
60 Of The Best Affirmations For Finding And Attracting A New Job
My new job is manifesting easily and effortlessly
There are an abundance of amazing jobs out there that would be perfect for me
It's easy for me to find a job I love
I am attracting the best and most suitable job
The universe is helping my new job to manifest with ease
I’m ready to attract my next level of career success
New doors are opening for me every day
I’m getting closer and closer to manifesting my dream job
I am so grateful for the role I am attracting
My new job propels me into my next level of success
I’m always attracting better and better jobs
The universe supports me in this career change
I’m amazing at interviews
I radiate self-confidence
I am recognised for my special skills and talents
Every day my energy aligns even more with my ideal job
I’m attract a job that aligns perfectly with my skill set
My new role exceeds my expectations
My new job fills me with passion and excitement
I’m a magnet to amazing career opportunities
I am rewarded abundantly for the work I do
I’m highly appreciated and respected in my new role
My new job brings me freedom, fun and financial abundance
Finding great work is easy for me
All of my past experiences have prepared me for this moment
I’m breaking through to my next level of career and financial success
I love the thrill of the unknown - I enjoy the process of finding my next big career change
I trust the perfect job is manifesting for me right now
The world if filled with fun, interesting and inspiring jobs
My new job feels deeply fulfilling and satisfying
I am richly rewarded for the work I do
I love being interviewed
My resume stands out in the crowd
Interviewers can feel my energy and want me to be part of the company
Job offers flow to me constantly
My new job is finding me
New job opportunities fall into my lap
Everyday new work opportunities present themselves to me
I am being divinely guided towards my perfect job
I’m an excellent employee
I exude confidence and calmness in any interview
My career goals are attainable
I am open to exciting new career opportunities
My talents, skills and expertise shine through the work I do
I’m an excellent employee and deserve and excellent job
I make a difference in other people lives with my work
My new boss loves me and appreciates my work
My work colleagues are fun and engaging
My new job helps me to grow
My next career move will be shown to me today
I release all negative thoughts and beliefs getting in the way of my dream job manifesting
I allow positive vibrations to fill my energy field
Money and other opportunities come to me unexpectedly while I sleep
I am an energetic match to my dream job and salary
I’m always attracting new work
I am successful in the work that I do
My career life is exciting and rewarding
My energy is contagious, people can’t help but want to work with me
My new work environment is beautiful and allows me to thrive
Everything about my new job makes me feel happy and fulfilled
Daily Routine For Repeating Job Affirmations
As I mentioned earlier in this guide for affirmations to be effective you need to be practicing them CONSISTENTLY.
Saying a positive affirmation here or there just won’t cut it from a mindset or energy perspective.
And this is where lots of people can get tripped up on their journey to landing the new job they desire.
They start off all motivated and inspired by their positive affirmations but don’t make it a habit to repeat them regularly therefore their old stories and mindset blocks take over,
This is where having a set daily routine comes into play.
When you have a clear structure in place for repeating your affirmations it's easier to make it a habit.
Here is a simple daily routine you can use to start reaping the beautiful benefits of positive affirmations…
Morning Process:
As soon as you wake up (or soon after you wake up) repeat your chosen affirmations 10 x times.
Say each affirmation slowly and really FEEL into what you are saying.
Close your eyes when you repeat them and imagine your desired reality as real.
Or, if you have a vision board that depicts your career goals, say them while you look at the images on your board.
The subconscious mind responds more powerfully when there is imagery with your thoughts!
*If you need help creating a vision board that will supercharge your goals click here to access my free vision board training.
Throughout The Day:
Rather than setting your alarm clock for the middle of the day to repeat your affirmations (which can be tricky to stick to) make sure you have your affirmations written down somewhere where you will see them and read them regularly instead.
This way you will be REMINDED of the positive thoughts throughout the day.
Some ideas where you can have your affirmations written are: on your phone, next to your computer, bathroom mirror, car visor, shower screen, meditation space, vision board.
Evening Process:
Just before you fall asleep at night and you are entering that ‘sleepy phase’ repeat your affirmations again 10 x times.
*The period just before falling asleep is a very powerful time for manifesting and affecting the subconscious mind.
Neville Goddard (who is like the OG of the Law Of Assumption how to practice manifesting) refers to this as STATS; State akin to sleep.
This is when our conscious mind can rest its judgments and interference and in turn, our subconscious mind can be gently ‘suggested’ things.
When you're in that world, the ‘border’ between sleep and awakeness, is when this window of time can be used. This is when we can use affirmations and visualization for creating our desired reality.
The Best Manifestation Tools To Use With Your Affirmations
No matter what you are using your affirmation for, whether it's around landing that new job with ease, making a career leap or nailing the interview process.
One thing remains the same and that is:
Affirmations will always be more powerful when used in conjunction with other manifesting tools.
This is because, to SHIFT your vibration to the place that is needed to attract what you want other tools like visualization are necessary.
If you are looking for some extra techniques to go alongside your affirmations here are a couple of free resources I have for you:
1. Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual here.
This ritual takes you through a powerful scripting exercise where you get to imagine yourself living as if your desires are real. This helps you to get those creative and visualization juices flowing!
2. Watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass where I take you through the exact vision board process I used to manifest:
➤ Free round the world business class flights
➤ My soulmate (we have been together for over 14 years!)
➤ A fully booked coaching business for 7+ years (using organic marketing)
➤ Even weight loss and pregnancy!
As always I hope you enjoyed this guide to choosing the perfect affirmations for your new job.
Juliette xx