Can You Manifest Clear Skin? A Complete Guide (With Clear Skin Affirmations)

Woman looking in mirror with her hand up against her face touching her skin, after successfully manifesting clear skin

Have you ever wondered if you can manifest clear skin?

I often get asked if it's possible to use the law of attraction to manifest clear skin. 

My answer is Yes! 

In fact, here’s a screenshot from one of my students who manifested clear skin after years of having problems.

Written testimonial from one of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine's stduents explaingin how she manifested clear skin in 48hrs after years of having problems.

You see, from a law of attraction and manifestation perspective, everything is energy so it doesn’t matter what area of your life you are looking to transform, it can be done when you know how to apply yourself properly and use the right techniques.

In fact, people are manifesting all the time and they don’t even realise it!

And here’s why…

Every thought you think is changing the energy and frequency you emit and this INCLUDES how you are thinking, feeling and responding to you current skin condition .

In this post I’ll be sharing a simple 3 step process for manifesting clear skin and covering all the finer details you need to know about clear skin manifestation including my recommended clear skin affirmations!

Quick Links:

Let’s start with the basics…

How Does Manifestation Work?

Manifestation is the process of changing your thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs to attract something you want into your life.

It’s based on the premise that we live in a vibrational universe governed by the Law of Attraction which states that; that which is like unto itself is drawn. 

As within, so without. 

In its simplest form, it works by shifting your energy to align with your desires so what you want ‘manifests’. 

Straight forward, right?

So, if you desire more beautiful skin, and focus your attention on that, you will start to manifest it in your experience.  

Where attention goes, energy flows. 

A scientific explanation as to how manifestation works is The Reticular Activating System.  

Have you ever heard of it? Sounds like something that belongs on a plane or a computer, doesn’t it?

Let me explain….

The Reticular Activating System (or RAS as it’s referred to), is a filtering system in our brains that filters out unnecessary information so the important things can get through, and it decides what information is necessary based on what you are focusing on and your beliefs.

For example, if you are interested in purchasing a certain type of car all of a sudden you will start seeing that car everywhere.

That is your RAS in action, feeding you that information because of what you are focusing on. 

Have you ever noticed how if something unfavourable or ’bad’ has happened to you and you keep reliving it over and over again, maybe replaying a conversation in your head or scenario. It makes you feel even worse and worse. Then you realise, hang on…. why is more bad ‘stuff’ happening to me. 

It might look something like this….

First, you burn the toast

Secondly, you can’t find your car keys

Next, there’s awful traffic 

Then, your co-worker is in a terrible mood.

Do you see?

Likewise, if you believe “your skin looks dull, old, wrinkly”, your RAS will keep providing you with data that supports that.

Makes sense, right?

So, when thinking about manifestation… 

If you decide to work on changing your thoughts and beliefs and what you are focusing on to something that you desire, like “having beautiful skin”, your RAS will help you to seek out the people, resources and opportunities to make that happen.

This all sounds great, but how can I believe this is possible for me?

A message about belief…

I totally understand when you’ve struggled with something for so long, it can be incredibly challenging for you to even begin to believe that there is another way.

My question to you is…..

Do you believe that it is possible to manifest better skin? This includes all common skin concerns including acne, ageing/wrinkles and brightness?

If not, keep reading…

Manifestation can be used in any area of your life and applied to any particular issue of concern, including: acne, ageing, wrinkles and brightness.

I have personally used manifestation to improve my skin to look more youthful and have witnessed many of my clients and students manifest impressive changes to their skin also including acne, wrinkles and ageing.

I had one student manifest clear skin in as little as 3 weeks, after years of having a skin condition!

A manifesting clear skin testimonial from a student who transformed her thoughts using processes like clear skin affirmations and vision boards

Now we’ve touched on a little bit of how it works, let’s focus on the simple step by step formula for manifesting clear skin and put it into action.

A Simple 3 Step Formula For Manifesting Clear Skin

1. Shift your focus

The first step to manifesting better skin is to switch your focus. You need to start focusing on the results that you desire with your skin rather than ‘the problem’ you are experiencing.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating a vision board because vision boards do 3 very important things: They make you focus, they make you feel and they change your frequency!

In order to get your vision board to work more powerfully, try choosing images that look like you, this way you feel like it is you when you look at it and this will help you to alter your vibration more easily

*If you want to learn my secrets for SUPERCHARGING the power of your vision board so you can manifest your desires with ease you can watch my free vision board training here.

2. Align your energy

The second step is to align your energy. This involves making sure that your thoughts and beliefs line up with what you want to create. A simple way to do this is to write down the negative beliefs or thoughts that come to your mind when you think about your skin and then write a new positive story that you can begin to affirm to yourself daily.

An example of this could be thinking a thought like: “I hate my skin, my skin is always breaking out” and changing that narrative  to: “My skin is beautiful. My skin is transforming every day, becoming clearer and clearer. I love my skin”.

When you start to align your thoughts with what’s represented on your vision board, you will start changing the way you feel, and this will start shifting your reality.

Another reason why it’s so important to create a vision board.

3. Take inspired action

When people think of manifesting changes to their physical appearance like their skin, they often think that their skin will magically transform on its own. This can happen, but there’s also another way, and that's through taking inspired action. 

Manifesting is a two way street, one where you place your intention out into the universe and then you will then be guided on what you need to do to make that a reality.

Sometimes this will mean doing more internal work on yourself, like repeating certain clear skin affirmations to change your mindset, and other times it involves taking physical action such as making changes to your diet or trying a particular skin cream.

