How To Manifest Your Dream Job And Salary (6 Step Formula)
Manifesting a new job is great but what’s even better is being able to attract your dream job and the exact salary you desire!
In this guide I’m going to be sharing the 6 step (proven) formula I use with my students for how to manifest your dream job (and that lucrative salary or pay rise you’ve been dreaming about!).
And you don’t just have to take my word for it….
Have a read of these actual results 👇🏼
All of the students above were able to, not only, land the role of their dreams but attract salaries that were double and even triple what they were earning previously.
If you want learn how to do this for yourself, grab a pen and paper and start taking notes!
Here’s what we’re going to cover:
Table of Contents
- Step 1. Mind Map Your New Dream Job
- Step 2. Make A Vision Board For Your New Job
- Step 3. Write A Job Manifestation List
- Step 4. Remove Your Blocks
- Step 5. Take Action - Meet The Universe Halfway
- Step 6. Hold The Vibration
- How To Manifest Your Desired Salary
- Tips For Manifesting A Job After The Interview
- How To Manifest A Job Quickly
- Best Crystals For Manifesting A Job
- What To Do If You Don’t Get The Job
- Manifesting A Job Success Stories
- 10 Best Crystals For Manifesting Love (Expert Guide)
- Law of Assumption: The New Way To Manifest (A Complete Guide)
Step 1. Mind Map Your New Dream Job
Before you even start using manifestation techniques to call in your dream job it's important to get clear on some of the details of the type of job you want, how it's going to make you feel and also why you want it.
Most people will lead you to believe that in order for manifesting a new job to work you need to know EXACTLY what kind of job you want.
This isn’t the case.
You can start manifesting a new job right now, just by tapping into some of the finer details that are already apparent to you and using that as your point of focus.
To do this you can create a mind map where you dump all the ideas you have around your potential new job (or even career change) and really try and tap into what your intuition is guiding you towards.
For example:
Perhaps you’re not 100% sure what industry you want to work in, or your next role to be in, but what you DO know is this…
Your heart desires to:
➤ Work from home or work remotely
➤ Be in a position that’s creative where you can use your skills as a writer/designer
➤ Work for a company where you can grow and develop your skills
➤ Be surrounded by fun and easy going team members
➤ Get paid abundantly
➤ Receive opportunities to travel
➤ Work that’s flexible and allows you to spend time with your family
➤ Something that’s truly rewarding where you are making a difference in other people’s lives
Get all the details down onto paper using a mind map and also mention how you want to FEEL in your new job
For example:
I want my new job to make me feel: excited, valued and abundantly rewarded.
Below is an example of what this would look like on a mind map:
*The reason why you want to start with this process isn’t so you have something pretty to look at, it's so that you can allow yourself to access the subtle intuitive messages you may be receiving from your higher self around the best possible path for you.
It will also allow you to enter into a much CALMER and CLEARER state, as you start working towards your manifestation.
By now you should feel much more at ease and be ready to move onto step 2 which is all about turning these ideas into a career and dream job vision board!
Step 2. Make A Vision Board For Your New Job
Now that you’ve got all the details down on your mind map it's time to turn those thoughts and ideas into something visual.
This will allow you to start the process of manifesting your desires by ANCHORING into the feelings that what you want has already happened.
To do this you will need to create a vision board (or mood board) of your dream job and all the finer aspects of what you want to experience.
Specifically you want to find at least 1 image to represent each detail on your mind map (*vision board quotes can also be used).
Here are some examples:
➤ Work Remotely
An image of a home office or someone working on their laptop by the pool.
➤ Creative Position
An image of someone writing, painting or even designing something on the computer (you can even add logos or words that represent what you’re already skilled in ie Adobe Photoshop).
➤ Fun & Easy Going Team Members
An image of a group of people who look like work colleagues all enjoying time together in the office or even out at a company lunch (all expenses paid of course)
*If you want to learn my 3 secrets for supercharging the power of your vision board so you can take your career manifestation to the next-level check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass here.
In this class I share exactly how I used vision boards to manifest: Free Round The World Business Class Flights, My Dream Home (identical to my vision board), My Soulmate and A Fully Booked Coaching Business (using organic marketing).
Step 3. Write A Job Manifestation List
Manifestation lists are one of my all time favorite manifesting tools when it comes to attracting big life goals.
They are particularly good for attracting things like: your ideal job (and salary), home, soulmate, even new friends.
