Asking The Universe For A Sign - Seeing Repeating Numbers 111, 222, 444
I frequently get asked about:
The correct way to ask the universe for a sign when manifesting &
The significance of seeing repeating numbers like 111,222,444
In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I get asked about these things, I would probably be able to go and buy myself a very expensive handbag 😅👜
Manifestation Coach - How To Choose The Right LOA COACH For You!
Manifestation Coaching is fast becoming the next big thing for those wanting to create quantum leaps in their life.
Think; lucrative business deals, big name clients and more…
How To Manifest Weight Loss And Changes To Your Physical Appearance
Manifesting weight loss and changes to your physical appearance is a very REAL thing.
In fact, using manifestation and the law of attraction is actually a NECESSARY thing, if you want to see any kind of significant change or transformation in yourself.
How To Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Using Manifestation
Discovering your soul’s purpose is a topic very close to my heart because, for many years, this was something I struggled with myself…
Can You Jinx Your Manifesting?
If you’ve ever wondered if you have “jinxed” something, then it’s likely you’re the type of person to say “touch wood” or even throw salt over your left shoulder from time to time.
And while according to the Oxford Dictionary the term “Jinx” means: “a person or thing that brings bad luck”, when we use the term in conjunction with manifesting we are usually referring to the fact that we believe we have sabotaged our manifesting efforts as a result of talking about them.
A Simple Process To Strengthen Your Intuition
Out of all the things I have learnt on my manifesting journey, developing a strong intuition has (by far) been the most important!
You see, if you desire to take your manifesting to the next level - YOU NEED A STRONG INTUITION!
This is because your intuition is like your internal GPS, constantly alerting you to the very next step that you need to take in order to make your desires manifest!
You just need to follow it!