Manifestation, Life Coaching, Mindset Juliette Kristine Manifestation, Life Coaching, Mindset Juliette Kristine

How To Deal With Fear & Negative Thoughts When Manifesting

Dealing with fear and negative thoughts when you’re manifesting is completely normal.

In fact, one of the MOST common questions I get asked as a Manifestation Coach is:

How do I stop my fearful and negative thoughts when I am trying to manifest something?

To help my clients (and myself) with this issue I have come up with a simple 4 step process that you can use anytime, anywhere to put fear in its place and have you feeling positive again!

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Manifestation, Money & Success, Life Coaching Juliette Kristine Manifestation, Money & Success, Life Coaching Juliette Kristine

How To Find Alignment When You're Manifesting

Finding alignment with your manifestations is crucial if you want your desires to show up easily and effortlessly in your experience.

If you follow me on Instagram then you may have seen me post about how I was fortunate enough to be featured in the amazing Sunday Life Magazine on the weekend after contributing to an article on Abundance.

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Life Coaching Juliette Kristine Life Coaching Juliette Kristine

Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy Review

Ever since I completed my Life Coach training at the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy I have been inundated with messages and emails from people all around the world wanting to know where I studied Life Coaching and if I would recommend the course.

Given that it's been just over a year since I graduated I thought this would be the perfect time to look back, reflect on what I learnt and, give you an honest review of the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.


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Manifestation, Money, Life Coaching Juliette Kristine Manifestation, Money, Life Coaching Juliette Kristine

How I Manifested FREE Business Class Flights

I must admit, this has been one of the most exciting blog posts I’ve ever written!

Not just because I’m a Manifestation Coach that ended up manifesting the next best thing to lotto - FREE Round-the-World Business Class Flights - but, because through this experience I am able to Inspire YOU!

am SO incredibly passionate about the topic of manifestation/law of attraction because it's REAL and it has the power to create miracles in your life - if you would just let it!

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Life Coaching Juliette Kristine Life Coaching Juliette Kristine

10 Reasons to see a Life Coach Today

Since becoming a Life Coach people often ask me what it is I "do" exactly. While the word Life Coach may be very well known, there still seems to be a large number of people struggling to understand what the process involves and what the benefits are. 

If you have found yourself wondering the same thing, let me break it down for you:

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