The reason why you want to include this technique as part of the process is because it allows you to be specific with certain elements like the amount of pay/salary you want to receive.
To get started with your manifestation list, always write at the top of the page the date you want to have manifested your dream job by.
Then, list out all the specific details you want your new job to have.
You can include items from your mind map and also add the exact salary you desire, location, number of hours you want to work, even certain benefits like health care or company car.
For more information, read my full article on how to write the perfect manifestation list.
Step 4. Remove Your Blocks
After you’ve completed steps 1-3 you will be well on your way to attracting this next-level manifestation in your career (whoop whoop!)
This can feel thrilling, exciting and wonderous.
And then…
Bang all of a sudden you get hit with fear, doubt, and negative thoughts like:
“This is never going to happen!”
Even though this feels ‘negative’, rest assured, it's completely normal and actually part of the manifesting process.
You see, each and every time you attempt to manifest something new, you simultaneously ask the universe to show you, what parts of yourself you need to clear and heal in order to make it a reality.
So doing this type of work will always bring up your “stuff” and show you what you need to work on in order to become a vibrational match to the type of job you want.
This is when you need to commit to the inner-work.
In my manifesting course The Surrender Approach I cover different processes for healing each block but here are some tips to get you started.
If you are doubting your new job manifestation try working on manifesting some smaller goals simultaneously as this will help you INCREASE your belief and also become more surrendered around your desire.
If you have fearful thoughts try writing them down on paper and then ripping it up and throwing it out - purge yourself of the negative energy.
If you have limiting beliefs reframe them into positive statements and repeat them as positive affirmations.
Step 5. Take Action - Meet The Universe Halfway
In all my years of manifesting I’ve never encountered a manifestation where there was no physical action involved at all.
This is because; after you have CLEARLY placed your intentions out to the universe and began aligning yourself with your desires you need to start meeting the universe halfway.
And what I mean by that is; tuning into the subtle whispers of your intuition and taking action where you feel guided.
Where lots of people get confused with this part of the process is overthinking it.
I know because this used to be me (I am a Gemini after all!)
When it comes to taking action towards your manifestations, start by keeping it simple.
Ask yourself:
What’s the one thing that I feel called to do today?
Pay attention to how you feel in your body and any inspired thoughts or feelings you receive…
They may not even have to do with getting a job!
It could be as simple as feeling called to start going to the gym.
Now I know you may be thinking…
Juliette, how is going to the gym going to help me manifest my dream job and salary?
Well, it could be that you begin going to the gym and happen to meet someone there who works for Apple and is looking for their next position to be filled.
And not only that, but (by going to the gym) you also begin to manifest changes to your health and physical appearance.
You become more lean and toned.
In turn, this makes you ooze confidence and raises your vibration.
Then, when it comes time for that all important interview at Apple - you nail it because you have this extra magnetism about you…
Get my point?
Moral of the story…
Don’t overthink it. Just act on what you feel inspired to do!
Step 6. Hold The Vibration
The final step is all about holding the vibration of the job you want.
This involves trust, surrender and being able to anchor into the feelings that your new job (and salary) are already yours.
This is again, where your vision board can help greatly.
When you have a vision board created in the right way, it can help you stay in alignment with your manifestations without needing to sit down and try and visualize for hours a day.
Furthermore, if you set your board up so it allows you to focus on WHO YOU WANT TO BE (how I teach vision boards) you won’t be in the energy of CHASING after the job you want, you’ll be in the energy of EMBODYING and BECOMING.
In my Free Vision Board Masterclass I cover everything you need to know about accessing a state of trust and surrender through using vision boards.
How To Manifest Your Desired Salary
When choosing a salary you want to manifest as part of job manifestation make sure it’s a number that feels true and believable to you.
If you go trying to pick big numbers that are outside your vibrational reach you will likely bring up extra resistance in your energy and vibration.
When you have your perfect number in mind you can place this on your vision board and add it to your manifestation list.
The final deciding factor on whether you will actually be able to manifest this amount of money will come down to YOUR ENERGY.
You need to fully believe you are worthy of the money you are setting out to attract.
You need to have this energetically aligned in your chakras.
This is what will convince the person looking for a new employee that you’re it and you're worth every penny.
Tips For Manifesting A Job After The Interview
Most people will tell you that after you’ve had the interview you should keep visualizing and trying to make it happen.
But, this can actually just make you more attached to your manifestation.
And you cannot be in a needy and desperate state and also be in alignment with what you want.
