Manifesting Friendships - 4 Steps To Attract New Friends
Manifesting friendships is a topic I LOVE discussing because it’s often overlooked in manifesting circles.
People prefer to talk about: manifesting money, attracting your soulmate, manifesting a new home, or even a baby!
But the truth is; having DEEPLY ALIGNED friendships is incredibly important.
You see, we all crave CONNECTION and having people close to us, that we can share our experiences with, actually ELEVATES our lives (and our vibration!).
I have experienced some pretty significant shifts in my friendship circles over the years, whether it was from needing to; meet new friends after moving location, growing apart from certain people or even just feeling the urge to find more like-minded souls...
Each and every time I have used manifestation as a tool to call-in the EXACT type of relationship I was looking for.
And not only that but, I have helped countless others manifest beautiful new friendships through my private coaching and manifestation program as well.
If you’re interested in learning how to manifest new friends for yourself here’s what I’ll be covering in this article:
Manifesting Friendships - 4 Steps To Attract New Friends
Step 1: Appreciate your current relationships
When people set out to manifest something new in their lives (like friendships) they often do it because they are unhappy in their current life situation.
But the thing about successful manifesting is that…
You cannot run from where you are and expect your life to change.
Because, as a vibrational being, you take your energy WITH YOU, wherever you go.
This means if you are unhappy with your current friendships, you will likely end up manifesting similar relationships unless you do the work to clean up your energy around the subject.
And this means; finding a sense of APPRECIATION for your current friendships (even if it’s just focusing on a few small things).
Step 2: Recognise why you want to manifest new friends
Believe it or not, with almost ALL of my coaching clients and students, the subject of attracting new ALIGNED relationships comes up.
I don’t think so!
The reason why this happens so frequently is because; the more we work on ourselves, the more our energy SHIFTS and changes, and the more our outer world starts to change to reflect that.
And this is especially true in our relationships.
We can actually start to feel a bit alien in our social circles the more firmly we step on our spiritual path.
But this is a GOOD THING!
Because it enables us to define WHY we are craving new relationships.
➤ Perhaps it's because we are looking for more like-minded souls to share our passions with?
➤ Or maybe, it’s because our current relationships aren’t helping us to GROW and EVOLVE.
Whatever the reason, when you have clarity on WHY you want to manifest new friendships, you will also gain clarity on the TYPE of relationships to look for.
Step 3. Call-in your new relationships
Once you have clarity on the type of person you are wanting to attract, you then need to ACTIVELY call them in.
And what I mean by that is…
You need to make sure you that you can clearly SEE and FEEL the type of person you are asking for because this is what is going to help DRAW them to you.
One of the easiest and most powerful ways you can do this is to create a vision board, because vision boards do 3 very important things…
1. They make you FOCUS
2. They make you FEEL
3. They change your FREQUENCY!
Whenever I am working with a new client I always start by making sure they have a CLEAR vision board that depicts everything they want to attract in their life (including friendships) and it’s put it together in such a way that it allows them to easily feel like their desires are already REAL.
*If you want to learn my secrets for creating a vision board that gets results you can check out my free vision board masterclass here.
Step 4. Take action as if it were a romantic relationship
What do I mean by take action as if it were a romantic relationship?
You need to PICK UP your new friends.
Yes, you heard me correctly.
You need to pick them up the same way you would the cute guy at the grocery store
Ask them for their number and if they want to grab a drink, coffee or dinner.
With all of the incredible friendships I have manifested over the years (and I have many), I took action in the beginning like it was a romantic relationship.
Did I feel silly?
Did I feel scared?
But you know what…
Every. Single. Time.
Because at the end of the day, you need to take action when you are manifesting (even when that’s manifesting someone into your life) otherwise the work stays at the energetic level.
And most of the time when you are trying to attract something new you need to start ACTING like the person who has already manifested what you want!
Which can often mean, being BOLD and making the first move.
I feel so incredibly grateful for all of the beautiful friendships I have manifested into my life and love it when my clients and students report the success they have had using this process too. So I hope it works for you!
Juliette xx
PS If you want to fast-track your manifesting come and join me at my free vision board masterclass where I share all my secrets for manifesting your desires with EASE.