How To Manifest Overnight (Fastest Manifesting Method)
Ever wondered how to manifest something overnight?
Or, what to do when you want to manifest something fast?
In this guide I’ll be covering the best manifesting methods to use when you want to attract something quickly - in a matter of days, weeks or even overnight.
But first, here’s a little social proof so you know you’re in the right place..
One of my manifesting students recently manifested a TikTok video going viral and reaching 1 Million views - OVERNIGHT.
Read her post from our private Facebook Group below…
Another student manifested a prestigious speaking gig moments after she created her vision board and downloaded it…
Another manifested $43k after attending my free vision board masterclass .
And recently I manifested 3 high profile media appearances within the space of 10 days - Women’s Health Magazine, Yoga Journal and Women’s Health Magazine again.
*Please note all the interviews manifested themselves within 10 days using the methods described below, the articles were then published over 3.5 weeks.
These are just a few examples of fast manifesting in action; you can read even more here.
Hopefully by reviewing these different stories you can see it is possible to speed up the manifestation process and now you’re excited (and ready) to learn more about how you can manifest this quickly yourself.
So let’s dive in!
How To Manifest Overnight (Fastest Manifesting Method)
Before I dive into each of manifesting methods I want to first bring your attention to something VERY important.
And that is…
There’s actually 2 aspects to consider when you want to attract something quickly.
➤ Firstly, the energy YOU ARE IN when you’re manifesting.
➤ And secondly, the TECHNIQUE you choose to use.
Now let me explain what I mean by this…
Although there are amazing methods out there that are definitely superior when it comes to ultra fast manifesting, what a lot of people fail to realize is that;
*Most of the time*
It's actually THE ENERGY YOU’RE IN while you’re manifesting that’s helping you to get the quick results rather than just the specific technique you apply.
Yes, you read that correctly: Your energy is just as important as the technique or method you choose to use.
I know this can be a bit of a hard pill to swallow because there’s an abundance of people on TikTok claiming to manifest things at lightening speed but…
For every 100,000 people who say they manifested something quickly or overnight, I guarantee there's millions more who used that exact same technique but didn’t get any results.
Because they weren’t in the right energy to begin with.
You see, when it comes to manifesting something overnight or in a short time period you need to make sure your energy is right from the very beginning.
And what I mean by that is, you want to be vibrating at a high frequency where there is little to no attachment around your desired outcome.
It’s different to manifesting something in a longer container where you’re actively using techniques on a daily basis to shift your energy.
For example:
If you want to manifest your soulmate in the next 3-6 months you can actively be doing things on a daily basis to remove any resistance you may have around this desire i.e. practicing positive affirmations to reduce self-doubt around finding “the one”.
On the flip side, if you want to COLLAPSE that time and manifest your love in the next 24 hours you need to make sure.
You are ALREADY in that clean vibrational state with little to no resistance around what you want.
You will know you’re in that right energy because it will feel like a fun, free flowing, high vibrational state with little to no attachment to your desired outcome.
Inside my manifesting course The Surrender Approach I actually have a name for this - I call it The Manifesting Sweet Spot.
Being in this state and this energy is going to be one of the biggest contributing factors to your manifestation actually occurring in a fast manner.
And if you look at the testimonial stories I shared earlier in this guide you’ll notice that no one mentions a magic pill type manifestation method.
All of the desires showed up quickly with little to no regard for the specific technique - why?
Because they were all in the same right energy to begin with.
So now we’ve established that it's not just about the technique but also about YOUR energy let’s discuss how you get into that correct frequency.
Getting Into The Correct Frequency
Notice how the examples above all mention vision boards?
This is because (when created correctly) a vision board can be a great tool to help get you into the right energy and vibration.
In essence it will allow you to:
✔️ Focus on what you want
✔️ Feel your desired reality as real
✔️ Change your frequency
And it does so in a way that feels EFFORTLESS.
You see, regardless of what it is you want to manifest and in what timeframe, having your desires represented on a physical or digital vision board means you’ll be able to look at it often throughout the day and have it work on your subconscious without you actually having to “do” anything.
This will help to PRIME you, and get you into that right frequency, before you start using those fast-acting manifestation techniques (which means you’ll end up getting better results!).
Inside my Free Vision Board Masterclass I teach you exactly how to create a vision board that will get into the correct vibrational frequency for manifesting. You can check it out here.
And yes, this is the Free Vision Board masterclass that this beautiful soul mentioned above watched and then manifested $43K!
That’s how good the material I share in this training is!
