Law of Assumption: The New Way To Manifest (A Complete Guide)

Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine sits on the floor, leaning on a grey velvet sofa. On the floor beside her are journaling pages and vision board images for her manifesting practice. She is wearing black pants and a white blouse with black lace.

Is The Law Of Assumption the new way to manifest in 2022?

Let’s explore…

Over the last 18 months The Law Of Assumption has been gaining speed in manifesting circles.

In fact, a quick look at Google will show you that this search term has experienced a huge spike in popularity since early 2021.

A graph image taken from Google Trends that shows the rise in populairty of The Law Of Assumption and the amount of people looking to use it.

So why (out of all
the laws of the universe) is this particular one suddenly capturing everyone's attention?

Gone are the days when people would only search for The Law Of Attraction to manifest what they want now they want to know how to use The Law Of Assumption.

In this guide I’ll be covering everything you need to know about this popular law and how you can begin using it to manifest your desires with more ease.

*Please note that as a Manifestation Coach and Expert I have found that using this law alongside additional techniques to yield the best possible results, which I explain in detail in this post. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of how to use this law, here’s a quick background on where it originated…

The Law Of Assumption has been made famous & brought into the public domain by a couple of thought leaders within the metaphysical space, but mainly Neville Goddard

Neville G is like the OG of The Law Of Assumption. 

Neville Lancelot Goddard (what a name!) was born in Barbados and inhabited this earthly realm (February 19, 1905 – October 1, 1972). He moved to New York City in 1922 to work as a dancer, but was affected by the Great Depression. He later served in the US Army during WWII and tells the most incredible story of how he used the power of his imagination and The Law Of Assumption to get honourably discharged from the Army. 

Here’s where it gets interesting…

Neville learned a majority of knowledge from a mysterious figure we only know as Abdullah. In all honesty, there have been many theories about who Abdullah really was, but nothing is concrete. Neville recalls meeting Abdullah (Abe) for the first time and Abe declaring that Neville was “6 months late”.

Abdullah was an ancient Ethiopian Rabbi with a seemingly never ending supply of ancient, infinite wisdom.

All we know is that he was absolutely pivotal in Neville’s life and passed onto him the most incredible wisdom and knowledge. Interestingly, Dr Joseph Murphy also studied with Abdullah. 

Listening to Neville’s recorded lectures, where he talks with such clipped confidence and conviction, is truly an experience.

What is The Law Of Assumption?

In short, The Law Of Assumption is living in the assumption and assuming that something is ‘done’

You desire something, it is yours. 

Whatever you assume is true for you, IS indeed true for you.

Plain and simple, right? 

Is The Law Of Assumption Different From The Law Of Attraction?

This is a tricky question with sadly, no definite answer.

 It’s a Yes and a No. 

The Law Of Assumption focuses on the ‘inner world’. As Neville famously stated; “there is no one to change but self”.  

It also operates on the assumption that everyone one (& thing) is you pushed out. 

I.e, whatever is going on in our internal world, gets reflected in the external world (also referred to as the 3D) like a mirror.

So, by changing the self and our ‘state’  (Neville was a huge fan of ‘states’) we then see our external world change.

The Law Of Attraction is similar in that it operates on the system of ‘like attracts like’, which is essentially the same as the external world reflecting the internal world and vice versa. 

The emphasis is a little more on the ‘attraction’ of what you want to you, whereas The Law Of Assumption is focusing more on what is ‘within’ you. 

However, both laws require a change of ‘state’ or ‘vibration’ as it is referred to in the Law Of Attraction.

How It Works

To put the law into practice you need to be able to fully believe your desire has already been made manifest.

This change in your consciousness will then bring about the manifestation of what you want. 

As within, so without!

Law Of Assumption Example: Manifesting A House

Here’s an example of how I personally put this law into practice when I manifested a move to a new state and our dream home identical to what I had placed on my vision board (see pic below).

An example of The Law Of Assumption working in real life. Two images placed side by side of houses that look identical and were manifested using this process.

