Manifesting Your Ideal Pregnancy, Birth & A Baby (Using The Law Of Attraction)

Pregnant Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine holds an ultrasound photo of her second baby and stands next to her husband. They are outside in front of a tree and smiling at one another.

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question…


Can you manifest pregnancy and baby using the law of attraction?


This post is for offers an in-depth guide into everything you need to know about using the law of attraction to manifest pregnancy, a baby and also important aspects such as; manifesting the birth experience you desire, a healthy pregnancy, gender (if you can manifest a boy or girl) even if you desire to manifest twins!


I originally wrote this post in 2019 after successfully manifesting my first baby and so many of the finer details I wanted including: manifesting a baby girl (who was a Pisces), the birth experience I wanted (delivering her onto my chest myself), and even aspects relating to my health while I was pregnant like remaining fit, active, and toned with minimal changes to my body.  

I have now decided to update this post after recently manifesting my second healthy pregnancy (see pic below).

An image of Juliette Kristine celebrating her recent pregnancy holding her belly and an ultrasound photo of her new baby.

One thing I want to highlight is that both of my pregnancy manifestations were different.


My first pregnancy manifested quickly, while my second pregnancy took longer and required more inner-work for me to do to ensure my thoughts, beliefs and energy were lining up with what I wanted to create.


In this post I go into detail about what I needed to do from a manifestation point of view and what law of attraction techniques I used with each pregnancy.


*I would also like to mention that this topic is of particular importance to me given that I have used these same principles and techniques to help many of my clients successfully fall pregnant and manifest a baby (even when they were told it would be ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’!). *I have included these clients' success stories at the end of this post.

Manifesting Your Ideal Pregnancy, Birth & A Baby (Using The Law Of Attraction)

Manifesting pregnancy
and a baby might not be the most common thing that comes to mind when you you think about using the law of attraction to manifest what you want, but it’s becoming more and more popular as people recognise the power your thoughts and energy play in attracting what you want into your life.

People are using manifestation every day to help them fall pregnant (see these screenshots below all from some of my happy clients and students who manifested pregnancy recently)

Messages from students of Juliette's manifestation course who have manifested healthy pregnancies

And while the idea of using manifestation techniques to help you fall pregnant or attract a baby might seem far fetched, or even like it’s “going against nature”, I can assure you it’s not.

Just as you can use manifestation to help you attract money, and love, so too can you use it to help you manifest your ideal pregnancy and birth.

Keep reading below to learn exactly how to use the law of attraction to:

➤ Manifest a baby,

➤ Manifest a healthy pregnancy,

➤ Manifest Your ideal birth experience,


➤ How to manifest a boy, girl or twins,

How To Manifest Your Ideal Pregnancy, Birth & A Baby - 5 Simple Steps

Step 1. Set your intention

The very first step that I took when manifesting both of my pregnancies was to set the intention that I was OPEN and ready to receive a baby. I didn’t declare “I am pregnant” or use any forceful manifesting techniques, rather I silently said to the universe that if there was a baby waiting to come through, and have me as its mummy, I was ready for them.

What’s important to note about this first step is that I didn’t TELL the universe “make me pregnant!” or pretend I already was pregnant, and this is because doing so would have caused me to feel a sense of resistance and as if I was lying to myself.

And this is the first place where I see people go wrong when trying to manifest a baby.

They think that they need to imagine that it’s ALREADY happened, but this can actually just cause them a sense of upset and put MORE attention on the fact it hasn’t happened yet!

A far more powerful way to go about the process is to imagine that it is going to happen in the very near future. This keeps you in vibrational alignment and ALLOWS you to stay in the energy of excitement.

One of my favorite ways to “set my intention” and easily get into this feeling place prior to conceiving is to create a pregnancy and baby vision board that isn’t just focused on “manifesting a baby” (as this will make you feel too attached), rather creating a board that encompasses other exciting goals in your life.

To do this, think about multiple areas of your life you want to manifest positive changes in, for example: health, career, finances and success. 


Then, pepper in images specifically relating to pregnancy and a baby (*I always say aim for about 30% of your board being pregnancy/baby focused, any more than that and you can become too fixated on the pregnancy and this will take you out of alignment).


