21 Things You Need To Manifest - According To An Expert

Manifesting Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine sits in a minimalist, white room near a white sofa. She is smiling and leaning on one arm. There is a sage and a larger feather on the floor in front of her.

Looking for new and exciting ideas for things to manifest?

You’ve come to the right place!

As a manifestation coach I often find myself sharing manifestation stories that surprise my clients and students.

Here are some fun examples:

➤ Free Round The World Biz Class Flights

➤ Media Appearances in publications like Women’s Health, Yoga Journal, Sunday Life magazine.

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I placed on my vision board)

➤ A 6 Month Move To Bali (all expenses paid!)

Over $4k In Free Items In Just 7 Days

I even manifested my skin turning more tanned after taking a specific supplement.

Then, there are the more sentimental desires like my soulmate, deeply aligned friendships and both my pregnancies.

With every new thing I manifest I love to share the in’s and outs of how I did it in the hopes it will INSPIRE more people to do the same!

I have created this to be an ultimate guide and list of the best things to manifest that you can refer to whenever you need some added inspiration on what to place on your next vision board. You can even get a head start on creating your 2025 vision board!

I’ve included real life examples of things I have manifested in my own life as well as incredible manifestations attracted by my clients and students. 

I hope reading these stories sparks some extra creative ideas within you!

Quick Links:

21 Things To Manifest - Ideas And Examples

1. Money

Money might seem like an obvious choice to focus on manifesting but there are lots of ways you can go DEEPER with this manifestation and “play with the universe”.

One of the things I love to encourage my clients and students to do is to try and attract things that they are unattached to, for example “Free Items”.

This is a fun way to invite more abundance into your life that extends further than just asking for a specific amount of money to pay off your debt or hitting a new income level. Doing this just gives you another way to attract money.

Check out these fun examples of “Free Things” my students have manifested.

2. Your Dream Career

There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a career that doesn’t light you up but the good news is that YOU have the power to change that.

Not only is it possible to manifest a new career but you can extend this further to manifesting your ultimate dream job (and salary).

Yes, that’s right, you don’t have to settle for a job (or pay check) that doesn’t excite you.

Just check out these stories from my manifesting students below:

A purple infographic containing screenshot testimonials from people about how they manifested their dream job and salary

If this is something your soul is calling you to attract, I encourage you to think about the different elements you can include in this manifestation to make it more powerful.

For example:

➤ What type of work would make you happy?

➤ What environment do you want to work in? Is it a bustling office or working remotely from home?

➤ What type of salary would feel like a step up for you and like you’re truly appreciated?

➤ Who do you want to work with? You are a combination of the people you spend the most time with!

These are just a few ideas to get you started and thinking outside the box. 


You can also read my full guide (and 6 step formula) on how to manifest your dream job and salary.

3. Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

If reading the paragraph above about manifesting your dream job feels triggering because you’re not exactly sure what your purpose is, or what you truly want to do, please know that you can relax.

Lots of people don’t realize this but you can actually use manifestation to HELP you get clear on your life’s purpose. 

Before I became a manifestation coach I had a product development business for 10 years where I felt completely disconnected from myself and made little to no money despite working my butt off.

When I decided to let that business go I went through a period of feeling lost and confused about what I was meant to be doing and in the end it was MANIFESTATION that allowed me to get clear and discover my purpose. 

You can learn more about how to use manifestation to discover your purpose on the blog.

4. Business Success

Already have your own business and know what your purpose is?


It's time for you to think about manifesting business success in all its forms.

Here are some juicy ideas for you (and things I have personally manifested in my business) that have been life-changing.

Support -

I’ve manifested lots of support people in my business over the years that have made life so much easier for me.

Specifically I’ve attracted: amazing branding photographers, website help, soulmate VA’s, graphic designers and the right mentors at the right time. 

Being intentional about the people I’m working with and calling into my business has saved me an incredible amount of time and money while helping me to reach my next level of success.

Financial Milestones -

I tend to take an intuitive approach when it comes to my financial goals. So rather than choosing a number because I think it sounds good (or my ego likes it) I spend time really feeling into what number already feels in ALIGNMENT with me. 