So what do you do?
Here are my tips for manifesting a job after the interview…
1. Celebrate
Take a moment to celebrate yourself for the interview and reflect on
Did you speak eloquently and present yourself in a more professional manner than you ever have before?
Were you on fire when it came time to answer questions about your previous work history?
Did you wow or impress the interviewer?
These are all things that should be celebrated.
By taking time to do this, you’ll come to a place of DEEP APPRECIATION for the interview itself and this will put you in the perfect vibration to manifest it.
You won’t be needy or desperate.
You’ll feel content and grateful for the experience.
This also means, if you don’t get the job (maybe because it's not the job that’s for your highest good) you wont shut down rather you’ll be OPEN and READY for the next opportunity that comes you way!
2. Focus on what you can GIVE rather than what will get
Another tip you can use to help you manifest the job after the interview is to switch your focus from what you can get to what you can give.
Most of the time when people think about manifesting a job is entirely focused on what THEY can get out of the position - money, salary, perks, growth, paid holiday leave.
But what about what YOU bring to the table.
What YOU can give the company.
Maybe it's that you’re incredibly loyal, hardworking and honest.
Focusing on what you can give automatically takes you out of the ego and puts you in the right energy to receive.
This means you’ll be anchored to your worth around why you deserve the job after the interview and therefore increase your chances of being chosen.
How To Manifest A Job Quickly
Sometimes there can be times where you need to manifest a job quickly.
Here’s how you can speed up the process and manifest a new job fast…
First, you need to make sure you’re on top of everything I have just shared in this guide.
Following the 6 step formula I just mentioned needs to be implemented first.
Once you’ve followed each of the steps you’ll be in a great place vibrationally to attract the perfect job to you (while still taking that inspired action of course!).
So what can you do on top of this to make it happen faster?
Specifically, you want to spend time in deep meditation and visualization where you are imagining your new job in great detail as if it's already yours, and this will bring into effect the Law Of Assumption.
You can even go as far as thinking BEYOND the job and how else your life will change when you’ve got the position.
For example:
How will your life be different with the new salary and pay rise?
What will your daily routine look like while you’re working from home?
Best Crystals For Manifesting A Job
Crystals can be another way to speed up the process and get some extra energetic support.
Here are my top recommendations for the best crystals to help with manifesting a job.
Pyrite (also called fools gold) is a great stone for generating wealth and most importantly harnessing your personal power.
It can help ideas flow easily and give you an extra sense of confidence.
The perfect stone to take along to an interview, pyrite will help prevent mental fatigue, increase mental clarity and recall (great for interview questions!) and give you vitality.
Ruby might not be the most common stone mentioned for manifesting a job but here’s why it gets my tick of approval…
Ruby is known as “the king of the precious stones” and one of the ultimate symbols of prosperity (this is why it has always been worn by kings and queens).
It helps to ground and balance your root chakra while increasing energy throughout the body and into the spirit.
Wearing it to a job interview and while you are looking for a job will make you feel CALM, POWERFUL and GROUNDED.
In my opinion wearing Ruby makes you magnetic.
Selenite is a great crystal for enhancing manifestation and also clearing energy blocks.
It vibrates at a very high frequency and increases positive energy.
The reason it's on the top of my list for career manifestation is for its ability to help you connect with your intuition more easily.
Being able to hear the voice of your intuition when manifesting is key to making your desires come to life in the quickest and easiest way possible because your intuition will SHOW you and GUIDE you on what actions you need to take and when.
Use this manifestation stone when meditating to receive information from your intuition.
You can read more on the best crystals for money and success. You can also read my guide on cleansing and charging your crystals here.
What To Do If You Don’t Get The Job
Lastly, here are some words of advice if you don’t get the job you want….
If this happens, it's important to recognise that this experience is preparing you for the right job.
Sometimes when we’re manifesting we can *think* that we’ve found the EXACT thing we are looking for, (and it seems perfect at the time), but then we don’t get it and something even better comes along soon after.
This is when it's so important to KEEP GOING with your manifesting work!
Your ideal job could be just around the corner and all you have to do is keep doing the necessary work on yourself.
If you’re looking for help putting these ideas into practice I help clients manifest their ideal job, get clearer on their purpose and attract bigger salaries and pay rises through my flagship online course The Surrender Approach.
Below you can read some recent student success stories manifesting their ultimate dream job and lucrative salary…
Manifesting A Job Success Stories
Juliette xx