The reason why this process works really well when you’re setting your intention is that it allows you to focus on your life as a WHOLE so it’s easier for you to stay in the energy of excitement rather than feeling disappointed if you have been trying for a while and it seems like “nothing is happening”.

A trick to make your board more powerful is to choose images that already look like you, where you cant see the modules face properly. This way you’ll feel like it IS you when you look at it and that will help alter your frequency and vibration even more.

Here’s an example from my recent pregnancy vision board so you can see…

*If you need help creating a pregnancy and baby vision board that gets you into the FEELING vibration come and check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

Its packed full of actionable tips and insights that will help you take your manifesting to the next-level and progress more quickly on your pregnancy journey.

Step 2. Invite Your Baby In

The second step that I took when manifesting each of my pregnancies was to communicate directly with my baby and invite them in.

And I was very deliberate in how I did this.

The moment my husband and I began trying to conceive I expanded my consciousness (by imagining my energy opening up to the heavens) and then silently invited my baby to come through.

I told them that they were welcome and that I was open and ready for them.

I continued to visualise my energy open and expansive with a red glow coming from the place of my womb. I did this for a few minutes and then let it go, content in knowing that I had done my part, and they would come when they were ready.

A photo of a pregnant woman with her husband with both of their hand over the woman's pregnant belly.

*Please note I only practiced expanding my consciousness and inviting them in once.

I believe communicating directly with your future baby is a very important part of the process because;

Falling pregnant is a co-creation between the both of you!

Step 3. Releasing the Energetic Blocks to Becoming Pregnant

When I manifested my first pregnancy with my daughter Maddie the process was different to my second pregnancy in terms of the blocks that I needed to work on and release.

With Maddie I discovered that I had a fear around “losing myself” and a limiting belief that “I couldn’t be successful and be a mother at the same time”.

I worked on releasing and healing these two aspects prior to us conceiving and when the time came for us to start trying I felt very calm, open and ready (and she ended up manifesting on the first try). 

With baby number 2, the blocks were different…

This pregnancy didn’t manifest as quickly and I had a different set of blocks to deal with.

A couple of months after we started trying when “nothing was happening”...

I started to worry about why it was taking longer than it did the first time.

I began to question myself and started to feel a sense of URGENCY rather than excitement.

I started to check my calendar to see when I was ovulating.

I started to think about sex just as a tool to get pregnant. 

The result?

I was out of alignment with my desire and felt fear starting to creep in. 

Deep down I knew these energies weren’t helping me to fall pregnant (and were nothing like the state I was in when I conceived Maddie) so I decided to work on myself and my energy to get back to that same feeling of calm, and openness.

To do this I -

- Stopped checking my calendar.

- Made sure my intention was pure when I was having sex (and by that I mean I was focused on expressing love to my husband and being present - enjoying myself - rather than seeing it as a means to an end).

- Let go of urgency by placing my attention elsewhere and focusing on my other desires at the same time.

- Transformed the limiting beliefs that were blocking me. 

- Healed the sense of fear and lack within me (this was a BIG one!)

Once I worked on those aspects I started to feel the exact same way I did when I conceived the first time.

Calm, OPEN, peaceful and ready. 

Then, within days I conceived (after months of trying). 

Image of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine and her husband holding each other and discussing the law of attraction techniques for pregnancy

Whenever I am helping someone to use the law of attraction for pregnancy I always get them to pay attention to and work on these 3 x specific blocks:


  1. Limiting Beliefs - for example: “I’m too old to fall pregnant” or “I can’t manifest a baby easily because of xyz”.

2. Fear - releasing fear that you won’t be able to fall pregnant.

3. Healing from past experiences like miscarriages or disappointments -keeping this energy inside you can prevent pregnancy from manifesting.

Step 4. Visualise Your Ideal Pregnancy, Birth & Baby

The fourth step (and manifesting technique I used) was visualization. This was done prior to becoming pregnant and throughout pregnancy.

Prior to becoming pregnant (both times) I would spend a few moments here and there imagining what it would look and feel like to be pregnant in the near future. *As mentioned in point 1, this kept me in the energy of excitement.

The, during pregnancy I really kicked my visualisation up a notch and this was due to the fact I needed it to help me change my vibration and manifest my ideal pregnancy.

