Manifestation Box: A Simple (But Complete) Guide

A picture of various items that can be used as inspiration for what to include in a manifesting box: crystals, dried flowers, oracle cards,

Ever heard of a Manifesting Box?

Sometimes referred to as an intention box, wish box or creation box for manifestation.

Wondering how to create and use one to ENHANCE you manifesting practice?

This guide is for you!

Manifestation boxes can be a wonderful way to channel your energy when you have specific things you want to attract into your life.

They can be used to help you increase your chances of manifesting certain things like: a healthy pregnancy and baby or new love interest or, you can use them in a more general sense to collect and store images for things you’d like to manifest or experience one day’. 

In this post I’m going to cover everything you need to know about using manifestation boxes; the different types of boxes you can create, when to use each one, how to create one that works, plus different manifestation box ideas to really get your juices flowing.

Quick Links:

What Is A Manifesting Box or Wish Box?

A manifestation or wish box is a physical box that you buy (or create) to help you *HOLD* a specific intention around something you desire to attract while also being able to CHANNEL energy to that manifestation 

You could think of it a bit like baking a cake…

When you want to bake a cake you mix together all the ingredients, put the ingredients into a container (cake tin) and then use the oven’s energy to cook it.

With a manifestation box you do the same thing…

➤ Bring together your specific intentions and other energy aids

➤ Place those intentions inside a special box

➤ Channel your energy and focus toward to the box to help your desires manifest

Benefits Of Creating A Box

There are lots of advantages and benefits to creating these types of boxes as part of your manifesting and law of attraction practice some of the biggest benefits are:

✔️ You connect more deeply with your desires and intentions

✔️ You are progressing an extra step in your manifesting by taking a thought, wish or intention that’s in your mind (intangible) and creating something physical (tangible) you can hold with your hands

✔️ You are LAYERING in additional manifestation techniques and adding something new to your toolbox

*I speak a lot about the power of layering in additional manifesting techniques and practices to get the best results (because it works!).

One of my favorite tools to use alongside your wish box is a vision board because your vision board will allow you to ANCHOR yourself to your goals on a daily basis.

If you want to learn my secrets for creating a SUPERCHARGED vision board where you will see your ultimate dreams and desires manifest you can watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass here.

Different Types Of Manifesting Boxes

Most resources that talk about creation boxes often just refer to the one kind which are specific manifesting boxes used for things like: attracting a soulmate, pregnancy or baby, your dream wedding, a house etc.

But did you know there’s actually another kind of box too?

You can also create a general intention box where you collect and store images, physical items, and other manifesting aids designed to help you house all your future desires for things you’d like to manifest or experience one day in your life..

An infographic describing the 2 different types of manifesting boxes: specific boxes and general intention boxes.

When To Use Each Type Of Box

When deciding what type of box to create, ask yourself…

Is there a specific area where I would like to BOOST my manifesting efforts and help something to manifest quicker?

If you answered yes, then a specific manifesting box is the way to go.

Do I have lots of dreams and desires of things I’d like to manifest and experience and want to be able to contain them somewhere?

If you answered yes to this question then a general intention box is the way to go.

In case you’re wondering if you can have both…

Yes, you can absolutely have both types of boxes as part of your manifesting toolkit. 

How To Create A Manifestation Box - 4 Simple Steps

Step 1. Finding The Right Box

Regardless of whether you're creating a specific manifesting box or general intention box, the first step you need to take is to find the right box for you.

There are no hard and fast rules around what the box needs to look like, or the specific material it’s made out of, but there are other aspects you need to consider, which are:

Size and shape

The box you choose needs to be big enough to contain everything you want to put in it. 

Keep in mind your creation box may include items that are physical objects (rather than just images) so before you purchase it make sure you’ve made a list of everything you want it to contain and always leave a little room for future things you may want to add.

For example: 

You may want to add essential oils, crystals and other physical items so you need to be sure your box fits everything easily. 

As a general rule I find a good size for your box is anywhere from: 

➤ 20cm-30cm long (8-12 inches) 

➤ 12cm-18cm deep (5-7 inches) and

➤ 6cm-12cm high (2.5-5inches)

This is a good size for including small trinkets like feathers, crystals, oils, dried flowers, photos etc


As I mentioned earlier there aren’t any hard and fast rules around what the box looks like or the material but you want to make sure it's sturdy.

For this reason I recommend boxes made out of tin, wood, shell, leather, plastic anything that makes it durable.

I also personally prefer the look and feel of boxes made out of more natural materials like wood as it makes me feel more connected to my manifestations and  in-tune with the universal energies as opposed to a plastic box or cardboard box.

Where to purchase your box

A simple google search for “trinket boxes” is a great place to start. Etsy can be wonderful for finding hand carved wooden boxes which are really beautiful. You can also try craft stores, metaphysical shops and outlets like Target in the home section. 

