10 Best Crystals For Manifesting Love (Expert Guide)
Looking for the best crystals for manifesting love?
You’ve come to the right place!
Crystals can be a wonderful way to ENHANCE the vibration of certain things you want to attract.
You can use them for manifesting money, career or business success and yes, even - love.
How do I know?
After being single for 5 years straight I used manifestation to attract my ideal partner and soulmate (we’ve been together for over 14 years now), see recent pic below.
One of the tools I used in my manifestation practice was specific crystals for attracting love.
I found that using certain stones helped me to:
➤ Shift my energy,
➤ Raise my vibration,
➤ Make me more magnetic when dating
➤ Keep my mind clear and
➤ Allow me to tune into my intuition more easily
All of which are incredibly important when it comes to successful manifesting.
Today, whenever I am working with a new client or student around calling in their ideal relationship I recommend using the crystals listed in this guide as some of the best for attracting love.
Below you will find information, not just on the top crystals and stones to use, but also why it helps with manifestation.
Plus, I also give tips on choosing the right crystal, cleansing it and programming it for love.
Table of Contents
- 1. Rose Quartz - The Ultimate Love Stone
- 2. Ruby - Become Magnetic To Love
- 3. Flower Agate - Self-Growth
- 4. Red Jasper - Self-Confidence & Sexual Expression
- 5. Green Aventurine - Open The Heart Chakra
- 6. White Moonstone - Embrace The Feminine
- 7 Clear Quartz - Amplify The Energy Of Love
- 8. Amethyst - Strengthen Your Intuition When Dating
- 9. Emerald - Deep Lasting Love
- 10. Black Obsidian - Clear Negative Energies
- How To Choose The Perfect Crystal
- How To Cleanse Your Crystals
- How To Program Your Crystal To Manifest Love
- How To Increase Your Chances Of Success When Manifesting
- The Most Powerful Weight Loss Affirmations (90 Examples)
- How To Manifest Your Dream Job And Salary (6 Step Formula)
1. Rose Quartz - The Ultimate Love Stone
Does Rose Quartz help to attract love?
The answer is… Yes!
Rose Quartz is one of the most popular (and powerful) crystals for attracting love. With strong healing properties known to purify and open the heart it can help with trust, harmony in relationships and promoting unconditional love.
Here’s where it gets interesting though…
One of the main ways it encourages love to manifest in someone’s life is through self-love.
This is because…
When we start to deeply love and accept ourselves, what we feel we deserve in a partner and relationship starts to change to reflect that.
We begin to send a vibrational signal out to the universe to attract back to us someone who will treat us the way we desire to be treated.
This in turn, transforms our life and the loving relationships we are ‘manifesting’.
Think of it like this…
The more we love ourselves and APPRECIATE the gifts we have to offer, the more likely we are to attract a partner who sees those gifts in use too.
After coaching hundreds of clients and students to manifest love and their ideal relationship I have never met someone who hasn’t been able to benefit from vibrations that Rose Quartz brings.
Self-love, breeds love.
This is why Rose Quartz is my number 1 pick for attracting love.
2. Ruby - Become Magnetic To Love
Ruby isn’t always the most commonly mentioned stone for attracting love but it has huge potential. Here’s why I love it…
Known as “the king of the precious stones” and one of the ultimate symbols of prosperity (this is why it has always been worn by kings and queens).
It helps to ground and balance your root chakra while increasing energy throughout the body and into the spirit.
Specifically, Ruby increases desire and promotes pleasure in the physical world.
It makes you feel confident and magnetic.
When I was single I purchased a Ruby necklace to help with manifesting love because my intuition told me it was what I needed at the time.
Interestingly, whenever I would wear the necklace, I noticed my attractiveness increased.
For example: I would go out to a bar with some girlfriends and be approached by lots of potential suitors.
It was like my aura changed when I wore it.
And the best part of the story?
Months after I manifested my husband I was going to a friend's bbq and as I was running for the taxi the Ruby fell off my neck and I lost it.
As much as I was devastated about losing one of my favorite pieces of jewelry I also smiled because I knew I didn’t need it anymore.
3. Flower Agate - Self-Growth
Manifesting love is never just a case of doing things to attract what you want through outside sources, it's about CHANGING who you are and the energy you're emitting.