This was because, shortly after becoming pregnant, I started to experience some of the not-so-pleasant side effects of being pregnant such as; morning sickness, bloating, constipation, leg cramps and exhaustion. This caused me to lose touch with the “unicorn pregnancy” I had always hoped for and made me start to focus on all the negatives.

I remember with my first pregnancy thinking to myself…

“Juliette, you’re a Manifestation Coach, who’s successfully manifested your soulmate, dream home, booked out coaching business, weight loss (and more!), and you stand by the belief that; you create your own reality, so it’s time for you to step up and put your manifesting skills to the test in this area of you life!”

And that’s exactly what I did.

Even though I felt sick and exhausted, I did precisely what I would tell my clients to do, and that’s - start to imagine my life as I wanted to be - and not how it was right then.

To do this I went deeper into my vision board and visualization practice, creating a vision board depicting a woman who already looked to be in her second/third trimester (happily pregnant) and feeling the way I wanted to FEEL.

Carefree, healthy, happy, vibrant, peaceful and also productive! *Which was the complete opposite of how I was feeling.

By focusing on this vision board and visualizing my ideal pregnancy, I was able to DIVERT my attention from the so-called “negatives” of being pregnant and place it where I wanted to be instead, which enabled me to manifest that experience for myself.

This also gave me the opportunity to work on manifesting other aspects I wanted like an easy birth (which I had), easy breastfeeding experience (I breastfed for 16 months) and remaining healthy throughout my pregnancy (I exercised the entire time and kept my physique lean and toned). 

What’s important to note about this step is that…


Because I had ALREADY conceived I was free to add more of these specific items to my vision board relating to the birth experience, breastfeeding etc WITHOUT them causing extra resistance.

If you want to learn my secrets for creating a next-level vision board to depict your pregnancy goals and desires you can sign up for my Free Vision Board Masterclass here.


In addition I gave careful attention to the words I was using.

When someone asked me how my pregnancy was going my response was ALWAYS.

“Great! This has been a very easy pregnancy for me. I feel really blessed.”

And if you're wondering if I said this even when I was feeling tired and exhausted?

The answer is YES.


“The story you keep telling is the life you keep getting!”

This means that if you want to change your pregnancy experience from one that’s - less than ideal - to vibrant, healthy and happy, you need to start telling the story that reflects that.

Affirmations can be a wonderful tool to help you change your story and use the loa to manifest pregnancy and a baby. Click here to read my full article on using affirmations for manifesting pregnancy and a baby.

Step 5. Surrender

Lastly, SURRENDER was such an important part of both my pregnancy manifestations.


With Maddie this was easy…


I was not attached to trying to fall pregnant in a specific timeframe, and I was not attached to having a strict birth plan, rather, I had clear intentions while remaining open and flexible.


I was in the perfect energy to RECEIVE and she manifested straight away.

Whereas with baby number 2 I really had to work on this part…


I needed to release the blocks that were getting in the way which meant letting go of that sense of URGENCY and releasing those feelings of fear, doubt and lack of not having a baby. 


It was so important for me to get back to that place where I felt that sense of calm, peace and OPENNESS.

And as soon as I did, I conceived within days (after months of trying). 

The reason surrender is such a key part of successful manifesting is because;

You need to be unattached to your manifestations in order for them to show up!

Contrary to what a lot of people believe about the law of attraction, you cannot WILL your manifestations into reality.

And this is because;

You cannot be in need of something and have it show up in your experience, for that very need creates a sense of lack within you which actually pushes what you want away from you.

And in all my years manifesting, this is the part I see people struggle with the most.

They “try” to use techniques like visualisation to fall pregnant and manifest a baby yet all the while they are attached to the outcome so it doesn’t happen.

This is why, when I teach people about manifesting, (whether it's pregnancy or something else), my focus is to always get the person to become as SURRENDERED as possible while still actively using manifestation to call-in what they want.

A technique that has worked really well with my clients and students when manifesting pregnancy is to guide them into a Theta Brainwave State (this is done through meditation) and then, take them through a powerful visualization practice where they get to skip timelines and meet with the soul of their future baby.

What’s so special about this exercise is that AFTER you’ve done it any doubt you were feeling around manifesting your baby starts to dissipate.

