Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to raise your vibration and attract your desires

Want a way to manifest your desires easily while adding a touch of magic to your life?
You need a Manifesting Ritual
Unlike other forms of manifesting that can feel boring and repetitive (who wants to repeat the same affirmation 10000 times a day? ) manifestation rituals have a different purpose to them. One that’s sacred and special.
Rather than being a manifestation practice that feels like another chore on your to-do list, they provide you with a way of manifesting that allows you to connect deeply with the energy of your desires and SHIFT your emotional state. Think of using a manifesting ritual a bit like putting on your favorite outfit that's been gathering dust in the back of your wardrobe.
As soon as you put it on you feel amazing, your mood changes, as if there’s a shiny new energy emanating from you. You feel confident and empowered, with your new outfit on. This is what a manifestation ritual can do for your manifestation practice. It changes your energy and AMPLIFIES your attracting power.
Want to learn how to use manifesting rituals in your own life?
You’ve come to the right place.
This post covers everything you need to know to start using rituals to manifest your desires.

What is a Manifesting Ritual?
First let’s talk about the basics. What is a manifestation ritual?
A manifestation ritual is a sacred practice that's designed to help you focus your thoughts and intention on a desired outcome or thing that you want to attract into your life.
Often rituals will involve a combination of; writing down what you want, repeating mantras or affirmations, practicing gratitude, visualizing your desires and even incorporating the use of specific crystals, candles.

Why Do You Need One?
If you’re wondering why you need one, the answer is simple. They offer you a supercharged way of manifesting because you can combine a variety of techniques in a very focused and intentional way.
Unlike using affirmations or visualization alone, using a manifestation ritual can provide you with a way to connect even further with the energy of your desires. And, the more CONNECTED you are with what you want, the quicker and easier it will manifest.
What Can They Be Used For
Rituals can be used to help you manifest anything your heart desires. There’s no limit to what you can and can’t use them for.
As a manifestation coach, I have personally used manifesting rituals to help me attract:
➤ Our dream home (identical to what I had placed on my vision board),
➤ Fully booked coaching business 7+ years running,
➤ My soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight),
➤ Pregnancies, weight loss, health transformations,
➤ I even manifested free round the world business class flights
Want a copy of the exact manifestation ritual I used to help me attract these desires?
Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires

How Do Manifesting Rituals Work?
A Break Down On How Manifesting Rituals Work:
When thinking about manifestation and the law of attraction and how it works, in order to ‘manifest’ something into your experience you need to become a vibrational match to it. And to become a vibrational match to something you need to start emanating the same frequency.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is to start using manifestation techniques that allow you to feel your desires as real, and then “hold” that energy. Thought leaders like Abraham-Hicks state that; When you hold a pure thought about what you want for 17 seconds you will hit a combustion point where you will easily attract another thought of similar vibration.
Continue holding these thoughts for 68 seconds and you will start to manifest your desires. This is what a manifesting ritual will do for you and how it will be effective.
Components Of A Manifestation Ritual:
A great manifestation ritual that’s really going to have an impact on your manifesting abilities should do a number of different things.
1. Help you get crystal clear on what you want
2. Raise your vibration
3. Focus on what you want so you align yourself with it
4. Hold the energy for 68 seconds or longer so you begin to start changing your reality
Want a copy of a manifesting ritual which will help you do all of these things? Grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires

Benefits Of Using A Manifesting Ritual
Manifesting Ritual Benefit 1. Speed
When you use manifesting rituals you can manifest what you want quicker as you are able to connect more deeply with the energy of your desires.
Manifesting Ritual Benefit 2. Ease
Rituals make the manifestation process easier by combining multiple manifestation processes together.
Manifesting Ritual Benefit 3. Joy
In order for manifesting to work you need to be JOYFUL. Rituals provide you with a way to have fun while creating your future rather than feeling like it's a chore.
Who Are Rituals For?
Rituals are perfect for those who want to increase their manifesting abilities, attract their desires quicker, feel more intune with the universe and invite magic into their lives.