Flower Agate is a fantastic stone to help you do this.
Specifically, it helps with self-growth, realizing your full potential, self-expression and turning your dreams into reality.
Just think about all the ways in which you express yourself daily…
Through your clothes, body language, how you speak to yourself and others.
Flower Agate works with the Throat Chakra to help you clearly communicate and express yourself as - the real authentic you!
This helps you to DRAW in and manifest the right partner more easily as well as making you more magnetic because of how happy your are in your own life.
As I always like to say…
There is nothing more attractive than someone who is settled within themselves and chasing their dreams. This is SEXY and makes you attractive to the type of person and relationship you desire.
4. Red Jasper - Self-Confidence & Sexual Expression
Feel like there’s no passion in your love life?
Want to increase your self confidence and be able to express yourself sexually in a more free and uninhibited way?
Red Jasper is the answer for you!
This beautiful stone enhances passion and the “fire” element in relationships making it great for attracting love (especially if you tend to feel shy or reserved).
From a manifestation perspective we always want to be EMBODYING the energy of someone who’s already manifested what we want so if you want to manifest a loving relationship that’s passionate, it’s important you start feeling that way now. This is where Red Jasper can be fantastic.
5. Green Aventurine - Open The Heart Chakra
A big blockage that people can have when it comes to manifesting love is healing and letting go of past lovers and relationships (you can read more about this here).
Green Aventurine opens and balances the heart chakra making you feel more centered while bringing emotional calmness to help you heal.
When you are able to LET GO and remove ex lovers from your field you open up space to manifest the new type of person relationship you desire.
In addition, Green Aventurine also (just happens) to be one of the “luckiest” of all the stones so it's the perfect choice for you if you feel like you’ve had no luck in dating.
6. White Moonstone - Embrace The Feminine
White Moonstone is another calming stone but this one comes with a twist.
And that is…
Its ability to help you connect to the Divine Feminine.
When it comes to manifesting love, embracing your feminine energy can be really important (especially if you tend to be in your masculine a lot).
I have seen many clients transform their love life by dropping more into their feminine energy and allowing what they want to come to them, rather than being in the energy of CHASING after their desires.
*Remember: To successfully manifest you cannot be chasing something and attracting it at the same time - it defies universal law.
This captivating stone also helps with fertility, intuition and magic.
So it's the perfect choice if you are wanting to manifest a baby with your future partner and help with fertility.
7 Clear Quartz - Amplify The Energy Of Love
Clear Quartz isn’t just great for manifesting love, it's a crystal that can be used to manifest ANYTHING.
This is because of its unique ability to AMPLIFY energy, thought and even other crystals that surround it.
When I was manifesting my husband I would often hold Clear Quartz in my hand and stare at my vision board looking at pictures of my ideal relationship.
*If you want to learn my exact vision board secrets come and join my entirely FREE Vision board masterclass where I cover really important aspects that go into creating a vision board that works including:
➤ How to choose powerful images that will make you FEEL like your desires are real.
➤ How many goals or life areas to focus on (too many can disrupt your manifesting!)
➤ What timeframe to create your board in. *This is super important if you want to stay in the energy of excitement.
➤ I also cover why you should never use old photos of yourself on your board and what to do instead
As I was holding the crystal I would imagine what it would FEEL like to be together…
What it felt like for him to hug me, hold my hand, be by my side.
The Clear Quartz really helped me to *HOLD* the vibration and keep myself focused on what I wanted and it's still one of my top recommended crystals for attracting what you want using The Law Of Attraction.
8. Amethyst - Strengthen Your Intuition When Dating
One thing I teach my manifesting students when it comes to attracting love is how much EASIER the process becomes when you learn to tap into your intuition more.
This is because;
Having a strong intuition you can rely on when dating will help you decipher -
who to pursue and who to discard.
And let's face it, no one who wants to waste time dating someone who isn’t right for them!
Amethyst is great to use during meditation to help you increase your psychic abilities and also receive clear insights and inspiration around desires.
9. Emerald - Deep Lasting Love
Emerald is known as the gemstone of the Love Goddess herself - Venus. It's often called “the stone of lasting love” and represents new beginnings and also eternal life.
