8 Powerful Crystals To Attract Your Soulmate And Life Partner
Crystals can be a wonderful aid to assist you in manifesting certain things into your life.
Not only are they pretty to look at but they can actually help you alter your vibrational frequency and become a better match to your desires.
While it's not uncommon to think about using crystals to manifest love, there is an opportunity to go DEEPER with this type of manifestation and use crystals to attract your soulmate.
Yes, that’s right, there are specific crystals to help you attract your soulmate!
In this guide I’m going to be covering everything you need to know about choosing the perfect gemstones to attract your soulmate including how to use them for best results.
Table of Contents
- Yes, that’s right, there are specific crystals to help you attract your soulmate!
- 1. Rhodonite - Healing & Magnetizing
- 2. Green Jade - Luck Finding “The One”
- 3. Twin Crystal - Soulmate Quartz
- 4. Emerald - Love & Commitment
- 5. Rutilated Quartz - Illumination
- 6. Amazonite - Calm & Confident
- 7. Ruby - Magnetic To Love
- 8. Clear Quartz - Clarity
- Tips For Deciding Which Crystal To Use
- How To Use Your Crystals To Attract Your Soulmate
- Expert Tips For Best Results
- 21 Things You Need To Manifest - According To An Expert
- How To Manifest Overnight (Fastest Manifesting Method)
1. Rhodonite - Healing & Magnetizing
The moment you come in contact with Rhodonite it's easy to see why this is such a special stone.
The pink and rose like colors that vary in darkness speak to its varying magical properties.
On one hand Rhodonite is a wonderful healing crystal that can be used to recenter yourself after experiencing heartbreak, release feelings of anger and resentment and give yourself the love you need.
*All of which are necessary for you to be able to attract your soulmate.
And on the other hand this crystal also possesses traits which help to open the heart chakra, ignite passion and make the aura more magnetic.
For this reason it's a great choice for attracting deep lasting love as it works on a healing level as well as a magnetizing one.
2. Green Jade - Luck Finding “The One”
Green Jade is one of my favorite stones for increasing luck in your life.
Now, I know this might sound like a strange thing for me to say as a Manifestation Coach - because who needs “luck” when you’re the creator of your own reality - but here’s why I love it…
If you feel like you’ve been particularly “unlucky” in love, this beautiful stone can help you SHIFT those negative thoughts and feelings (which aren’t conducive to manifesting what you want) and propel you into a new “higher” state of being.
Using Green Jade as part of your manifesting practice places you in a more open and optimistic state which allows for more positive experiences to occur.
It's also said that the harmonizing energy of Green Jade is perfect for attracting a partner who has similar values and is complimentary to you - aka a true soulmate.
3. Twin Crystal - Soulmate Quartz
Did you know there’s actually a crystal out there that’s referred to as Soulmate Quartz?
Well there is, and the moment you see it you can’t help but think of 2 souls intertwined.
As the name suggests Twin Crystals are 2 crystals that are joined together at the base with no boundary between them.
It's one of the best crystals to attract your soulmate and also manifest a joyous, open, loving and harmonious relationship with that person for years to come.
Soulmate Quartz helps bring people together to achieve a common goal and create a successful lasting partnership.
4. Emerald - Love & Commitment
Emerald - also known as “the crystal of love and commitment “ is another great choice for attracting a soulmate.
Not only is it a wonderful manifestation stone that helps you to focus on what you desire and make it a reality, but it’s one of the best for making sure you attract a committed relationship.
One of the reasons it gets my tick of approval is because it helps you to love and accept yourself for who you are while also connecting to universal love.
It's a great choice for deepening self-love and reducing neediness in relationships which is a must for attracting and maintaining a healthy and successful relationship with your soulmate.
5. Rutilated Quartz - Illumination
Manifesting your true soul partner and the type of relationship you desire requires you to work on yourself and heal any recurring patterns.
Rutilated Quartz is a wonderful stone for illuminating the cause of problems and facilitating change.
Known as a crystal for spiritual growth that can cleanse and energize the aura it will help you to become an energetic match to your soul partner so they manifest more quickly and easily.
Rutilated Quartz can also be used to help reprogram the subconscious mind and release limiting thoughts that may be preventing true love from manifesting.
6. Amazonite - Calm & Confident
When thinking about The Law Of Attraction and what makes it work, we need to be a vibrational match to what we want in order for it to manifest.
This means, in order to successfully attract a soulmate, it's incredibly important to soothe any feelings of doubt, fear, or insecurity you may have around your manifestation.
Amazonite is perfect for this.
Known as the stone of hope, faith and trust, it calms the nervous system releasing worry and helping you become more calm and confident.
7. Ruby - Magnetic To Love
Rhodonite isn’t the only stone that can make you more magnetic to love and attract a partner, there’s another crystal that’s known for this and that is - Ruby.
Worn by Kings and Queens and often called “The King Of The Precious Stones” Ruby not only grounds and balances your root chakra increasing energy throughout the body but promotes pleasure too!