Every morning when I went for my walk I would clear my mind and get into a nice relaxed state.

Then, I would put on my favorite song and use that 5 minutes to imagine every aspect of my new home and how it felt.

Specifically I would imagine walking barefoot through a large expansive house, feeling a warm breeze brush across my face and noticing how luxurious and abundant the place was.

I felt every part of this as real.

One of the reasons this example worked so well was that I already had endorphins pumping through my body as I was exercising so I was in the perfect vibrational state to begin visualizing. In addition, listening to my favorite song at the same time everyday, triggered my mind to REMEMBER the same feeling state as the day before.

In addition I had my desire placed clearly on my vision board using various images, quotes and affirmations so that I wasn’t relying just on my mental strength to recall the feelings after my morning walk. I was constantly looking at images of what I wanted and reliving the experience THROUGHOUT the day. 

*This is one example of how I was layering additional techniques in alongside The Law Of Assumption.

*If you’re interested in learning more about my advanced way of creating vision boards to get you in the correct feeling space you can sign up for my Free Vision Board Masterclass here

Using The Law Of Assumption To Manifest Love And A Specific Person

A common question I get asked is can you use The Law Of Assumption to attract love with a specific person or your soulmate.

The short answer?


The Law Of Assumption can be used for anything and I truly mean anything (as long as it’s in everyone’s highest good, of course).

Let’s explore the step by step process of how you would go about using The Law Of Assumption to manifest a specific person, life partner or soulmate.

An infographic containing a visual representation of how to use The Law Of Assumption in 4 simple steps.

Step 1. Get clear on what you want

When you immediately think about the ‘love of your life’, what comes to mind?

Chances are, this is correct for you. 

After you have that image clear in your mind, write all the qualities you would like in a person down on a piece of paper using a tool like a manifestation list (you can learn more about my manifestation list writing process here). 

Bonus tip; we will get more into how ‘feelings’ come into play with this process, but here, I recommend you also write down how you want to feel in this relationship?

How does this person make you feel? Special, loved, adored, cherished?

How do you feel in this relationship? Safe, secure, stable, supported etc 

Step 2. Assume the state….STATS 

It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life right now, what your circumstances look like, or what reality is ‘dictating’ to you. We all have the ability to change our state (vibration) at the flick of a switch.

How do we change our ‘state’?

Neville uses the process called STATS; State akin to sleep

This is when our conscious mind can rest its judgments and interference and in turn, our subconscious mind can be gently ‘suggested’ things. 

When you're in that world, the ‘border’ between sleep and awakeness, is when this window of time can be used. This is when we can use affirmations and visualization (more on the below).

With affirmations, we can lovingly suggest to our subconscious mind that which we desire to be and that which we are in our higher selves and imagination. 

With affirmations, Neville talks a lot about the power of ‘I am’. So, with your Law Of Assumption affirmations choose a powerful affirmation that starts with ‘I am’ and that feels true & believable to you. 

The 2 biggest mistakes I see people make with affirmations are these;

Choosing statements that aren’t believable or resonate with you

‘Forcing’ yourself to say and believe them

Law Of Assumption affirmations you could use for love with a specific type of person are;

I am blissfully married

I am deeply loved and adored

I am deeply cherished and wanted 

I am chosen each and every day 

Remember, manifesting is not a ‘forcing’ or ‘convincing’ process. We are gently suggesting, lovingly welcoming these affirmations and then allowing and surrendering to the ‘state’ and creating space for our manifestation to be realized. 

I talk all about surrendering and why it is 100% necessary to manifest in my signature offering The Surrender Approach.

Step 3. Visualization

“You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality” ~Neville Goddard

A picture of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine writing down her manifestations. The words on top of the image are a quote by Neville Goddard on The Law Of Assumption.

*An important note about visualization; most of the time our brains and bodies simply do not know the difference between reality and imagination. I won’t bore you with the ins and outs of this when you can just try it for yourself!