Now you have a process and tool you can use to start getting you into that right energy, let's talk about the techniques that allow for ultra fast manifesting or manifesting overnight.
The Best Techniques For Quick Manifesting & Manifesting Overnight
1. Layering Technique - Easy & Fast Manifesting
The first method I want to discuss is using a layering technique.
A layering technique basically means that you LAYER in 2-3 manifesting methods at once.
The reason why this works so well (and in my opinion is better than using one technique alone) is that it allows you to work on multiple levels of your energy simultaneously.
Here’s what this could look like…
1. Create a vision board that depicts a wider view of all your manifestations and desires so you’re getting into that right energy and priming your subconscious (like I mentioned above) you can use my Free Vision Board Masterclass for this.
2. Practice visualizing what you want by looking at your vision board multiple times per day, closing your eyes and feeling into that reality.
3. Reprogram your subconscious just before you drift off to sleep by repeating affirmations that relate to your desire manifesting in the time frame you want or overnight.
When I recently manifested the 3 media appearances overnight I:
✔️ Made sure that being featured in the media was on my vision board
✔️ Practiced looking at that desire on my board multiple times a day
and feeling it as real
✔️ Repeated the following affirmation just before drifting off to sleep:
“I attract new and exciting business opportunities while I sleep”
In a 10 day period I woke up to 3 x different interview requests (manifesting overnight) and all the articles were published within 3.5 weeks.
2. Concentrated Technique - Quick Results
The second technique I want to share is a concentrated technique which basically means you use one method but you go hard on it.
An example of this would be using something like the 369 manifestation method.
If you’re not familiar with 369 manifesting the process involves writing down your desires in present tense 3 x in the morning, 6 x times in the afternoon and 9 x at night for a period of 21 days.
The plus side of using a concentrated technique is that it's easier because you’re just doing the one thing, the downside is that YOUR energy is even more important because you’re just relying on the one method to work for you.
For this reason I recommend using methods like 369 around desires that you have little to no attachment to.
For example:
If you have a successful business and you want to manifest an extra client and you’re ALREADY in that fun, free flowing, high vibrational state with little to no attachment to your desired outcome this technique can work wonders for you!
Because you’re in that right energy to begin with, this type of method can give you quick results.
3. Pillow Method - Manifest Overnight By Writing it Down
Lastly, I want to mention the pillow method.
If you haven’t heard of The Pillow Manifestation Method, it's a technique you can use to help reprogram your subconscious mind while you sleep to manifest things overnight by writing them down.
In its simplest form, you write out an affirmation (or description) of what you want to attract, place it inside your pillow case and think about it at night as you drift off to sleep.
Whenever I am using the pillow method I like to take things one step further and actually ANCHOR into some specific intentions around how my manifestation will make me feel.
Here’s an example:
Say I wanted to manifest some money overnight I would write out an affirmation to represent that desire which could be:
“Money comes to me in unexpected ways while I sleep”.
I would then come up with 3 words to represent how that manifestation would make me feel after it happened - ie GRATEFUL, POWERFUL and MAGNETIC.
I would then use these 3 words as little ANCHORS when I’m practicing the pillow method.
Specifically I would start the process by placing my hand over my heart and saying:
Then, I would practice feeling into the truth of each of those words and allowing that energy to emanate from within me.
*Doing this means I am feeling the feelings my desire will bring me before it shows up.
Once I felt like I had solidified that energy, I would repeat my chosen affirmation of what I wanted to attract while I slept.
“Money comes to me in unexpected ways while I sleep”.
To take things further I could IMAGINE money in my bank account, waking up to sale notifications, client applications and money flowing to me effortlessly.
In closing…
As much as it can be tempting to want to follow the latest TikTok trend to manifest something quickly or overnight, it's important to remember that:
The energy you’re in when you’re manifesting, is just as important as the specific technique you choose to use!
To get FASTER results with your manifesting use a tool like a vision board to help you access that right frequency to begin with.
Then, you can pick and choose what techniques you want to use on top and that’s when you’ll find that your results are much more CONSISTENT.
If you want help creating a vision board that helps you get into that perfect energy for manifesting, make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.
In this training not only do I give you my ultimate vision board secrets but I also cover how I successfully used vision boards to help me manifest:
➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights
➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I placed on my vision board *images included)
➤ My soulmate after being single for 5 years straight
➤ Plus, A Fully Booked Coaching Business (without spending any money on FB Ads or Marketing - 6 years running!)
As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
What technique will you try next?
Juliette xx