How To Create A Business Vision Board (That Actually Works!)

Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine sits at a white marble table, next to her business vision board. She is wearing a white top and black leather skirt, and is smiling at the camera.

Have you ever considered creating a Business Vision Board? 

A board where you can depict all of your business goals, dreams and aspirations in a way that helps you to stay motivated and inspired while ALIGNING you with the energy of what you want so it all begins to manifest for you?

Vision boards aren’t just a ‘one time of year’ thing or a special practice reserved for the new moon.

And they aren’t limited to focusing on major life areas like home, family, love, health and money.

They can be used specifically for your business too.

In fact, there are so many Business Vision Board ideas to help you manifest in a range of areas from media appearances, ideal clients, income goals, office spaces, staff members (and the list goes on)...

Even how to manifest a successful business from the ground up! Yes, that’s right, they don’t have to be reserved for established businesses, they can also be used for entirely new businesses.

How do I know? 

Because I've used them myself to manifest and create an entirely new level of success in my business.

In fact, this business focused vision board below helped me to manifest: 

A business vision board example created by manifestation coach Juliette Kristine that shows all her business goals and ideas of things she wants to manifest.

✔️ Media features including: Women’s Health Magazine, Well + Good & The Every Girl.

✔️ A new office space that looked just like the picture on my board.

✔️ A string of high profile coaching clients including: a successful music producer, CEO’s, multi 6 figure coaches, female business leaders and published authors.

✔️ I even DOUBLED my business income in my first 6 months of returning to work after maternity leave (working just 3 days per week!).

*If you want to read the full post of everything I manifested with this board, and a real life, living proof example of how powerful a business vision board can be, check out this post and see what fun things I manifested!

Let’s just say…

The potency of getting your vision board right is….magic 

And the good news is, it is entirely possible for you to do the exact same. 

Let me show you how you can create your own business focused board in this post and, if you’re more of a visual learner (and want even more tips and secrets!), my FREE Vision board Masterclass is perfect for you which you can watch here.

Below is your ultimate guide to creating a potent, magical and aligned vision board for your business. 

Here’s what we are going to cover:

What Is A Vision Board And Why Is It So Powerful?

Let’s start at the very basic levels of a vision board. A vision board can be both physical and digital (more on that later).

It is simply a culmination of images, words and quotes that inspire you and represent something you want to manifest and achieve. 

But it is so much deeper than that.

Let me explain:

Vision boards are such an incredibly powerful tool because they act as a little sacred space that you can focus on and direct your energy towards

And from a manifestation and law of attraction perspective they work because they do three very important things:

➤ They make you FOCUS

➤ They make you FEEL and,

➤ They change your FREQUENCY.

Plus, they’re so much fun!

Now, even though the process sounds “easy” enough, it’s also important to be aware that there are certain practices that impact whether your board will be successful or not. 

For example:

Staring at your Business Vision Board while coming from a state of ‘lack’.

Wishing you had more clients, desperately wanting more money and success and longing to be further along than you are.

This is such a common mistake I see people make and won’t help you to manifest your goals because you can’t be coming from an energy of “need” around what you want and be attracting it at the same time for it defies universal law.

*This is something I cover in more detail in my free vision board masterclass as well as other common mistakes people make when it comes to creating a vision board, you can check that out here.

Other things that can interrupt your board and prevent it from working include negative or doubtful thoughts like:

“I’m never going to achieve any of this”

“These goals are so far away”

“How am I going to do this?”

If looking at your Business Vision Board induces any types of these thoughts, I encourage you to PAUSE

The vision board alone is neutral. However, charging it with the correct energy and energetic work is what makes a vision board a compelling and truly life changing manifestation tool!

But how?

I’m glad you asked! 

There are two main (and very important steps) to take when working with your vision board. 

1. Doing the work to change your thoughts, habits and environment to match that of the person who already has the things on your vision board. 

