22 Manifesting Pregnancy Affirmations (That REALLY Work)
Affirmations can be a wonderful tool to assist you when manifesting pregnancy and using the law of attraction to conceive a baby.
They can help you to stay positive while trying to fall pregnant, focus on what you want (rather than what you don’t want) and even to assist in transforming limiting beliefs that can block your manifesting efforts.
After working with many people helping them to manifest pregnancy (see screenshot below from my recent clients and students who conceived using the law of attraction), pregnancy affirmations certainly played their part on the journey.
In this post I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about positive affirmations for pregnancy including:
Table of Contents
What are pregnancy affirmations?
Affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself to help you focus your mind on what you want to create or achieve in your life. They are a wonderful tool for helping you to control negative thinking which can lower your vibration, and make it more difficult for you to manifest.
Pregnancy affirmations are positive affirmations that are tailored specifically towards helping you to fall pregnant and conceive more easily using the law of attraction, for example:
Everyday in every way I’m getting closer and closer to receiving my baby.
Affirmations have even been proven to have a positive physiological effect due to the fact that the brain can’t always tell the difference between what is real and what you tell it is real.
Why pregnancy affirmations are important when manifesting
When thinking about using the law of attraction to fall pregnant it's important that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs line up with what you want to create.
This is because, you can’t be saying to the universe that you want to manifest a baby and then thinking thoughts like “It’s never going to happen”, as this is sending contradicting signals out to the universe.
In order for manifesting to work you need to have a strong and steady signal with which to attract what you want back to you.
For this reason limiting thoughts and beliefs can hinder your ability to fall pregnant using manifestation.
Some common limiting beliefs are:
“I’m too old to fall pregnant”
“I’ll never be a mother/parent”
“I don’t deserve a baby because I’ve miscarried”
“Falling pregnant naturally is hard”
The good news is that pregnancy specific affirmations can be a wonderful tool to help you reprogram yourself to overcome these thoughts.
Speaking of reprogramming your mind, one of the most powerful ways you can do this is through using a vision board in conjunction with your affirmations because the subconscious mind responds so well to imagery.
If you want to learn my secrets for creating a SUPERCHARGED vision board that gets you next-level results in ALL areas of your life - sign up for me Free Vision Board Training here.
How to write affirmations for pregnancy
All you need to do is a quick search of Google and you will see lots of different articles telling you that you can use any type of positive affirmation to help you fall pregnant.
I don’t always believe this to be true and here’s why…
In order for an affirmation to work (from a manifestation point of view) it needs to make you FEEL something.
Because ultimately it's your FEELINGS that help to alter your vibration and attract back to you what you want.
So when you choose an affirmation that you don’t really believe and doesn’t feel in alignment with you, you won’t feel good when you say it.
A great example of this would be saying an affirmation like:
“I’m pregnant”
If you’ve been trying to conceive for a really long time using this type of affirmation can feel quite forceful and, more often than not, is going to make you feel like you’re lying to yourself and create more resistance in your energy and vibration.
This is why you actually need to be CAREFUL about what affirmations you say.
Not all affirmations are created equal.
And not all law of attraction pregnancy affirmations will work!
The trick to choosing (and creating) powerful affirmations for pregnancy that work is to make sure they FEEL good and believable when you say them not forcefully, or like you’re lying to yourself.
This way you’ll be creating the right FEELINGS within you to alter your vibration and get the law of attraction to start working.
Want more guidance on using the law of attraction to successfully conceive?
Check out my full guide on manifesting pregnancy here.
Tips for getting your affirmations to work more effectively
Another false belief around getting positive affirmations to work is thinking that - the more you say them, the more effective they will be.
Whenever I am working with a client or student around this I prefer to say that, the more INTENTIONAL you are when you say them the more effective they will be.
Again, when it comes to getting the law of attraction to work you need to be ALTERING your vibration and rushing through a bunch of positive pregnancy affirmations you’ve found on Google again and again won’t be helping you to get into the feeling space.
Say each affirmation slowly and really FEEL into what you are saying as this will give you the best chance of success.
Like all good things in life this is a matter of QUALITY over QUANTITY.
22 Manifesting Pregnancy Affirmations Examples
Now I’ve covered everything you need to know about using positive affirmations for pregnancy.
Below is a list of 22 of my favourite law of attraction affirmations for conceiving a baby and falling pregnant.
Some of these affirmations were created by me specifically for my clients and students that were having trouble conceiving.
They are all gentle in nature and not forceful or pushy.
Use your intuition to guide you on what ones to choose that will be most helpful to you.
And make sure you practice them INTENTIONALLY.
“The universe is bringing me all of the tools and resources I need to fall pregnant”
“Everyday I’m attracting everything I need into my life to have a baby”
“I trust my baby is coming in divine timing”
“My baby will come at the perfect moment”
“I am a powerful creator”
“I am manifesting in all different areas of my life”
“I experience miracles in my life all the time”
“I allow miracles to happen in my life”
“I am blessed with an abundance of love and connection in my life”
“The universe showers me with love and connection in all different ways”
“My life is deeply fulfilling”
“Everything I want is coming to me”
“I love being a mother figure in my daily life”
“Everyday my body is becoming stronger and healthier”
“I know when to rest and take care of myself”
“I take excellent care of myself”
“I am ready for my baby”
“I trust my body knows what to do”
“I welcome my baby when they are ready”
“It's safe for me to fall pregnant”
“It's safe for me to have a baby”
“Our family will thrive with a new addition to our family”
As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Do you know positive affirmations are just ONE tool you can use to manifest pregnancy and a baby?
For best results I recommend using affirmations alongside other manifesting tools like a powerful vision board. This way you are approaching your manifesting from multiple angles.
If you want help creating a next-level vision board that depicts your pregnancy gaols so they manifest with more ease - come check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.
Its full of actionable tips and tricks you can begin implementing TODAY to quickly start seeing results in your manifesting!