So if you are looking to manifest a life partner or soulmate who will be with you forever this enchanting love stone is the way to go.
Another key quality of Emerald is its ability to help you OPEN your Heart Chakra.
When manifesting love and a romantic partner you always want your energy to be open and playful rather than closed down.
This will help you attract the right people and opportunities to make your desires manifest in the easiest way possible.
10. Black Obsidian - Clear Negative Energies
Black Obsidian might be a surprising choice to add to the list but here’s why it makes the top 10…
Negative energy can make it harder to manifest what you want - PERIOD.
Whether you’re feeling frustrated that a date didn’t go well or having doubts about your manifesting efforts in general, Black Obsidian has the ability to help remove and clear negative energy so you can remain OPTIMISTIC.
Think of it like a vacuum cleaner for your negative thoughts and emotions.
Hold it in your hand or carry it with you when you feel you need to release negative energies from your field and watch as you start to feel more positive and joyful.
How To Choose The Perfect Crystal
When it comes to making the final decision around what crystal or stone is going to work best for you I recommend looking at the list above and then using your intuition to guide you.
Some thoughts for you to consider are:
➤ Where do you feel your manifesting blocks are when it comes to love and which crystal helps with that specifically?
➤ What stone are you naturally drawn to?
➤ Have you been receiving signs from the universe or recurring thoughts around what might be the best choice for you?
Expert Tip:
If you can, try and go to a store to purchase your crystals as you will be able to hold them in your hands and see how they feel when you touch them.
If you aren’t able to go to a store, Etsy can be a great place to purchase them online.
*As soon as you have purchased your crystal make sure you cleanse it to remove any negative or unwanted energy (see my favorite cleansing methods below) this way it will be ready for you to start using.
How To Cleanse Your Crystals
There are lots of different methods you can use for cleansing your crystals, here are my favorite:
1. White Sage
One of the most effective ways to cleanse your crystals is using White Sage.
To do this, you can simply light a Sage stick and run the crystals through the smoke.
Whenever I am using this process I will always hold the intention that the smoke is cleansing all negative energy off the stone.
If you use this method make sure you place a fire safe bowl underneath to collect any ash and have a window open for ventilation.
2. Running water
Another simple way to cleanse your crystals is to hold them under running water and visualize them being cleansed as the water washes over them.
Stare at the crystal and think in your mind CLEAR while visualizing any dense or negative energy being washed away.
*I use this method if I’m looking to do a light, quick cleanse, whereas I will use White Sage if I feel a dense energy around the crystal and want something more thorough to remove the energy.
3. Cleansing Sprays
My third favorite way is to use a cleansing spray such as Palo Santo which can quickly and easily be sprayed over the crystal.
All you need to do is hold the crystal in your hand and spray the solution over and around it 3 - 5 times.
Whenever I am using this approach I will hold the intention that the energy of the crystal is being cleansed as I am spraying it.
These types of solutions can often be found in metaphysical stores or on Amazon.
How To Program Your Crystal To Manifest Love
Once you have chosen your perfect crystal or stone and cleansed it using one of the steps mentioned above, it's time to program your crystal to help you manifest the love and relationship you desire!
Here’s how you do it:
Start by taking several deep breaths to clear your mind and centre yourself…
1. Imagine your ideal partner in your minds eye
2. Feel the feeling as if this person has already manifested
3. Hold you crystal in your hand and transfer this energy and intention to it
4. Give thanks to the crystal for helping you to manifest this desire and then take soul-inspired action!
How To Increase Your Chances Of Success When Manifesting
In order to increase your chances of success when manifesting love it's important to use a variety of manifesting tools and techniques that resonate with you.
Crystals are a wonderful starting point but to get even better results I recommend layering in additional methods.
Whenever I am working with a client or student around attracting love and their ideal relationship I will always start with a vision board that clearly depicts their goals.
And this is because vision boards do 3 very important things:
➤ They make you FOCUS
➤ They make you FEEL and
➤ They change your FREQUENCY
If you’re interested in learning my top vision board secrets (secrets that helped me manifest my husband and soulmate using the power of vision boards) check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.
As always I hope you enjoyed this comprehensive guide to using and choosing the best crystals to help you manifest love!
Juliette xx