33 Of The Best Soulmate Affirmations To Attract LOVE (Today)
Soulmate affirmations are a wonderful tool to help you attract your soulmate and the loving relationship you desire.
They can help you focus on what you want, bring you into vibrational alignment with your desire and even shift your negative beliefs.
Not all soulmate affirmations are created equal.
In fact, some “love affirmations” can even be counterproductive depending on where you are vibrationally in relation to what you want.
In this guide I am going to share everything you need to know about choosing and using affirmations to attract a soulmate so you can begin the process of calling them in - today.
Table of Contents
- What Is A Soulmate
- Benefits Of Manifesting A Soulmate
- Why Soulmate Affirmations Should Be Part Of Your Manifestation Practice
- How To Choose The Perfect Soulmate Affirmation
- Tips For Getting Your Soulmate Love Affirmations To Work More Effectively
- 33 Of The Best Soulmate Affirmations
- Soulmate Ritual
- The Best Manifestation Tools To Use With Your Affirmations
- How To Quickly Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals For Manifesting
- How To Create A Business Vision Board (That Actually Works!)
What Is A Soulmate
Whenever you are embarking on the important journey of manifesting a soulmate (and thinking about using affirmations to help you!) it's important to first understand what a soulmate is.
Below is my personal definition…
“A soulmate is someone who you have often spent many past lives with. It is a person who you feel a deep connection and affinity with. You will know you have met a soulmate when you feel a connection that transcends time and space - as if you've “met before '' even when it's your first encounter. You feel this way because you already know them on a soul level.”
- Juliette Kristine
Whenever I am coaching someone on how to manifest their soulmate one of the first things I mention to them is the importance of recognising that you have more than one soulmate.
Yes that’s right, you can have multiple soulmates!
The reason why it's crucial to understand this from the very beginning is because thinking you only have one soulmate can put you in a limited mindset and affect your ability to manifest them as you are automatically training yourself to feel as though you’re looking for a needle in a hay stack.
This puts you under huge amounts of pressure and stress which causes unnecessary resistance in your energy and vibration making them harder to manifest.
Holding onto the idea that there’s only one soulmate on the planet who you’re destined to be with is a surefire way to put you in the wrong energy before you even begin using love affirmations to attract a soulmate.
And the truth is, you have many soulmates.
There are multiple soulmates out there waiting for you that you could have an INCREDIBLE loving relationship with.
So take a deep breath and relax into that knowing.
Now that you have a clear understanding of what a soulmate is, and released the limiting thought that “there’s only one out there for you”.
Let’s quickly talk about why you would want to manifest a soulmate so you can anchor into that knowledge.
Benefits Of Manifesting A Soulmate
One of the biggest benefits to manifesting a soulmate is the connection that you already have with them.
Here’s why this matters…
A huge struggle people have when it comes to manifesting love is having a mismatch of energy (especially in the early stages of dating) which can look like either of the following:
1. Not meeting anyone you like - there’s no chemistry, the vibe is off, you’re just not that into them.
2. You meet someone you like but that person doesn’t like you - they only want something casual (ie sex), or disappear after a few calls and messages leaving you going wtf.
When you manifest a soulmate you don’t have this problem.
There is ALREADY something connecting you which makes the whole process that much easier!
Why Soulmate Affirmations Should Be Part Of Your Manifestation Practice
Using soulmate affirmations or love affirmations when you are trying to attract a relationship is a great way to ENHANCE the vibration of what you want to attract.
They can help you focus on what you want, bring you into vibrational alignment with your desire and even shift your negative beliefs.
For example:
Say you are doubting where your soulmate is, or fearful about your ability to manifest love, using affirmations can be a quick and easy way to SHIFT your energy and bring your focus back into alignment with what you want to attract.
For best results your affirmations should always be used in conjunction with other manifesting tools like vision boards.
If you don’t have a vision board yet, click here to watch my latest free vision board training where I teach you all my secrets for creating a powerful vision board that works.
How To Choose The Perfect Soulmate Affirmation
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, not all affirmations are created equal, and depending on where you are in relation to what you want vibrationally will determine what affirmations will work best for you.
Here’s what I mean by this…
Saying a love affirmation like “I am calling in my soulmate now” is quite ‘forceful’ and direct.
You would think that this would be a GOOD THING but it can actually cause more resistance in your energy and vibration and repel the very thing you’re trying to attract.
This is because, if you’ve been struggling with love for quite some time, this thought might not be at all believable to you, therefore you will feel like you're lying to yourself when you say it.
And in order to make sure you are saying the right affirmations that are actually helping you to ALIGN yourself with what you want, they need to FEEL GOOD when you say them.
This is why before you even begin practicing any affirmations for attracting your soulmate you need to make sure that the ones you choose feel in alignment with you.
Tips For Getting Your Soulmate Love Affirmations To Work More Effectively
Here are my top 3 tips for getting your affirmations to work more effectively.
1. Say each affirmation slowly and really FEEL into what you are saying as this will give you the best chance of success.
Most people tend to rush through their affirmations because they think…
“If I just say these love and soulmate affirmations more I’ll manifest what I want”.
But the TRUTH is, it's not how many times you say them that matters, it's how much the affirmation is affecting your energy and vibration when you say it.
For this reason, saying an affirmation slowly 10 times can be WAY more powerful than rushing through it 50 times!