Because you’re left with such a strong connection with your baby that you can LET GO of worrying about 'how' it will happen which HELPS you to manifest it.

This is different to other manifesting meditations where they get you to “imagine” what your baby would be like, in this process you get to meet with the actual soul of your baby!

Manifesting Pregnancy Success Stories:

So what was the result of me applying all the steps and techniques mentioned above?

A photo of Juliette Kristine with her baby that she successfully manifested.

✔️ I fell pregnant on the first go with Maddie and with the second pregnancy (even though it took longer) as soon as I did the inner-work and got myself back to that calm, peaceful energy I conceived within days.

✔️ My “negative” pregnancy symptoms quickly diminished after creating my vision board and visualizing the healthy pregnancy I desired,

✔️ Changing my story led me to start LIVING my story - (which WAS an incredibly easy pregnancy) and,

✔️ I had the most productive and profitable 6 months of my life, creating and launching my successful online manifesting course The Surrender Approach. *Now in my second pregnancy I am having the same experience and am already in the process of launching something new. 

✔️ And with Maddie I experienced my ideal birth experience getting to deliver my daughter onto my chest (myself).

She even ended up being a Pisces girl which I said was what I always wanted. 

Now I want to share some of my clients manifesting success stories with you…

I fell pregnant after trying for almost a year!

A photo of Kate who shares her manifesting pregnancy and a baby using the law of attraction success story.

When I first started working with Juliette Kristine I was feeling really stuck, in pretty much every area of my life.

I was trying to force so many things to happen and she helped me to stop pushing and start allowing (which was pretty scary for a type-A person like me), and the results were pretty unbelievable.

In the first few weeks, I lost 10 kilos, yes 10 kilos, really, really easily. Then I fell pregnant (after trying for almost a year), a few months later I got engaged (my partner even surprised me with the exact ring I had been visualising!), and a few months after that I had this amazing moment of clarity and inspiration around an area of my business I had been struggling with for years, that has since doubled our revenue in just a few short months, and is set to take us from 6 figures to 7 figures in the next few years.

And now I am sitting here with my beautiful healthy bub, loving my business and my life so damn much I have to pinch myself pretty much every day.

So like I said, anyone reading this will probably think it's all total BS, but it's not, Juliette literally helped me make all my dreams come true, and now I am working on some even bigger dreams! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul Juliette, you are a magical unicorn of a human and I will be forever grateful for our work together.

- Kate McKibbin 

I successfully manifested pregnancy!

A photo of Rachel who successfully manifested pregnancy

Juliette's courses constantly surprise and delight me. Not only are they approachable and actionable, they are also deeply empathetic, something I really needed when I signed up for the Manifesting Pregnancy course.

The brain states that Juliette guides you through really set you up to receive whatever "is" from a place of vulnerability that is both safe and emotionally unexpected.
I certainly did not expect to cry during the "Meet the Soul of Your Baby" meditation! It was a beautiful new angle on this whole journey.

- Rachel Abramowitz

If you are interested in how to manifest a boy (or girl) or even how to manifest twins here’s what I recommend…

Place these intentions “gently” on your vision board and incorporate them in your visualization practice without being forceful or attached. 


I am a firm believer that there are some specific elements you can control with manifestation then there will be other things that your soul may have chosen specifically to experience…


For example: You may desire to manifest a boy in this lifetime but your soul may have already chosen that it desires the experience of having a girl or non binary!


Likewise you may have a deep desire to manifest a natural pregnancy but your soul may have chosen to have the experience of IVF for its own growth.


This is why it's so important to STAY OPEN when you're manifesting. 


Always place your specific intentions out to the universe about what you want (just like I did with my Pisces girl!) but let go of the attachment to it having to be precisely that way.


Because the more you do this the quicker you will manifest because you won’t be attached to the outcome and will ALLOW the universe to bring you what’s for your highest good.

So often I will see people manifest exactly what they wanted with their birth or manifesting twins or having a boy etc, but if it turned out to be slightly different in the end there was always a REASON and it became a blessing in itself.

If you’re looking to take the next step on your journey to manifesting pregnancy I HIGHLY recommend signing up for my Free Vision Board Masterclass .

This training will provide you with key information on how to create a powerful vision board to depict your goals so you can begin to manifest with more ease.

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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