Manifesting A New Home - 4 Simple Steps
Manifesting a new home had been on my bucket list for quite some time, however it wasn’t until more recently that I put my attracting skills to the test as a manifestation coach to really - make it happen!
And the result?
Not only did I manifest a house that looks EXACTLY like the picture from my Vision Board (see image below), I manifested it in a totally different state!
And this area that we moved to matches the vision I had for myself and my family even BEFORE I even knew this town existed!
In fact, one of the affirmations I used for manifesting this house was:
“My life is like a holiday!”
And that’s EXACTLY the kind of lifestyle we now have in the beautiful Burleigh Heads.
If you’re interested in learning:
➤ What manifesting techniques I used to attract this,
➤ Affirmations for manifesting a house
➤ Success stories for manifesting a new home
Keep reading below...
Manifesting A New Home - 4 Simple Steps
Step 1. Get Clear On Your Intentions
The first step you need to take when manifesting a new home or attracting your dream house is to get clear on your intentions.
And the easiest way to do this is to write a Manifestation List that includes everything you want your new house to have.
When writing your list think about…
➤ How many bedrooms and bathrooms you want.
➤ What you want it to look like.
➤ What extras are important to you. For example: carpeting, ducted air conditioning, a pool, fenced backyard.
➤ What amenities you need close by. For example: great schools, doctors, supermarkets, pharmacy.
➤ And lastly what area you would like the house to be in.
*If you don’t know what area you want your house to be in, that’s completely ok, instead just write out the specifics that you desire and then leave it up to the universe to deliver what's for your highest good. For example: Near the ocean, community feel, safe, clean, young trendy feel.
This is the exact process that I went through when manifesting our new home.
I didn’t know what area I wanted us to live in, but I did have a clear vision for what I wanted such as: a warmer climate, relaxed feel, great schools, young families, close to the airport and right near the ocean.
And I got ALL of those things without even knowing this place existed!
If you want to read my full guide on Manifestation Lists click here.
Step 2. Tap Into Your Core Feelings
After you have gotten clear on your intentions, the second step in manifesting a new home is to; tap into the core feelings this house will give you.
Ask yourself…
How do I want my new home to make me FEEL?
For me the answer was:
Once I knew what those core feelings were, I then had the power to REVERSE ENGINEER my manifestation so I could become the energy I was trying to attract (a little trick I teach in my manifesting course).
So I went about doing things that would promote feelings of EXPANSION, ABUNDANCE and LUXURY in my current home.
For example: I decluttered my home (like a mofo!) so it felt EXPANSIVE. I upgraded my bedding, towels and personal items to make them more LUXURIOUS. And, I did a lot of work on my energy to feel more ABUNDANT in my everyday life.
Step 3. Work On Your Manifesting Blocks
After you have become the energy you want to attract, you may find that some of your pesky manifesting blocks start to bubble to the surface.
And this is because;
“Each and every time you attempt to manifest something new, you simultaneously ask the universe to show you, what parts of yourself need to be healed in order to make that thing a reality.”
This is why it's SO important to clear whatever manifesting blocks bubble to the surface.
These could be things like:
Not feeling worthy of your desire.
Doubting it will ever happen.
Failing to increase your capacity to hold a manifestation bigger than your current reality.
And in my case, when I was trying to manifest our new home, I had manifesting blocks number 1 and 3 rear their ugly heads!
And in order to overcome these I had to do 2 things…
Firstly, I needed to work on my ENERGY.
And this is because; I was trying to manifest moving from a 2 bedroom apartment, to a 5 bedroom house with a pool (which is quite a big jump energetically).
And while this might seem unrelated (I can assure you it’s not), I had to work on my Money Mindset.
This involved looking at my income, factoring in new expenses and how I was going to cover these, as well as setting some BIG financial goals for my future.
And, the way I ALIGNED myself with this new mindset, and these new financial goals, was as simple as looking at what my current clients have been manifesting.
Because there’s no better way to prove your worth than seeing evidence of what your clients are manifesting.
Particularly when it’s HUGE salaries, multiple high-level clients, big career opportunities and more.
Secondly, I needed to prove to the universe that I was worthy and I could hold this manifestation.
And the way I did this was by saying no to another property we were approved for, at the risk of missing out on the house we wanted.
My husband even said to me…
“Are you sure you want to say no to this great house we were approved for, when there are numerous people all trying to get the other house we want? We may lose both! ”
My answer was…
And well, the results spoke for themselves.
Step 4. Visualise Your House Already Manifested
Once you have cleared your manifesting blocks, you will be in the perfect position to magnetise your new home by visualising it.
And one of the easiest ways to do this is by, going for a walk each day, listening to your favourite song and imagining what you want to manifest in great detail - as if it is already done (this is using The Law Of Assumption).
*This is a very powerful exercise because the song acts as an anchor to your manifestation, and you are visualising while in a nice high vibe state full of endorphins .
So when I was working on manifesting our new home, I played my favourite song everyday while on my afternoon walk and imagined myself walking through our new EXPANSIVE, ABUNDANT and LUXURIOUS new home in great detail.
I also practiced using the following affirmations…
Affirmations for manifesting a house:
➤ Everyday my new home is getting closer and closer to manifesting.
*Notice I didn’t say the affirmation as if it’s ALREADY manifested as that would have just made me feel like I was lying to myself and cause doubt and resistance!
➤ I allow greater and greater forms of abundance to manifest into my life.
➤ Living in my new home brings me so much: love, comfort and joy!
Success stories manifesting a house
Here are some examples from my clients and students who successfully manifested their dream homes!
If you’re interested in learning the step by step process I used for creating a vision board that led to me manifesting a house EXACTLY the same as what I had placed on my vision board, come and check out my new Free Vision Board Workshop!
Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine Bio