Manifesting in this way has meant that I continuously reach my financial goals in a way that felt ‘easier’ and less pushed or forced. 

Community -

One thing I have always focused on in business is choosing to think about what I can give vs what I can get. 

This doesn’t mean I’m not up for overflowing abundance, it's simply a different way of asking the universe for what you want.

For example: 

Rather than trying to manifest more clients or followers for my business (what I can get) I would focus on manifesting clients who get INCREDIBLE results from working with me, or followers that truly need the information I have to share and would benefit greatly from my work. 

Feel the energy shift here?

5. Media Appearances

Media appearances might not be the most common thing that comes to mind when considering good things to manifest but it can definitely be done and is very helpful in up-leveling your career and business success.

I frequently have media outlets featured on my vision boards and will write about being published in certain magazines which has yielded me great results.

To date I have manifested appearances in over 20+ publications without hiring a PR agent.

I even went as far as cutting my head out and sticking it to someone’s body who was being interviewed on national TV.

6 months later I was featured on that very same TV program.

6. Social Media Growth 

Want to experience rapid growth with your social media following?

You’d be correct in thinking that this is something that can be manifested too.

Just check out these stories from my students below:

Jana hit 45k followers on instagram in 4 weeks and Alina manifested 10k Youtube subscribers and a TikTok going viral reaching 1 million views!

A purple infographic containing 3 x examples of social media growth being manifested

*All of these manifestations were ideas featured on their vision boards first. If you want to learn how to create a vision board that gets you rapid results like this you can watch my Free Vision Board Training here.

7. Health Transformations 

Do you know the universe responds to your vibration as a whole? 

So if you have something going on with your health that’s bothering you that energy can trickle into other areas and affect your manifesting?

This can be an empowering thing to learn.

Whenever I am working on a new vision board and thinking about my next list of things to manifest I will ALWAYS include health in some way or another.

This could look like; getting more restful sleep, eating more vegetables, exercise, green juices or simply experiencing more energy and vitality. 

I know that when I up-level my health I up-level my manifesting.

8. Weight Loss 

Even though I have always had a small and slender frame there was a time in my life where I carried more weight, would use food to numb myself and wasn’t happy with my appearance.

A picture of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine showing a before and after picture for manifesting weight loss

Part of my “problem” was that I was so intently focused on the problem I was experiencing that I couldn’t find a solution and get out of the rut I was in. 

Manifestation changed all this for me!

It allowed me to make changes to my health that were guided by my intuition and resulted in the weight loss I wanted in a way that felt easy and aligned rather than depriving myself. 

Using manifestation for weight loss - from a place of love - has been an incredible tool for my clients and students as well. You can read some of their stories below.

Brandy manifested a 120 pound weight loss.

A purple screenshot of a testimonial from Brandy who successfully manifested a 120 pound weight loss

Seli manifested getting in the best shape of her life and the body from her vision board.

A purple testimonial screenshot from Seli who manifested getting into the best shape of her life and the body from her vision board

Serena manifested her dream figure in her 40’s.

A purple screenshot testimonial from Serena who manifested her dream figure in her 40's

*If manifesting weight loss is a topic that interests you, read my full guide to manifesting weight loss.

9. Changes To Your Physical Appearance 

This manifestation idea isn’t to prompt you into thinking about what you don’t like about yourself, rather it's about intentionally focusing on little transformations that will increase your self-confidence and make you feel AMAZING!

Because when you look and feel amazing you will naturally attract more positive and aligned experiences to you!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

➤ New hair style

➤ Teeth whitening

➤ Glowing clear skin

➤ Strong healthy nails

➤ A toned physique 

10. Your Soulmate Or Life Partner 

There comes a point in your life where you just know you’re ready for that special person to come in. 

It's a feeling that you get deep within where you desire more than what your current love life is bringing you.

I know because this was me before I manifested my husband and soulmate.

And what I know now is that when you start feeling like this…

It is the moment to start thinking about calling in “the one”. 

Feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled in your love life is an indication that your soul is trying EXPAND and create new experiences in this area.

Learn more about how to manifest your soulmate (and how I found mine after being single for 5 years straight) on the blog.

11. New Friendships 

Something interesting happens when you’re walking a spiritual path and that is… 

Your relationships inevitably start to change.

This isn’t a bad thing, rather it’s a reflection of your new vibration and the fact that some of the people in your life might not be an energetic match to you anymore.

When I was 25 I had a falling out with one of my best friends which led to me being excluded from our entire group of friends.

As painful as this was at the time, the truth is, I had changed and we weren’t really in sync anymore anyway.  

This event was the universe's way of clearing out what wasn’t working. 

From this moment on I started manifesting new friends and specifically asking for people who value what I value like spirituality and business. 

Read more about manifesting aligned friendships.

12. Your Ideal Pregnancy & Birth Experience 

Manifestation isn’t just limited to career success, health and love, it can also be used to help you conceive a baby, manifest a healthy pregnancy, the type of birth you desire and even other details like breastfeeding!

Yes, that’s right you can use it to help you manifest an ‘easy’ breastfeeding experience (which I highly recommend!).

I used manifestation on my own journey to conceive twice, (both with healthy pregnancies) and have helped numerous clients and students manifest their own pregnancies (even when they were told it would be difficult or had been trying for long periods).

Learn more about how to manifest a baby.

A picture of 3 testimonials for manifesting pregnancy and a baby

13. The Wedding & Honeymoon Of Your Dreams

With everything that’s been going on in the world the last couple of years travel restrictions have made it difficult for lots of people to experience the type of wedding and honeymoon they desire.

If this is something you feel you missed out on, or you’re simply reaching the stage now where you’d like to manifest your dream wedding and honeymoon - this can absolutely be done - and is a great thing to focus on attracting!

Below you can read Antonia's story of how she ended up manifesting her dream wedding after having to postpone it twice due to Covid.

A purple screenshot of a testimonial story from Antonia who ended up manifesting her dream wedding and honeymoon after having to postpone twice due to covid.

14. Travel 

Traveling can soothe the soul on so many levels. Whether you’re traveling for purposes of relaxing, rejuvenating, exploring or learning, there’s something about being in a new environment that’s so refreshing!

When it comes to being able to manifest travel there are lots of different ways you can approach it.

Think about :

➤ The location/s you want to visit 

➤ The type of experiences you want to have

➤ People you may want to travel with or visit

➤ The accommodation you want to stay in

These are all individual elements that can be attracted. 

One of my favorite things to do when manifesting travel (and something I love teaching my students) is getting into the habit of asking the universe for free upgrades! 

This has proven to be a really fun exercise!

My husband and I ended up manifesting Free Round The World Business Class Flights for our honeymoon and you can read the full story of how we did that here.

So many of my students have had their own luxury upgrades too!

A purple screenshot containing 3 testimonial stories of people manifesting free holiday uprgades

15. Your Dream Home 

Manifesting a new home is a big ticket item for many and believe it or not, having a home that you LOVE actually helps you to manifest in other areas of your life.

When we feel happy and at peace in our environment this energy emanates from us and sends a signal out to the universe to attract things of a similar vibration. 

One trick you can use to help manifest a new home is to tap into the core desired feelings that it will give you. 

For example:

Luxurious, Expansive and Abundant

This is one of the processes I used to manifest our dream home and it ended up looking identical to what I had placed on my vision board (see pic below). 

Read more about manifesting a home you desire.

A picture of a new home that was manifested as a great example of something good to manifest

16. A New Car

Similar to manifesting a new home, being able to drive around in a car that makes you feel INCREDIBLE can do wonders for your energy and vibration.

When my husband and I manifested our Range Rover recently we decided that we didn’t want to buy one brand new (depreciating asset) we would rather ask the universe for a second hand car that was in “mint condition”.

Not only did we end up manifesting the exact type of Range Rover we wanted (for the price we wanted to pay!) but it was a huge boost for us energetically. 

