How To Manifest Someone (A Complete Guide 2022)

A picture of Juliette Kristine and her husband who was someone she wanted to manifest for over 5 years. Juliette's husband is pictured with his head close to Juliette's embracing her with one hand up to her head.

Have you ever wondered if you can use manifestation and the law of attraction to manifest someone into your life?

Whether that’s a new love interest, life partner, soulmate or even manifest your ideal husband

This article covers everything you need to know about how to manifest someone. 

Before I get into the specifics of the article, I want to first mention why I chose to write this complete guide…

As a manifestation coach who’s been practicing the law of attraction for over 15 years, one of the most beneficial skills I’ve ever learnt is how to correctly manifest someone into my life and this is because…

This process isn’t just limited to manifesting love; once you get the framework right, you can use it to attract the right people in all different areas of your life.

For example:

➤ Manifesting friendships, 

➤ Business relationships, 

➤ Soulmate clients,

➤ Collaborators,

And yes of course, manifesting someone who has all the specific characteristics you desire and can give you the type of relationship you want (the most important!).

How do I know?

When I manifested my husband and soulmate I had been single for 5 years straight.

Yes, that’s right, not 1 year, not 2 years, 5 years!

I remember feeling so lonely. More than anything I desired a loving relationship not just with anyone, but with “THE ONE”.

You see, I was so tired of dating and inside I felt like I was 100% ready for my special person to come into my life but it didn’t matter what manifestation practices I tried to using, none of them were working.

In the end I discovered there was a lot more work I needed to do on myself, removing my inner blocks as well as aligning my energy with the correct manifesting tools and techniques (most of which I put an entirely new spin on!)

And, eventually it worked!

I cracked the code and I got everything I asked for in a relationship (and more)

Fast forward to today and I’ve been in a loving relationship with the man of my dreams for over 14 years (see recent pic below). and have now helped so many others manifest their own loving relationships with the person they desired.

*See the bottom of this article for success stories from my clients and students on manifesting someone.

And the best part?

After I manifested my husband I learnt that the process can be repeated for manifesting other people, so I used the same principles to manifest numerous best friends (identical to what I had written down that I wanted), business mentors, soulmate clients (which I have been fully booked with for over 5 years!), nannies, house cleaners, even my VA!

And in this post I am revealing all the juicy details about how I did just that. 

Keep reading to learn:

How To Manifest Someone (A Complete Guide 2022)

*Please note I have shared articles previously on how to manifest someone specific, how to manifest new friends and how to manifest your soulmate (which you can read more about by clicking the links) but in this post I go much much deeper and cover important aspects I haven’t ever written about previously.

Step 1. Get Clear On The Person You Want To Manifest (& The Relationship!)

The very first place you want to start when manifesting someone is to get crystal clear on the type of person you want to manifest and all aspects of the relationship you desire to call-in. 

I always find that people tend to focus too much on the person they want, and not enough on the relationship.

Both are important, and here’s why…

When you focus just on the person you are trying to manifest it can cause a feeling of DISTANCE and SEPARATION

It can HIGHLIGHT the fact that this person is not with you, and HEIGHTEN the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 

Whereas when you focus on the type of relationship you desire, you start to feel, how you would feel, when you are with the person and it brings you into vibrational alignment with the person and relationship more easily.

It closes the gap, one could say.

You can test this out for yourself by closing your eyes and thinking about someone you want to manifest. Now pay attention to how you feel. Do you notice there’s a distance or longing there because they aren’t with you?

Then, I want you to imagine the type of relationship you desire instead. Maybe you desire a relationship that’s loving, passionate and connected. Now think about manifesting that relationship and see how you feel in your body?

Feels different doesn’t it?

That being said, it’s still important to get clear on the specific characteristics of the person you desire and make that known to the universe so you can ensure that the person you are calling-in is the right person for you.

My favourite ways to get clear on the person you want (and the relationship you desire) are to create a relationship vision board and write a manifestation list that outlines the specific characteristics of the person. 

If you want help creating a powerful vision board you can access my Free Vision Board Training here.

Step 2. Heal From Past Relationships

I have mentioned this in previous posts but I’m going to go into even more depth here because it's SO IMPORTANT.

Being energetically tied up with your ex is like walking around with a sign on your forehead saying “unavailable”.

It’s taking up valuable space for the right person to come in and sending the wrong signal out to the universe.

Furthermore, if you’ve had negative relationship experiences in the past, and haven’t done the work to energetically heal from them, you can find yourself manifesting similar situations in the future as it will still be active in your vibration. 

And even if you’re great friends with your exes this can still apply as they can be taking up the space of the new relationship you desire. 

Whenever I am working with a client around healing from past relationships I like to work on 4 different levels:





Some examples of how you might work on these different levels are: physically removing the person’s belongings from your environment and creating physical distance between both of you, spiritually releasing them through energetic cord cutting, mentally and emotionally healing through mindset work and a release writing process like journalling.

I’ve always found that working on each of these levels is like giving yourself a really good spring clean, clearing away the vibrational debris and putting you in the perfect energy to receive the person you want!

Before I manifested my husband I was in a relationship with someone who used to cheat on me all the time. 

It was a very karmic relationship where we would break up, get back together, break up. 

It almost felt like we were energetically glued together, and just couldn't separate.

 It wasn’t until I COMPLETElY released this person from my life and healed from the relationship that my husband manifested quickly after, and I know it was because of the work I did around healing from the past.

