Manifesting Meditation - How To Connect With The Intuitive Voice Within

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine practicing a manifesting meditation. Her eyes are close, she has one hand resting on her heart, and she is smiling.

Manifesting Meditation

One of the most powerful ways to manifest your desires is through a daily meditation practice. 

And while there are numerous meditations out there claiming to help you do this, they are not all created equal.

And this is because;

In order to have your manifestation meditation be effective, it needs to do more than just help you “visualise your desires”.

Instead, it needs to take you through a process of ALIGNING your energy and connecting with the intuitive voice within.

Because it’s by doing these things that you will receive clear guidance necessary to see your desires show up easily and effortlessly.

If you’re interested in learning the exact meditation process I use myself, and with my clients and students, keep reading below…

*If you’d rather consume this as a guided meditation it can be purchased here.

Manifesting Meditation - How To Connect With The Intuitive Voice Within

Step 1. Cleanse Your Energy Field

The first step in creating a manifestation meditation that gets results is to begin by spending a few moments cleansing your entire energy field.

This is often an overlooked step in other meditations but is vitally important for the simple reason that;

We need to be in the right energetic frequency to RECEIVE guidance from within.

And this can be incredibly difficult when our vibration is filled with negative energy.

One of the ways that I love to cleanse my energy field is by imagining myself sitting under a beautiful waterfall of light.

And as I imagine myself sitting under a beautiful waterfall of light, I visualise the light cascading down all over me, washing away any negative energy that has been residing in my field. 

When I have finished this process I then stretch the light of my aura up and outward so that it fills the entire room.

*This helps to strengthen your aura and make your energy magnetic.

Step 2. Connect with the energy of LOVE and APPRECIATION

After you have cleansed your energy field, you will be in the perfect place to connect with the energy of LOVE and APPRECIATION.

Doing this can be as simple as taking a moment to imagine 3 things that you are eternally grateful for in your life right now.

And once you have those 3 things in the forefront of your mind, spending at least 60 seconds really FEELING the LOVE and APPRECIATION you have for each of them.

Practicing this step will allow you to raise your vibration even higher making it easier for you to ALIGN yourself with your desires (Step 3).

Step 3. Align yourself with your desires

As I always say to my clients and students -

ALIGNMENT is everything when you are manifesting!

So it goes without saying, that ALIGNING yourself with your desires, needs to be part of your manifesting meditation practice.

And the easiest way to do this is by seeing yourself transform into the person on your vision board.

Use your mind’s eye to visualize every part of yourself morphing into this new version of you.

Because when you can BECOME THE PERSON on your vision board, you will realise what it FEELS like to have ALREADY manifested everything you want.

And when you can ANCHOR into those emotions you will begin to PULL your desires towards you!

*In order for this to be effective try and spend at least 60 seconds doing this and imprinting those new feelings into your cells.

Step 4. Tune into your intuition

Lastly, I always finish off my meditation by taking a moment to tune into my intuition and get direction on what action I need to take to make my desires manifest.

*This is much easier to do after completing steps 1-3 because you will find that you feel calmer and more relaxed - which is the perfect energy to be in order to receive clear guidance from within.

To tap into your intuition, start by placing all of your attention in your heart space area.

When you feel centred there, place one hand over your heart and ask yourself:

What is the one thing that I need to do today to make my desires manifest?

And then,


Take a moment to pay attention to what FEELINGS arise within you.

What is it that you FEEL to do?

Focus on THAT THING and you will begin to see your desires come to life!

Juliette xx

PS If you enjoyed this post and want to practice these steps as a guided meditation, check out my Intuitively Led Manifesting Meditation. It includes all the processes mentioned above and can be purchased here.

Manifesting Meditation Sample
Juliette Kristine
Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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