22 Money Manifestation Affirmations That Work (While You Sleep!)
Money manifestation affirmations can be a great way to attract more money, wealth and abundance into your life as part of your regular manifestation practice.
While there are lots of blogs and articles out there with pages of different money attracting affirmations, I’ve decided to make this post a little different.
Instead I’ll be focusing specifically on money manifestation affirmations that work - while you sleep!
Because who doesn’t want to be attracting wealth and abundance 24hrs a day on autopilot?! I know I do.
But first, let me quickly give you a little background into WHY I’m writing this particular article (because there’s more to the story).
As a Manifestation Coach I’ve been practicing affirmations for over 15 years but it wasn’t until more recently that they started to produce results for me and really take off.
This is because I’ve learnt how to REFINE them and practice them in a way where they are working for me, not against me.
Now, let me explain what I mean by this…
Have you ever repeated a money attracting affirmation like: “I’m a money magnet” but at the same time you feel like your stomach is in knots with disbelief?
This is an indication you aren’t in ALIGNMENT with the affirmation so it won’t be doing anything to help you attract more wealth and abundance.
For this reason it's really important to choose your affirmations wisely and not just pick ones you think SOUND good, rather pick ones that make you FEEL good (I’ll explain more about how to choose and use affirmations correctly below).
Secondly, a big part of how I teach and how I’ve created such a successful coaching business is by listening to my intuition and using it to guide me and give me FRESH ideas and insights into how I can manifest more easily.
Here is the information I channeled recently…
When it comes to using law of attraction affirmations for money, you can program yourself to RECEIVE money and other opportunities for creating wealth and abundance while you sleep.
And it’s not just me who believes in this theory - thought leaders like Neville Goddard talk about using STATS (state akin to sleep) when using The Law Of Assumption to visualise you desires as real.
Being in that sleepy state when our conscious mind rests its judgments means our subconscious mind can be gently ‘suggested’ things. I talk about this topic in my blog about The Pillow Manifestation Method.
So yes, you can be attracting or manifesting things while you sleep!
In fact, when I started using this process I manifested 3 x prominent media features WHILE I WAS SLEEPING.
2 x interviews with Women’s Health Magazine here and here.
1 x interview with Yoga Journal here.
*If you look at the dates you will see all 3 articles were published within a 17 day period (if you want some proof).
Each interview request came into my inbox overnight after repeating specific affirmations (please note I also had media appearances featured on my vision board so I was using both manifestation methods together).
Now I’m going to share how you can do this too…
22 Money Manifestation Affirmations To Attract Money (While You Sleep!)
What are money manifestation affirmations & why they work
If you’re reading this post you probably already have a good idea about what money affirmations are, but in case you don't, here's a very simple explanation…
Money manifesting affirmations are statements or mantras that you repeat to yourself to help you ACTIVATE the law of attraction to call in various forms of money, wealth & abundance.
The reason they work is because they help you to change your energetic frequency by focusing your attention on what you desire and reprogramming your subconscious mind.
How to choose your affirmations
Whenever I am choosing an affirmation or helping a client to choose one, there’s 3 specific things that I like to consider…
Now let me go into more detail on each of these points…
1. What do I feel most drawn to
Sometimes when you’re manifesting it’s easy to get caught up in your mind and think about everything from a logical stand point.
For example: Say you’re a coach and you want to manifest more money so you think *logically* it's better to choose an affirmation like: “I’m attracting 5 x new clients per week” because that makes sense in your reality.
When you look at a list of different law of attraction affirmations for money and abundance you INSTANTLY feel drawn to one that says “Money flows to me in infinite ways.”
That’s your intuition GUIDING you and signalling to you that the EASIEST path for you to attract more money right now might be opening yourself up to more possibilities for revenue than just paying clients.
If you choose to work with that affirmation instead, all of a sudden you might find you get offered a lucrative speaking opportunity that brings in more money than those clients would anyway. And as a result your business takes on a whole new direction and starts generating more wealth and abundance.
2. What FEELS good when I say it
Similar to the point I made at the beginning about repeating an affirmation like: “I’m a money magnet” but all the while you feel like you’re lying to yourself when you say it…
Make sure you ‘TRY’ your affirmation out by practicing it a few times to really test how it FEELS when you say it.
If it's an affirmation you’re in ALIGNMENT with, it will feel good to you when you say it.
It will make you feel like you’re ANCHORING yourself to a higher vibration and it will feel somewhat true and believable (not give you knots in your stomach).
3. Is this something that’s coming from my heart or ego
Lastly, whenever I’m manifesting anything new or doing any kind of manifestation practice I always like to check in with myself to make sure I’m coming from my heart space and not caught up in ego.