Making your box

If you’re wondering if you can make your own box - yes you absolutely can.

Making your own box can infuse an extra layer of intention and power behind it, as does getting the box engraved or stamped (if you choose to buy one this can be a great way to personalize it). 

A picture of a silver box with a book resting on top of it used to demonstrate what a manifesting box or wish box can look like

Step 2. Set The Intention For Your Box

As soon as you’ve got your box you want to set the intention for its use. 

To do this you can hold the box in your hand, close your eyes and then set the intention that everything you place in the box will manifest.

Imagining transferring the intention into the box through your hands. 

You may even like to take things one step further and imagine the box as a powerful vortex of energy (similar to the example I brought up before about the oven baking the cake).

Visualize energy swirling around inside the box just waiting to receive your desires and intentions.

Bonus Tip:

If you decide to purchase a box rather than making one, it would be wise to cleanse it before setting your intention. 

Cleansing the box will remove other people’s energy who may have touched it and make it a “clean slate” for your manifesting.

The best way to cleanse it is using White Sage. Burn some White Sage and run the box through the smoke and as you’re doing it imagine that it's being cleansed of any unwanted or negative energy.

*Always hold a fire safe bowl under the sage to collect any ash and do either outside or in a well ventilated area.

A picture of a hand holding some White Sage that is burning as an example of how to cleanse your manifesting box prior to use

Step 3. Filling Your Box

Now that your box is ready for use, it's time for the fun part - filling it!

When deciding what to put in your box it's important that the items you include have purpose and that it's clear what you’re wanting to attract.

For example:

If you are wanting to create a box to manifest your soulmate here’s what you would want to include:

A manifestation list that specifies what this person is like in detail (you can read my full guide on writing manifestation lists here.) 

➤ Specific affirmations for manifesting a soulmate

Crystals for manifesting love

➤ Pictures that represent the type of relationship you desire and make you FEEL the way you want to feel in a relationship.

You could also include symbols that are meaningful to you like angel numbers 1111, 444, quotes, essential oils that are good for romance and love (like Ylang Ylang or Rose), dried flowers, feathers and anything else that’s important to you. 

If you are wanting to create a general intention box you can be more relaxed in your approach and instead include items for several manifestations, but again make sure everything  you place in there has a purpose - no random items!

*In the next section I provide even more examples and ideas of types of boxes you can create. 

Step 4. Using Your Box To Manifest

Once you’ve filled your box you will need to start using it to manifest.

If you decide to create a specific box for manifesting a big desire like attracting your dream home, you will want to set up a routine for using it and channeling your energy towards it daily. 

My favorite way to do this is to:

➤ Sit down in front of my vision board (this is my special manifesting space)

➤ Spend a few moments meditating and clearing my mind

➤ Hold the manifesting box in my hands

➤ Imagine universal energy coming through the top of my head down my body, through my hands and into the box

➤ I then visualize my desire in great detail, feeling into every aspect of my manifestation 

➤ I will spend at least 10-15 minutes doing this

I will do this practice for 21 days and then LET IT GO

A picture of Juliette Kristine looking at her vision board the way she would when using her manifestation box for attracting her desires.

*If you created a general manifestation box filled with different dreams and desires you’d like to experience one day, you don’t need to carry out such a strict routine, instead you can practice the ritual above whenever you feel called or just use the box to collect things.

Manifesting Box Ideas

Other ideas for your manifesting or creation box include:

Pregnancy and baby box

A box where you place your wishes and intentions around manifesting a baby.

Dream job box

A box where you place items specifically relating to manifesting your ideal job. I.e your job manifestation list, salary, crystals for manifesting a job, affirmations for manifesting a job, logo of the company where you want to work.

Wedding and honeymoon box

A box specifically for manifesting your dream wedding and honeymoon which could include pictures of the type of dress you want, venue, food, flowers, car and travel clippings for places you want to go on your honeymoon. Even if you want to manifest Free Round The World Business Class Flights (I manifested this for our honeymoon which I talk more about in my vision board masterclass here).

Dream home box

A box where you collect images that relate to your dream home manifestation including; the area you want to live (you can place a map in there), pictures of the look of the house and furnishings, a business card from the interior designer you want to hire, the specific amount of money you need to manifest the house etc.

The possibilities of what you can use your box for are endless!

Getting The Most Out Of Your Box

In order to get the most out of your box I recommend layering in additional manifesting techniques. 

My favorites are vision boards and scripting. 

If you’d like to learn my secrets for creating a SUPERCHARGED version of your vision board so you can see big desires manifest quickly and easily - access my free vision board training here.

*In this training I share how I used vision boards to help me manifest: my soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight), my dream home (identical to what I had placed on my board), a fully booked coaching business (using organic marketing) and free round the world business class flights.

As always I hope you enjoyed this post!

What are you going to use your manifesting box for?

Juliette xx

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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