2. Place written or printed copies of your chosen affirmations in power spots throughout your home.
Power spots are places in your home where you often have time to think, ponder, daydream.
These can become manifesting hot spots when you place specific anchors or reminders there.
For example; sticking your affirmations on the outside of your shower so you can read or practice them while you’re washing your hair (or shaving your legs!), placing them next to your computer while you work or even near where you meditate or journal.
3. Repeat your affirmations while looking at your vision board.
Lastly, one of my favorite ways to practice affirmations is while I am looking at my vision board because the subconscious mind responds more powerfully when there is imagery with your thoughts!
To do this I will gaze at my vision board then close my eyes and repeat the affirmation so I am HOLDING the vibration of what I want.
*If you need help creating the perfect vision board to call-in your desires easily and effortlessly watch my free vision board training here.
Now you’ve got all the bases covered to get the best results from using your love and soulmate affirmations, below you will find a list of 33 soulmate affirmations for attracting love and your ideal relationship.
These affirmations were carefully chosen by me and will work for people in varying frequencies around attracting love.
*The most important thing is to choose the ones that resonate with you and make you feel good when you say them!
33 Of The Best Soulmate Affirmations
The universe is bringing me all of the tools and resources I need to find my perfect partner and soulmate.
My heart is open to giving and receiving love.
My soulmate can feel my energy.
Everyday in every way I’m becoming more and more attractive to my soulmate.
My ideal loving relationship with my soulmate is coming to me now.
The love I feel for myself is a magnet for attracting love and my soulmate.
My intuition is guiding me towards manifesting my perfect partner and soulmate.
I release everything standing in the way of me manifesting the relationship I desire.
My soulmate and I are divinely connected.
My soulmate and ideal partner love me unconditionally.
I am perfect just the way I am. My soulmate loves me for me.
I am ready for my soulmate to enter my life.
I am a magnet to my soulmate and my perfect relationship.
I effortlessly attract love and romance into my life.
I radiate love and attract love easily.
I’m irresistible to my perfect partner and soulmate, they will like me instantly.
My soulmate and I are being drawn to each other everyday.
My soulmate and I are destined to be together, all I need to do is trust and allow.
I trust the universe to show me everything I need to know to attract my soulmate and life partner.
The energy between my soulmate and I is growing stronger.
I am grateful for my soulmate.
My soulmate is manifesting effortlessly.
Everyday in every way my soulmate is getting closer.
I open my heart to love and my soulmate.
I am worthy of unconditional love.
I give and receive love easily.
It's safe for me to love and be loved.
I release any fears or resistance of being loved and allow my soulmate into my life.
I am the perfect person for my soulmate.
My soulmate will manifest at the perfect time.
My soulmate loves me completely
My positive energy and open heart attracts my soulmate to me.
My soulmate and I are divinely connected and are drawn to each other like magnets.
I relax and allow my soulmate to manifest with ease.
Soulmate Ritual
Below you will find a simple soulmate ritual you can use in conjunction with your love affirmation for a soulmate to enhance their power!
What you will need:
Pen and paper
Candle, relaxing music, crystals
Your chosen affirmations (3 is a good number)
Vision board
*If you don’t yet have a vision board that depicts this ideal relationship, do this first, if you need help creating a powerful vision board that works watch my free vision board training here.
Prior to performing this soulmate ritual you may like to prepare your space to allow you to go inward by lighting a candle, playing some relaxing music and surrounding yourself with your favorite crystals.
The Soulmate Ritual
1. Get yourself into a relaxed, meditative state, by gently closing your eyes and taking 3 big deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Expel any tension you’ve been holding onto.
Bring yourself into the peaceful present moment.
2. Gaze at some of the images on your vision board that depict your ideal relationship.
Really FEEL into their energy.
Imagine you are living some of the moments depicted in the pictures.
Give yourself some time and space to do this.
3. When you feel you have really CONNECTED with the energy of this desire, get out your blank piece of paper and write at the top of the page:
Universe, thank you for sending me my soulmate.
I am so grateful for this person because…
*Complete the exercise by writing down all the incredible things that you are grateful for about this person and the relationship.
The more you can write the better.
4. Finish the exercise by writing your 3 x chosen soulmate affirmations down on the page 3 x times and repeating them out loud slowly.
This ritual increases the power of your affirmations by allowing you to connect more deeply with the energy of your desire and raise your vibration.
Practicing gratitude for your future manifestations takes you out of a space of longing and into one knowing.
The Best Manifestation Tools To Use With Your Affirmations
Whether you’re practicing love affirmations or affirmations for other desires like money and success -
One thing remains the same and that is:
Affirmations will always be more powerful when used in conjunction with other manifesting tools.
This is because, to SHIFT your vibration to the place that is needed to attract what you want other tools like visualization are necessary.
If you are looking for some extra techniques to go alongside your affirmations here are a couple of free resources I have for you:
1. Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual here.
This ritual takes you through a powerful scripting exercise where you get to imagine yourself living as if your desires are real. This helps you to get those creative and visualization juices flowing!
2. Watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass where I take you through the exact vision board process I used to manifest:
➤ Free round the world business class flights
➤ My soulmate (we have been together for over 14 years!)
➤ A fully booked coaching business
➤ Even weight loss and pregnancy!
As always I hope you enjoyed this guide to choosing and using soulmate and love affirmations!
Tell me in the comments below… what’s your favorite affirmation for attracting love?
Juliette xx