This is something I cover in lots of detail in my manifesting course The Surrender Approach but a quick way to determine whether you’re in ego or not is to check in with your body and ask…
Where is this desire coming from?
Pay attention to the feedback you receive internally.
If you’re coming from your heart space you’ll feel an OPENNESS and EXPANSION around your manifestation.
The reason this is important is because manifestations that come from your heart and soul will always be more powerful and in alignment with what your higher-self wants for you.
How to use and practice your affirmations so they work while you sleep
The process that I have been using to activate my chosen money attracting affirmations so they work while I sleep is to do the following:
1. Reframe the affirmation so it’s stated in such a way that the INTENTION is for it to work while you sleep.
2. Write the affirmation out 8 x times on a piece of paper and as you write the statement imagine that it working while you sleep.
Really practice FEELING as though you are attracting money and other forms of abundance while you’re sleeping.
Maybe this could look like: unexpected money coming into your bank account overnight, waking up to a new client applying to work with you or a sale you get through Paypal - you get the idea!
The specific affirmation that I was using that worked for me was:
“I attract exciting new business opportunities while I sleep”.
Saying this statement I manifested 3 x high profile media features while I was sleeping! They literally landed in my inbox overnight. I’ve also used this method to manifest other forms of business success.
3. Repeat the affirmation to yourself a few times JUST before you drift off to sleep so its the last thing you think about.
If your partner sleeping next to you will think you’re crazy just say them in your mind or softly under your breath.
*If someone doesn’t support your manifesting beliefs it's better not to share things like this with them as their feedback (aka criticism) may cause a DISRUPTION in your vibration.
22 of the best money attracting affirmations
Now that you’ve got the basics down of how to choose and practice your affirmations, here are 22 of the best law of attraction affirmations for money, wealth and abundance.
Each of these affirmations are gentle in nature and have been reframed to work while you sleep.
Tip: If the affirmation makes you feel doubtful and think about “how” it will happen go for a more general affirmation that isn’t so specific.
For example: If you say: “I attract exciting new business opportunities while I sleep” but then you feel stressed about how that will happen because your business has been tough lately, try a more general affirmation like: “Unexpected forms of abundance come my way while I sleep”.
*This will lessen the resistance and make sure you’re in ALIGNMENT with what you’re saying.
22 Of The Best Money Attracting Affirmations
“Money loves me and flows to me easily while I sleep”
“I attract exciting new business opportunities while I sleep”
“Unexpected forms of abundance come to me while I sleep”
“My bank account is a money attracting machine that grows while I sleep”
“Endless opportunities for money and professional growth come to me while I sleep”
“I am open to receiving wealth and abundance while I sleep”
“I allow prosperity to flow into my life in unexpected ways while I sleep”
“New income channels come to me while I sleep”
“I vibrate at frequency that magnetizes money while I sleep”
“I let go of all resistance around money and allow it to flow to me easily while I sleep”
“Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways while I sleep”
“I am open and receptive to all forms of wealth and abundance coming to me while I sleep”
“I embrace new avenues of income coming to me while I sleep”
“I’m a money magnet. I attract money while I sleep”
“Money can’t stay away from me. It comes to me while I sleep”
“I draw money into my vibrational field while I sleep”
“Every night, I make more and more money”
“Money is a natural part of my life, it flows to me while I sleep”
“I am worthy of the increasing wealth and prosperity that manifests for me while I sleep”
“Making and attracting money is easy while I sleep”
“My income increases while I sleep”
“Money comes, money comes, money comes to me while I sleep”
How to supercharge the process
Once you’ve got your money affirmation technique down, think about other ways you can supercharge the process.
*Affirmations will always be more powerful when used alongside other techniques.
My favorite tools for manifesting (that can be used in conjunction with affirmations) are vision boards and scripting.
When I think about the various media appearances I manifested so easily overnight, being featured in the media was something I had placed on my vision board and was scripting about.
If you’re not using vision board or scripting alongside your affirmations, you need to be and here’s why…
Vision boards will help ANCHOR you to your goals and manifestations on a daily basis so you are more likely to MATCH the vibration of what you want.
Scripting allows you to use your imagination to experience what it's like to manifest your desires in great detail.
In my experience affirmation practices should be done in conjunction with either (or both) of these techniques for maximum results.
If you want to learn my secrets for creating a powerful vision board that gets next-level results, watch my Free Vision Board Master Class here.
In this training I share how I used vision boards to manifest Free Round The World Business Class Flights & becoming Fully Booked in my coaching business without spending any money on FB advertising or marketing - click here to register and watch.