Also, with nearly every client I have worked with around love, there has always been some work to do around past relationships which freed them up to manifest the one!

Step 3. Transforming Limiting Beliefs Around Dating & Relationships

After you’ve healed from your past relationships it's time to evaluate the beliefs that may be preventing the new person you want from manifesting.

These could beliefs like:

I’m too old

The ones I like don’t like me

I’m just not good at dating

I’m not pretty enough, smart enough, successful enough for the one I want

I’m too particular

I’m never going to meet someone

They can even be limiting beliefs around dating apps, like believing all dating apps are the same or don’t work.

These are all beliefs LIMITING your ability to manifest a partner.

But, they can be transformed.

The trick is to identify the biggest beliefs getting in your way, and start there.

 These are often the beliefs you are thinking all the time and telling other people.

For example: If you regularly find yourself saying: 

“There are no good men out there”.


“Every time I meet someone I like, they don’t like me”

They’re the beliefs you want to start with. 

It's always the thoughts that are most prominent that are causing the biggest blockages. 

There are various healing practices for transforming limiting beliefs but I often find a simple way can be writing down the negative belief and then finding 7-10 pieces of evidence in your experience that prove it wrong.

Once you can see on paper, with your own eyes that a belief is not real, it will start the process of transforming it.

Step 4. Collapsing Energies of Fear & Doubt 

There’s no debating that energies of fear and doubt can disrupt your manifesting.

Feeling afraid you won’t ever meet your partner or DOUBTING if they will manifest can WEAKEN the signal you’re sending out so it's important to address these.

Usually someone’s first reaction when they experience these types of emotions is to try and run from them or cover them up, but I like my guide clients to bring their conscious awareness to the energy in their bodies as a way to dissolve them.

Once you identify the energy in your body, and ALLOW it to be there without being consumed by it, it will begin to dissolve.

You can then REPLACE that energy with energy of divine love and connection so you walk away from the exercise feeling a sense of WHOLENESS and COMPLETENESS - the perfect vibration to receive love.

Step 5. Align Yourself With The Vibration Of Love

Becoming magnetic to the person and type of relationship you desire has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself.

As I always like to say:

People will want you, when you want yourself. 

A purple coloured quote that reads: People will want you when you want yourself. This quote is by Juliette Kristine who's describing the energy you need to be in to manifest someone into your life.

Here's what I mean by this...⁠

If you want your energy to be MAGNETIC to other people, you need to feel magnetic within yourself. 

You can't expect to come from a place of LACK or LONGING and be in attracting mode, it doesn't work that way. 

People can pick on your energy and if you're feeling needy or desperate it's the quickest way to turn someone off.⁠

The remedy for this is to turn your focus and attention back on yourself and prioritise manifesting in other areas of your life as well as love. 

Ask yourself... ⁠

What would I be INCREDIBLY proud to achieve in the next 6 months?⁠

 How can I love myself even more?⁠

What desires are bubbling up inside of me that would light me up to work on?⁠

When you learn to love yourself and your life, this makes you attractive. 

People will want you when you want yourself. ⁠

It's all energy.

Step 6. Calling The Person In 

Once you have completed all the steps above you will be in the PERFECT energy to manifest and be able to SUPERCHARGE your results with any additional practices you use. 

For example: 


Scripting Manifestation

369 Method

Are all examples of techniques that can be used as a way to AMPLIFY the manifestation of the person.

In short, because you will be in a nice aligned state (having dealt with the blocks I mentioned previously), using these practices helps to STRENGTHEN your vibration.

I like to mention these techniques last, because if you haven’t completed steps 1-5, using these methods isn’t as effective, you will have other things going on in your energy and vibration that can disrupt the process. 

An additional “advanced technique” that I like to teach for this is entering into a Theta Brainwave State and skipping timelines to meet your future partner.

What I love about this exercise is that, once you meet the person energetically it's really easy to connect with them on a daily basis to enhance calling them in even quicker. 

Because you’ve already connected with them energetically you can magnetise their energy to you.

You can even ask them questions while you're in this Theta Brainwave State and get additional guidance from them on what you need to do to prepare for them to manifest more quickly.

In Conclusion…

If you’ve ever wondered how you can manifest someone into your life, whether that’s; manifesting new love interest, life partner, or soulmate, it can be done through a process of working on yourself and your energy as well as using manifestation techniques to call this person in. 

Below I have also included screenshots and testimonials from my clients and students who have manifested their perfect partner, soulmate and the loving relationship they desired. 

A picture of Serena and her testimonial on how she manifested someone into her life. She says she manifested the man of her dreams using Juliette's processes.
Brandy tells her story of how she manifested the man of her dreams after working with Juiette Kristine
Amie explains how she manifested her soulmate and life partner into her life working with Juliette Kristine
Seli explains how she manifested someone identical to what she had on her vision board after doing Juliette Kristine's The Surrender Approach Course
Kathy describes how she manifested somone who had all the qualities she desires, healthy, successful, and a gentleman.

As always I hope you enjoyed this post!

If you’re interested in taking things further with your manifesting here are a few ways I can help:

➤ Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual to start bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with your desires.

➤ Watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass for tips on creating a powerful vision board to help attract a relationship and other success.

➤ Check out my online manifesting course where I teach everything you need to know to attract your desires with ease and speed.

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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