How To Create A Manifestation Ritual
Choosing A Goal Or Intention
One of the first things you want to do is get clear on your goal and intention. Think about what it is you want to create in your life. Ideally you want to be able to write out your desire in one short and sharp sentence. If you can’t do this, keep refining your goal until you can.
Creating A Sacred Space For The Ritual
After you have your intention clearly in your mind or written down, it's important to create a sacred space for your ritual. To do this you will need to cleanse the space and remove any negative or stagnant energy. Space clearing can be done by using a singing bowl, clearing music or burning white sage, incense or palo santo sticks.
Choosing And Gathering Ritual Tools And Materials
To make your ritual as powerful as it can be, think about incorporating additional tools and materials that can help to amplify the energy.
Examples include: candles, specific crystals or gemstones that relate to what you want to attract, essential oils, a vision board or other visual representation of your desire or even oracle or guidance cards.
Want a copy of a manifesting ritual with the process laid out step by step for you? Grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires

Tips for A Successful Ritual
Having The Right Mindset And Intention
Having a positive mindset and a clear intention when you practice the ritual will put you in a vibrational state that’s perfect for manifesting. This is because; the ritual will help you to BUILD upon those positive thoughts and emotions having a compounding effect. When you come into a ritual with a clear focus and positive intention the process will be easier than if you are negative and unclear.
Clearing negative energy and thoughts
If you find it difficult to get clear and sense you have underlying negative thoughts and emotions, clear the space with palo santo or white sage as well as your aura. You can also write down any negative thoughts you have and then rip the paper up or burn it.
Finding the right timing for the ritual
Contrary to the popular belief that you need to perform a ritual during a specific astrological event, the best time to perform a ritual is actually when it feels good to you.
Yes, there are benefits to doing rituals on a full moon or new moon, but at the end of the day, the way you feel when you do the practice is going to have an amplifying effect
This means, if you’re in a hurry trying to perform a ritual so it happens over a full moon but you feel stressed when you do it, it's not going to be as powerful as a moment where you feel calm and centered.

Common Manifestation Rituals For Women
Manifestation Rituals For Love And Relationships
Want to attract your dream partner, soulmate, twin flame or ideal relationship? You can perform a manifestation ritual specifically for love that involves writing about your perfect partner and what your life will be like when you manifest them.
You can then sit in visualization and hold the energy of that experience for as long as possible. If you’re feeling extra creative you can even send your energy around the world to connect with the soul of this person and signal to them that you are ready.
Elements that you can bring into this type or ritual include; crystals specific for manifesting love and your soulmate, affirmations, and even the use of love signs and symbols for example two hearts intertwined.

Manifestation Rituals For Career And Financial Success
Another popular ritual is one that will help you manifest greater success in your career and finances. To perform this type of ritual you may want to spend time getting crystal clear on what your ideal career looks like and where you want to be financially in the coming 6-12 months. Once you have a clear idea on those aspects you can drill down even further and write about what your ideal day would look like if you were working in that type of job with the money you desire.
➤ Would you be working full-time or part-time?
➤ Would you be driving a certain type of car or live in a different house?
➤ What would your day to day life be like?
The more detailed you can be when you write the more powerful it will be. Elements that you can bring into this type of ritual include; crystals for manifesting money and success, affirmations to attract a job, you can also use a vision board that’s specific to this area of your life.
Manifestation Rituals For Health And Wellness
Did you know that manifestation can be a wonderful tool to help you on your health and wellness journey? Whether you want to manifest weight loss, clearer skin, more energy, better sleep or improved fitness you can create a ritual that's specific and will help you do just that.
Start by thinking about the area you would like to improve and come up with a clear goal or intention you have around it. For example if you want to manifest weight loss and better health perhaps it could be: To have boundless energy and be a lean size 6.
Once you have your goal and intention in mind start writing about how you feel as this new version of yourself and the incredible knock on effect that it's having in other areas of your life.
➤ Do you have more energy to work on your passion and play with your kids?
➤ Are you feeling more confident to go out on dates?
➤ Are you happier within yourself?
➤ Do you feel joyful every time you walk into your closet and know that all of your outfits fit you perfectly?
The more you can sink into these small (but important) details the more CONNECTED you become to this manifestation.
Elements that you can bring into this type of ritual include; photographs or images that depict your version of ideal health and wellness, weight loss affirmations, crystals that are specific to your desire and even guidance cards to help give you additional insight into how to take this area to a new level.
Want to learn my simple and effective manifesting ritual technique that you can use in ANY area of your life to rapidly raise your vibration? Grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires.

Manifestation Rituals And The Law Of Attraction
The Relationship Between Manifestation Rituals And The Law Of Attraction
When thinking about how the law of attraction works it’s understood that like energy attracts like energy. So if you want to manifest your desires you need to start emitting a frequency and vibration the same as what you want.
This is also referred to as finding ALIGNMENT with your manifestations. Although there are a variety of manifesting tools that can help you do this, manifestation rituals provide you with a quick and easy way to connect deeply with the energy of your desires.
When you perform a ritual you are much more focused and intentional than when you repeat a bunch of affirmations. And it's this focus and intentionality which can help you to create magic in your life by activating the law of attraction.