You see, you have to truly embody the energetic frequency and live in the ‘end result’ i.e being the person who already has everything on your board and who has ALREADY manifested it all (which is a big part of what I teach in my manifesting course).

2. Removing energetic blocks that were getting in the way and obstructing what you want to attract in your life and on your Business Vision Board (ie fear, self-doubt, limiting beliefs you have around yourself and success).

You need to make sure that both your conscious and subconscious mind are in harmony and alignment for what you’re trying to manifest.

So, we’ve touched on the how, here’s some ideas of the types of topics you could use for your Business Vision Board.

Business Vision Board Ideas

Can I just create a ‘general’ Business Vision Board?

Yes, you can!

However, why would you want to limit yourself when there are so many areas you can drill down and get specific on?


Being specific, and laser focussed on your goals can help to AMPLIFY the power of your Business Vision Board

You’re not on this earth to be a ‘generalist’.

You want to fully live your best, most fulfilling, authentic and abundant life and that all starts with being focussed and specific

So, with that in mind, here are some Business Vision Board topics and ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

➤ Becoming fully booked with dream clients 

➤ Media coverage for your business 

➤ Social media followers

➤ Finding the perfect employee

➤ Achieving funding and investment

➤ Getting a new website created

➤ Winning business awards 

➤ Attracting the perfect business partner 

And if you’re wanting to know if you can attract a physical space for your business...

The answer is, YES! 

Maybe you’ve always dreamed of opening a successful, thriving salon, or a cozy cafe where people can enjoy your delicious baked goodies. 

Here are some tips for attracting a physical space…

-Imagine the space, the key here is to be as specific as possible. 

-What does it look like? 

-Where is it located? 

-What are the stores & businesses surrounding it?

Dropping into the energy of this space 

Is it busy & bustling? Is it quiet & peaceful? 

Using all your senses….What do you see, hear, smell or feel?

What do your customers say to you?

Can you picture your glowing google reviews?

The aim here is that you are fully embodying the energy of this space & giving it all the tones of reality. 

Imagine turning the key in the door…how do you feel knowing this is your space? 

Imagine signing the contract for this space? At such an ideal price too! 

Do you see?

By doing this process, you’re not just staring endlessly at a bunch of pictures on your vision board. That won’t get you very far at all! 

You’re fully embodying, aligning and living! Your connection, amplified energy and focus will simply be unstoppable. 

This is the type of practice you want to be doing for all of the other ideas mentioned above too. Whether that’s a new person you are attracting into your business, clients, funding, awards or media appearances. 

*You can also use the power of manifestation lists to ENHANCE the process.

Now that you’ve got some topic ideas, let's move onto the different types of Business Vision Boards you can create and most importantly, the how.

Types Of Business Vision Boards

Earlier, I mentioned that your Business Vision Board can either be a physical board or a digital board. So let’s dive deeper into these types and which one might work best for you…

Physical Vision Board

I’m just going to go right out and say it, if you’re at all creative and don’t mind spending a bit of time on it, then this option is for you! 

In my free vision board masterclass (click here if you want to watch it) I talk about why physical boards are always going to be more powerful than a digital version. 

Having a physical representation of your goals and a hard copy of your board can actually help you progress an extra step in the manifesting process

Taking something intangible and making it tangible.

This can be compared to “thinking a thought” as opposed to “writing it down”, which will always be more powerful.

Also, having a physical board can really add to the energy and excitement of the whole manifestation process..

The creation; preparing and organizing what you’re going to put on there, planning your materials and let’s be real, who doesn’t secretly love a trip to the craft store or buying new stationery.

You can really embrace your inner creative side and CONNECT more deeply to your desires by spending this additional time on it.

I personally, will treat the whole process like a beautiful ritual… 

I will do it when I have the house to myself one night, light some candles, play some nice music and really FEEL into the energy of everything I am calling forth.

I will spend time gazing at each of the images, imagining them as real…

A picture of award winning manifestation coach Juliette Kristine holding one of her vision boards that contains various business goals and life manifestations.