With all of the clients and students I have worked with that made changes to their physical appearance there was almost always some physical action that took place. 

An image that depicts the simple 3 step process for manifesting clear skin. 1. Shift your focus. 2. Align your energy (using tools like affirmations). 3. Take inspired action.

Now you’ve got an idea about ‘how’ to manifest clear skin, let’s talk about ways you can ENHANCE this process by using tools like positive affirmations for clear skin.

How To Use Affirmations For Clear Skin Manifestation

Clear skin affirmations are a wonderful tool to enhance your clear skin manifestation, however, there’s a trick to getting them to work properly. In order for affirmations to be successful they need to make you feel good when you say them. 

They should feel normal & natural to YOU.

This sounds obvious, but more often than not, people pick affirmations that cause more resistance in their energy and vibration.

A great example of this would be repeating an affirmation for clear skin like: “My skin is Acne free”, when you have had really bad Acne your whole life. This affirmation might not feel believable to you, therefore you will feel like you’re lying to yourself when you say it and it won’t be creating the right feelings within you for manifesting and the law of attraction to work.

By saying affirmations our goal is not to force anything. Manifesting is not a ‘forcing’ process. We are not trying to ‘force’ our brain to believe these things! We are gently & lovingly introducing these new suggestions to allow an openness to this new way. 

A far better way to approach this would be to pick a more gentle and believable clear skin affirmation or mantra such as: “Everyday my skin becomes clearer and clearer”. 

Example Affirmations For Clear Skin:

My skin is constantly rejuvenating 

Everyday my skin is getting clearer

My skin is beautiful

I love my skin

My skin glows

My skin continues to improve with age

I love watching my skin becoming clearer, smoother and more youthful

My skin is soft and smooth

Feel free to play around with the phrasing of these until you find an affirmation that feels ‘good’ for you, and natural & believable. 

An image of a girl touching her clear skin with a smile on her face with 4 x clear skin affirmations listed.

Things That Can Interfere With Manifesting Clear Skin

One thing that can interfere with manifesting clear skin is lack of momentum in your energy and vibration. This is because, things do not manifest as a result of thinking about them once or twice, (if they did I would have 10,000 pairs of shoes and 7 houses!), rather you need to be consistent in your law of attraction practice. This means looking at your vision board, visualising your skin the way you desire it to be, aligning your thoughts and taking inspired action.  

Reasons Why Someone Might Be Unsuccessful In Manifesting Clear Skin

Some of the reasons someone could be unsuccessful with manifesting better skin are:

1. Narrow mindedness

This is when someone believes there is only ‘one way’ to improve their skin so they block themselves from receiving other solutions. For example, believing that the only option is working on your diet, when in fact there could be a skin cream out there that is perfect for you! You need to stay OPEN to different solutions when you’re manifesting.

2. Being too attached 

Being in an energy of ‘need’ or attachment around your desire is another reason someone could be unsuccessful. This is because you cannot be in need of something and have it show up in your experience for that very need actually creates a sense of lack within you, which pushes what you want away from you.

A great way to overcome this, is to focus on manifesting things in multiple areas of your life simultaneously. This way, you remain in a more surrendered and allowing state. 

Remember, manifestation is not a ‘forcing’ process.

*Whenever I am teaching my students I will advise focusing on manifesting in 3-4 areas of your life at the same time, this way you don’t become too attached to the one thing and as a result you end up manifesting more things more easily!

This is something I cover in detail in my Free Vision Board Masterclass which you can register and watch here.

How Important Is Belief And Positivity In The Success Of Manifestation?

Belief and positivity are 100% necessary in order to successfully manifest
something. This is because, you can’t be trying to focus on what you want and not believing it will happen simultaneously because you will be sending contradicting signals out to the universe. 

If you are new to manifestation and need to work on your beliefs, start by focusing on smaller goals that already feel somewhat believable to you, this way you won’t rub up against as many resistant thoughts. For example, focus on manifesting an improvement to your skin rather than completely clear or wrinkle free skin. Once you start to see it working you can gradually increase your goals and focus on even bigger improvements.

How Long Does It Take To Manifest Clearer Skin

Curious to know how long it will take to manifest clear skin?

This will vary from person to person, depending on their individual vibration, how quickly they can align themselves with what they want and take action in the ways they’re being guided

I’ve had students manifest physical changes to their skin in as little as 3 weeks and others who saw incredible improvements over time.

Seeking Medical Help To Support Skin Health In Addition To Manifestation

If you’re thinking of seeking medical advice to support you when using the law of attraction to manifest better skin, my answer to you is…

Yes, absolutely, especially if it's something you intuitively feel called to do as that could be part of your specific journey to manifesting clear skin.

In this instance I would actually work on manifesting ‘the perfect’ medical professional to help you. If you do this you will find seeking medical help will only support your manifesting goals even more.


Manifesting clear skin is absolutely possible for you when you stay open and allow ideas and solutions to flow to you.

Remember …

The sooner you get started with your manifestation practice for better skin, the sooner you can start seeing results ;)

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this post & found this step by step guide to manifesting clear skin helpful. I’d love to hear your success with this, whether you’re applying it to clear skin, or other aspects of your life. 

I have some really juicy offerings for you, if you want to deepen your connection & journey with manifesting…

➤ Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual to start bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with your desires.


➤ Watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass for tips on creating a powerful vision board to help you attract big and small goals

➤ Check out my online manifesting course where I teach everything you need to know to attract your desires with ease and speed.

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

How To Create A Business Vision Board (That Actually Works!)


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