How To Align With The Law Of Attraction with Manifestation Rituals
To align yourself with the law of attraction and your desires when performing a manifestation ritual think about it like this…Feeling is the doorway.
If you can feel your energy and vibration start to SHIFT as you're performing the ritual you will know that you’ve found alignment. And when you practice it long enough (over 68 seconds) you will have exceeded the combination point and will be changing your reality.
Tips For Maintaining A Positive And Abundant Mindset
Maintaining a positive and abundant mindset is key to having your desires come to life. Not only will it make you feel more joyful and open-hearted but it will also put you in a RECEIVING energy where you allow the universe to start delivering your manifestation to you.
So how do you stay positive? Incorporating a daily gratitude practice where you choose to focus on things that are ALREADY going right in your life will help you anchor into an abundant mindset.
One where you start to believe - Things are always working out for me! And the more you look for evidence of what’s working in your life, the more evidence you continue to find to support that belief. This has a snowball effect helping you to attract more positive thoughts and experiences!

The Importance Of Manifestation Rituals For Women
Manifesting rituals are a wonderful way to connect more deeply with the energy of your desires so that you can activate the law of attraction and start manifesting what you want. They provide numerous benefits that outweigh using stand alone manifestation practices including; being able to manifest quicker, easier and in a more fun, and international way. The best part? You can use them in ANY area of your life.
Encouragement To Start A Manifestation Practice
If you’re feeling the PULL to start consciously creating your future using the law of attraction, performing a simple yet powerful manifestation ritual is a great way to start.
Want access to my personal manifesting ritual practice that has helped me and my clients and students attract new homes, clients, money, love and business success? Grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires
What others are saying about this Manifestation Ritual:
It made me feel extremely elated, clear and focused
"The Mini Manifesting Ritual is a little pocket of power to help you manifest anything you want. The way Juliette steps you through manifesting your goals, means you're living it, in that moment. It made me feel extremely elated, clear and focused. It's a beautiful little ritual that I'll incorporate whenever I want to manifest something. I'll be telling everyone I know that has been wondering about manifesting to get it."
Chalene Bezzina
I experienced a deep sense of soul pleasure and purpose
"I loved that this ritual was so simple and easy to do but at the same time was a really powerful way to focus on my core desire – the perfect combination for success. I experienced a deep sense of soul pleasure and purpose at stepping into my future vision which left me feeling energised and ready to take action. At the end of the ritual I felt ready to commit to my goal and take positive action towards manifesting it."
Jo Macdonald
I now feel closer to manifesting my goals
"I liked that it's short, sweet and can be immediately acted upon. While doing the exercise I felt clear and became aware of a light and bright energy. I now feel closer to manifesting my goals. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to learn more about manifesting."
Eva Angel Diamond
This ritual made me feel like I had achieved my biggest goal
"I believe the mind is a powerful tool and when you can sense your goal coming true then you start believing it. This ritual made me feel like I had achieved my biggest goal. It felt powerful and closer than ever. After completing it, I wanted to work even harder on making my goal a reality because it just felt so good!"
Ashley Smith
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires

Manifesting Ritual for Beginners - Frequently Asked Questions
You can complete it in as little as 15 minutes.
Anything you like; career success, money, clients for your business, new homes, weight loss, health, even your soulmate or even manifest pregnancy!
Whenever it FEELS good for you and you desire to manifest something new or reach a new level in your life. You can also use it on important dates such as; your birthday, new years eve/day and specific astrological events where manifesting energy is heightened like the new moon 🌕.
A big part of manifesting is being able to surrender your desires to the universe. For this reason I do not recommend re-reading the ritual or doing it too frequently as this can put you in a more attached state. My recommendation is to do it once, place it somewhere safe, and let it go.
As with any manifesting technique, you will achieve the best results when you are doing things on a daily basis that will help SHIFT your energy and vibration. For this reason I recommend creating a powerful vision board that can act as a visual representation of all your goals and desires.
*If you need help creating a vision board that produces quick and powerful results you can access my free vision board workshop.
Manifesting Ritual
A powerful way to change your vibration and attract your desires.

Wherever you are on your manifesting journey remember…
Whatever it is you desire to manifest…
Whether it’s more Success, Love, Money or Abundance.
It will not come from looking outside of yourself…
It will come from changing from within.
Because the minute you change your inner vibration, your outer reality must change to reflect that.
It is universal law.