Stick with me.

Imagine a lemon…

Really picture and imagine a lemon, then slice the lemon and imagine tasting the lemon. 

I can pretty much guarantee you that thinking of this process right now, your saliva glands are activated and you can taste the sour kick of the lemon ( I know I am!)

Is there an actual lemon?


But this is a perfect example of how The Law Of Assumption can begin working through the power and potency of your imagination.

Visualization, the divine power of the imagination is your golden tool when it comes to The Law Of Assumption. 

Neville emphasizes the key here is to think ‘from’ it, not to think ‘of’ it

There is a distinct energy difference between the two.

Make sure you’re not visualizing the ‘how’ or devising the ‘when’, as that is not up to you. 

For example if you wanted to get married to the love of your life. 

Imagine walking down the aisle…

What do you see & hear?

How does your partner look standing at the altar for you? 

Do you feel excited butterflies in your stomach?

How does your dress feel? 

Can you hear the music serenading you down the aisle? 

Really immerse yourself in this experience, thus ‘living in the end’ the ‘wish fulfilled’. 

You could also try the ‘day after’ technique. 

Imagine the day after your wedding (remember, we’re living in the end result. It is done!)

Are you going on your honeymoon?

Are you reminiscing about your magical day with your partner? 

Are you looking at all the beautiful gifts & flowers you’ve been given?

Devising a very short scene that you can utterly saturate yourself in, will elevate your visualization process (just like I did when manifesting my house!).

‘Living’ in this scene, giving it all the “tones of reality” as Neville would say, is unbelievably powerful. 

There really are limitless scenarios that you could imagine & visualize which I talk more about in my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

Bonus Manifesting Tip

 ‘Feeling is the secret’

Feeling is the secret can be interpreted both ways and both ways are correct. The ‘feeling’ of it being ‘done’ (assuming it is done, it is yours) is one interpretation and also feeling it real, as in the feelings you would feel were you married to the love of your life is an angle too. 

Both are equally important. 

Step 4. Finally….

You persist in your assumption until it hardens into ‘fact’

You stay true to your desires, to your internal world and persist until the external world (reality) reflects this. 

One of the ways I love to practice and teach this is through using vision boards.

Using a vision board alongside your practice will allow you to stay ANCHORED to your desire throughout the day.

They help you remain in the correct FEELING state for longer so you can manifest quicker.

If you want to learn my secrets for creating a vision board that allows you to imagine your desires as real, check out my FREE Vision Board masterclass

In this free masterclass I share how I manifested: 

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I had on my vision board)

➤ My husband and soulmate (together for 14 years) &

➤ A Fully Booked Coaching Business (using organic marketing)

All by using the power of vision boards and feeling my desired reality as real.

Conclusion: Law Of Assumption VS Law Of Attraction - What’s Better?

The Law Of Assumption can be a powerful (and fun) way to increase your manifesting powers and see your desires materialize.

It can be used on its own or in conjunction with other manifesting and Law Of Attraction practices. 

When deciding how to use the law for you and your desires, go within and use your intuition. 

Try and tap into how you feel when you use the process and if you think it’s enough on its own or you need additional techniques to help you.

A good indication you may need extra support is if you find it difficult to remain in the correct feeling space throughout the day or if there’s a small part of you that struggles to let go of doubt.

I personally have found using it with other manifesting practices gets the best possible results for my students and this is because, depending on what you are trying to manifest (and how long you've been trying to manifest it) applying The Law Of Assumption on its own might make you bump up against too much extra resistance as you can’t simply get to a place where you BELIEVE 1000% percent of the time what you want is already real. 

For example: If you’ve been trying to manifest your soulmate for many years this practice alone might not feel great to you!

When you layer additional techniques in, it allows you to come from different angles, lessen your resistance, remove doubt and allow your desires to manifest more easily.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this and learning more about the incredible powers that lie within you. 

What will you use The Law Of Assumption for?

Juliette xx

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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