In fact, it's one of the ultimate “aphrodisiac” stones encouraging passion, confidence, energy and vitality.
It can literally help to light up your aura!
When I was single I decided to purchase a Ruby necklace to help me manifest love because my intuition guided me to.
Interestingly, I noticed that whenever I would wear the necklace, my attractiveness increased.
For example: I would be out with some girlfriends and get approached by lots of potential suitors.
It was like my aura changed when I wore it!
And the best part of the story?
Months after I manifested my soulmate I was going to a friend's bbq and as I was running for the taxi the Ruby fell off my neck and I lost it.
The moment this happened I knew it was because I no longer needed it.
8. Clear Quartz - Clarity
The last crystal I want to mention that is wonderful to aid in the process of finding your soulmate and life partner is Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz has a myriad of benefits including being a great healing stone, wonderful for manifestation and also having the ability to AMPLIFY the power of other crystals around it.
But, that’s not the only reason why I’ve mentioned it here…
One of the things I personally love about this stone is the fact that it can help you cut through the noise of confusion, clear your mind and purify the physical and energetic bodies.
Not only is this great for increasing focus when you're trying to manifest something but it will also allow you to make CLEARER decisions when dating i.e. it will help you recognise your soulmate when they show up.
Tips For Deciding Which Crystal To Use
When we first start using crystals in our manifesting practice it can be easy to feel like we need them ALL.
I was certainly guilty of this!
But the truth is, it can actually be more POWERFUL to start out with fewer crystals and go DEEPER with each one as opposed to having too many and using them sparingly.
For this reason, think of your crystals like new friends you want to get to know better.
The more you connect with their energy, and become familiar with them, the easier it will be to work with them!
When it comes to making the final decision around what crystal is going to work best for you to attract your soulmate, use your intuition to guide you.
Think about the following points:
➤ Where do you feel you are stuck or blocked when it comes to manifesting love and which crystal can help with that specifically?
i.e. are you prone to feelings of self-doubt? Amazonite would be a great choice for you then!
➤ What are you naturally drawn to or curious about?
➤ Have you been receiving signs from the universe around what you might need right now? i.e. Do you keep seeing Ruby everywhere?
How To Use Your Crystals To Attract Your Soulmate
Once you have successfully chosen your crystals it's important you cleanse and charge them.
*You can read my post on how to quickly cleanse and charge your crystals here.
Once you’ve followed the steps above here are some simple ways you can begin using your crystals.
1. Carry or wear them
One of the most important things about getting crystals to work effectively is actually having them close to you, this way they will be able to work their magic on your field
I will often place the crystals I'm currently working with in my wallet, handbag, or even the pocket of my jeans.
Crystals also make beautiful jewellery pieces. Rings, bracelets, necklaces are all great ways to keep them nice and close to you while getting maximum benefits!
If ever I am buying crystal jewellery I will always choose a stone that I feel really intuitively drawn to, one that I know I want to be in very close proximity to on a regular basis.
2. Meditate with them
Every crystal has a particular chakra (or chakras) that it’s associated with which they naturally help to open, cleanse and balance.
Placing your chosen crystals on or near that chakra while you meditate is a great way to aid the process.
When thinking about using your crystals to attract your soulmate you may want to place your crystal on your heart chakra (for heart healing and opening) or even your third eye chakra to receive intuitive guidance and information about who your soulmate is.
3. Decorate your home or office
Even though crystals work best when they are in close proximity to you, that doesn’t mean you have to carry or wear all of them.
Having some specific crystals that you can place in your home or office will also work to help change the energy of the space and transform your energy when you’re around them.
In order to determine the best places to put your crystals, think about their unique properties and vibration as well as what you want to attract.
For example: a stone like Rose Quartz to attract love is a great addition for your bedroom.
Expert Tips For Best Results
My final recommendation is to make sure you are actively using crystals them as part of your manifesting practice.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to use your chosen crystals alongside a vision board.
Here’s why this works so well…
Your vision board provides a visual representation of what you are trying to cultivate and manifest.
It helps you to ANCHOR into your desired state of being (just think of that version of you that's deeply happy and fulfilled in your ultimate relationship with your soulmate!).
Your crystals can actually help to AMPLIFY that energy and vibration of what you’ve placed on your board.
So using both of these things together helps you to manifest!
I personally like to hold my crystals while staring at my vision board and allow myself to fill up with all the feelings and emotions that this new version of me already feels.
Confident, fulfilled,happy, bursting with love (just to give you a few examples).
I then sit quietly in this space for a few moments to EMBODY that energy, knowing that as I do I am helping my desires to manifest by “becoming the energy I want to attract”.
*If you want help creating a vision board that will allow your desires to manifest with ease and speed you can sign up for my Free Vision Board Training here.
*In this training I cover how I used vision boards to manifest:
➤ My Soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight),
➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights,
➤ My Dream Home (identical to the picture on my vision board) and
➤ A Fully Booked Coaching Business (without spending any money on FB Ads or marketing!)
As always I hope you enjoyed this post!
Juliette xx