Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy Review

Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine reviews Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy. She is sitting at a white table next to her laptop and smiling. There are pink roses, a candle and a crystal on the table.

Ever since I completed my Life Coach training at the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy I have been inundated with messages and emails from people all around the world wanting to know where I studied Life Coaching and if I would recommend the course.


Given that it's been just over a year since I graduated I thought this would be the perfect time to look back, reflect on what I learnt and, give you an honest review of the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.


*I decided to break this post up into different sections based around the questions I most commonly get asked about the course.

Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy Review



The number one question I get asked about studying with Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy is how much time is required to complete the course.

The duration of the course is 6 months and the amount of time I needed each week to stay on top of my learning was approximately 5 hours.

Because it is an online course I managed to be able to fit everything quite easily, even though I was working full-time.

There are lots of participants who are working full-time and others who are busy mothers and everyone I have come in contact with seemed to be able to manage the workload just fine.

My advice would be to look at your schedule and make sure you have 5 hours each week you can dedicate to learning.

And a little time-saving tip...

The course content is provided in a hard copy manual and through audio lectures so I made the most of my time by listening to the recordings while going for my morning walk and reading the manual while I was at work or on the weekends.


The second question I most commonly get asked is how much it costs to study Life Coaching at the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.

As mentioned on their website the course is:

$4980 AUD Paid in Full


6 month or 12 month payment plans available.

Compared to other online courses this is by far the best payment plan I have ever seen!

Even though I had the funds to pay for the course upfront I went with the payment plan so it was easier for me to manage my finances.

Overall I think the price was well worth it. There are other Life Coaching courses that are cheaper but none that deliver as much as Beautiful You Coaching Academy. And when you think about the business skills and marketing they teach you it's like getting 2 courses for the price of 1!

One of the other things that attracted me to Beautiful You was the amount of participants who said they had paying clients before graduating.

I found it quite easy to get paying clients (even though I'd never worked in this capacity before) and this meant I was able to recoup my investment quickly.


Coaching Skills

The actual "coaching skills" side of things is something not that many people have asked me about but I felt it was important to talk about.

As I mentioned before I had never worked in this capacity before and I was actually really nervous about working 1:1 with people!

One of the things I found really helpful about studying at Beautiful You was their buddy system.

When you enroll for the course you are allocated a coaching buddy (if you want one) and together you are able to learn, grow and practice your new skills together.

This was a great way for me to quickly build confidence and cement everything I was learning. *I also ended up taking on a number of pro bono clients to further enhance this.

It is not a requirement you get a buddy or work with pro-bonos straight away but I highly recommend it!



To be completely honest I was a little worried about studying to become a Life Coach online because I feared that the support wouldn't be as good.


One thing that really surprised me with Beautiful You Coaching Academy was how many points of contact were actually given.


We had a private Facebook group for our class (and although I'm not the biggest fan of FB groups) it was a really great way to interact with other participants and receive support from Julie (the founder) and our other trainers.

We also had an online membership site where we could upload the answers to our course questions and get direct feedback on our work.

In addition, there were live training calls where we could hear coaching taking place, ask questions and again get feedback from Julie and the trainers.

I really took advantage of all of these methods and feel this was instrumental in my early business success.

I should also mention...

Beautiful You frequently show support to their coaches is by helping to market them.

They do this through social media and other forms like e-books. If you take a look at their Instagram account you will see the work they put into promoting their coaches.

If you become a certified (which I recommend you do) you can get your profile on their website which is another great way to get clients!

They also have Inspiration Days (all around the world) where you can attend and meet other coaches face to face.

I was lucky enough to attend their Bali and Melbourne Inspiration Days which was a great way to network and form some amazing relationships with other coaches.

It's all about collaboration not competition with Beautiful You which is really refreshing!

And (last but certainly not least!), Beautiful You also has their own awards night so you have the opportunity of being recognised for your work!

I was lucky enough to be a finalist for my online manifesting course for 2019-2020 Program of The Year which was such an honour!



Lastly, something I did not quite expect was the amount I would grow personally from doing the course. It really stretched me (in a good way) to step into my full potential so I could be the best coach I could be, and this was one of my favourite parts about studying with Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy!


Some final words...

If you are trying to decide if this is the right course for you my advice would be to follow your intuition. It really has to feel right for you. If reading this post makes you feel excited, motivated, warm and tingly then that's probably your intuition saying - go for it!

If, on the other hand, you’re still not sure then perhaps you need to do some more research or you have some fears coming up that need to be dealt with.

When I first read the Beautiful You website every cell in my body said - “Yes” but then I had a lot of fears come up…

Fears like:

I won't be able to make money as a Life Coach.

The Life Coaching market is overcrowded.

I’m not good enough to be successful.

And I’m here to tell you that none of those fears came true.


What I know now is:

When you have the right niche and business skills it's easy to get clients, make money and serve who you want to serve.

There are lots of Life Coaches out there but more and more people are needing them, wanting them and looking for them.


Deep down everyone has the fear they aren't good enough but the only way you will prove yourself wrong is by doing something about it!


I hope you found this Beautiful You Life Coaching Review helpful!

Juliette xx


Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

How I went from being broke to fully booked!


How I Manifested FREE Business Class Flights