Having a luxury car had been on both our vision boards for quite some time and once we aligned with that manifestation we actually found that both our incomes increased.

We felt more abundant so the universe brought us more abundance!

If this is something that you want to add to your next vision board just remember you can manifest this on YOUR terms! 

Think about what type of car would make you FEEL amazing.

A picture of a new range rover being manifested after it was placed on a vision board

17. The Sale Of A House Or Car

Manifesting the perfect buyer for your house or car is something that a lot of people don’t realize you can do.

But let me tell you, this manifestation can make ALL the difference and sometimes it’s necessary to being able to manifest the new home or car you desire. 

Some tips for you to manifest the perfect buyer - write a manifestation list for them and be sure to include this on your vision board!

18. Home Help

This may sound like a strange and unusual manifestation but hear me out.

As an ambitious entrepreneur with a 3.5 year old daughter and new baby on the way, one of the best ways that I can support myself is with help around the house.

Spending hours a week cleaning or picking up toddler toys is not a good use of my time and can actually cost me money in my business. 

The reason why I wanted to mention this manifestation here is because getting the right help isn’t always easy.

In fact, I often have clients come to me who are mothers, incredibly successful at what they do, yet they are still doing everything around the house which means they are completely burnt out.

Ask yourself; what is it costing you to NOT to have help?

How much of your precious energy, time and money is actually being wasted or misused?

Then, think about who or what you need to manifest to help yourself…

Is it a cleaner, cook, nanny, robot vacuum cleaner?

This was something I recently helped a client with who had terrible luck with house cleaners in the past and look at who she manifested.

A picture of a toilet roll that has been made into a bow as an example of manifesting a great house cleaner or house keeper

19. Things To Improve Your Lifestyle & Support Your Goals 

Manifesting isn’t just about the BIG things, it's about the small things too!

When you look at your vision board and think about your overall goals in the next 6-12 months, ask yourself:

 What smaller manifestations would support me in achieving this?

For example:

If you want to manifest weight loss and improved health perhaps you could focus on manifesting a new Apple Watch or Juicer?

Focusing on smaller manifestations can help build a stronger foundation for your bigger desires to drop through.

And in case you were wondering, I recently manifested a juicer (on sale) which was on my vision board and it was one of my favorite manifestations for the year! The theme I had was around energy and vitality and this juicer has made ALL the difference to that coming true.

A picture of a juicer that was manifested as an example of how you can manifest small things to help with bigger goals.

20. Self-Confidence & Self-Love

Do you know that manifesting isn’t limited to tangible things?

That you can use it to focus on manifesting improvements to your personality?

There are a myriad of options you can play around with in terms of self-development but I have chosen to list self-confidence and self-love because they make up the backbone of so many other manifestations.

Here’s what I mean by this…

No matter what it is you want to attract, whether it's your soulmate, a successful business, more money or new friends, part of this process will involve you FEELING and BELIEVING you are worthy of your desires.

This is why, choosing to focus on manifesting more self-love and confidence is key.

21. To Be A Mega Manifestor 

Finally, no matter whether you’re just starting out on your manifesting journey or you consider yourself to be a seasoned expert, you can actually “manifest” yourself to become a better manifestor.

Yes, that’s right, you can focus on a version of yourself that’s a superior manifestor and help DRAW that reality to you.

This is something I recommend that you add to your vision board to support all the other things you have on there and massively up-level your manifesting abilities!

Now that you’ve been flooded with lots of new ideas of good things to manifest, it's time to get those desires mapped out onto a vision board in such a way that they start manifesting for you. 

If you want to learn my secrets for creating a supercharged vision board that gets results like the ones mentioned in this post, come and check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

In this free training I cover how I used vision boards to help me manifest:

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I placed on my vision board)

➤ My soulmate after being single for 5 years straight

➤ Plus, A Fully Booked Coaching Business for 7+ years (using organic marketing)

As always I hope you enjoyed this post and it’s given you lots of good ideas of what to manifest!

Juliette xx

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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