Just make sure you choose a sturdy piece of board that is a good size, so that everything stays in place and you can hang it up!

Nobody wants a soggy, glue soaked vision board.

When you're done, you can  marvel at your own handiwork and really think ‘I made that!’

Has a different energy to it, doesn’t it?

What will you need to create a physical Business Vision Board?

✔️ Good quality images

 These can be cut out from a magazine, or printed out from the internet (I like using Pinterest), but just make sure they’re good quality.

High vibes, high quality all the way!

✔️ A sturdy background

Think of a really strong piece of cardboard, corkboard, or even a whiteboard. We want to make sure everything stays in its place.

✔️ Magnets, glue, push pins, scissors etc

This might be obvious, but you need stuff to actually make your materials stick! In the excitement, sometimes we can forget the most basic things (ever done that in the grocery store?) I personally just use glue to stick my images down as I like to keep things simple and elegant.

✔️ Paper and stickers

I don’t tend to use stickers or ‘fancy’ glitters (as that’s not my taste) but I have had clients use gold or silver paper to outline images and give them an extra boost which looked beautiful.

At the end of the day, the more appealing you make it, the more energy you’re going to feel inside when you look at it, which is going to help it work better from a manifestation point of view.

You could also include;

➤ Numbers that are important to you 

➤ Power ‘words’ 

➤ Affirmations (here you will find some great affirmations for money and success)

*You will notice in the Business Vision Board example below I’ve used various numbers, symbols, power words and affirmations to ENHANCE the power of the board.

You can read more about the results from this particular vision board for extra inspiration here.

Remember, this is your Business Vision Board…have fun, be playful, you can put whatever you like on there!

Digital Business Vision Board

Even though physical boards are my favorite, there will be times when digital works best.

*This is especially important, if you need to keep your board private and out of view, or, if you travel a lot. 

Also, for some people the thought of getting gluey fingers and paper clippings all over the place is simply not your idea of high vibes (and I totally get that!).

Enter the digital Business Vision Board!

Yes, you can create your perfect and powerful Business Vision Board entirely online.

Even better news?

You can do it entirely for free.

Canva or good old Google docs are always great options for creating your Business Vision Board. 

*You can find out more about how to create a vision board in Canva in my free guide here.

Pro tips:

Just make sure that you turn each page layout horizontally. This will make the layout easier and will flow a bit more visually. 

By creating a digital Business Vision Board, you can save it as your screensaver on any of your devices. This makes it super easy and accessible for you to look at each day and is always a wonderful reminder of your goals, direction and focus. 

Bonus Business Vision Board Creation Tips

Throw yourself a vision board party.

I don’t know about you but spending time with other entrepreneurs who are all looking to RISE UP and create their next level of business success really helps to AMPLIFY the manifestation process. 

All you need to do is…

Book out your time/schedule, light a candle, put on some high vibe music & get creative. 

The magic of a vision board is that they are totally & completely personalized. There is no right or wrong way to do a vision board and in the process you get to CONNECT with like minded souls to support each other and lift each other up!

Make it fun! 

Make sure you set the energy right from the start of being playful & having fun as this is going to carry over through your entire manifesting process. 

Even the build up to creating a Business Vision Board can be exciting… Buying the materials, or just thinking about it is so unbelievably powerful!

Now, go have fun, get creative and get those high vibes flowing.

Creating a powerful vision board and doing the energetic work to back it up, is truly the key to success. 

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this post about how to create your own Business Vision Board and that it has truly inspired you to get started on your own.

Want even more vision board advice and inspiration? 

Come and join my entirely FREE Vision board masterclass where I cover really important aspects that go into creating a vision board that works including:

➤ How to choose powerful images that will make you FEEL like your desires are already real.

➤ How many goals or life areas to focus on (too many, too soon, can disrupt your manifesting.)

➤ What timeframe to create your board in. *This is super important if you want to stay in the energy of excitement.


➤ I also cover why you should never use old photos of yourself on your board and what to do instead.

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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