How To Surrender Your Desires To The Universe - 6 Powerful Ways
Whenever you are embarking on the journey of manifesting something new into your life, it's almost guaranteed that you’ll hear phrases like, "you need to surrender to the universe”, or more specifically “you need to surrender your DESIRES to the universe”.
This is because; both manifestation and the law of attraction require surrender to work.
The problem is…
How do you surrender to the universe?
How do you “let go” of your desires so they can easily manifest?
And not only that but…
How are you meant to surrender your desires when they are so dear to your heart - like having a successful business, manifesting pregnancy, or calling in your soulmate?
Surely this means you’re giving up on them, right?
If you’ve found yourself asking these questions you’ve come to the right place.
Surrender + manifestation + the law of attraction is my specialty.
In fact, utilising the principles I’m going to cover in this post is what has enabled my students to get results like these:
How did they manifest these desires that were so dear to their hearts?
Through the power of SURRENDER.
Before we dive in I first want to explain why surrender it’s necessary when it comes to getting the law of attraction to work.
Table of Contents
- Why You Need To Surrender
- How To Surrender To The Universe - 6 Powerful Ways
- Surrender Method 1. Rethink Your Goals
- Surrender Method 2. Drop The Timeframe
- Surrender Method 3. Reverse Engineer The Manifesting Process
- Surrender Method 4. Focus Elsewhere
- Surrender Method 5. Let Go Of Your Manifestation
- Surrender Method 6. Transform The Way You Are Manifesting
- My Journey With Surrender
- How I Surrendered My Desires To The Universe:
- A Simple Process To Deal With Setbacks When Manifesting
- How To Deal With Fear & Negative Thoughts When Manifesting
Why You Need To Surrender
Surrendering is one of the most important (and often overlooked) aspect of manifesting for the simple reason that:
You cannot be in “need” of something and have it show up in your experience.
For that very “need” creates a sense of lack within you which actually PUSHES what you want away from you.
Simply put, if you want manifestation and the law of attraction to work for you, surrender is a requirement, not an option.
Let me give you an example to demonstrate what I mean by this…
Say you really want to manifest a successful business.
You have this burning desire within you to “be someone” in the world and create a life of freedom and abundance.
But rather than EMBODYING this energy now, you are coming from a vibration of lack.
One where, rather than feeling abundant and successful already, there’s a LONGING inside of you, one where you start echoing thoughts like:
Where is my desire?
Why is it taking so long?
Why can’t I attract what I want?
When you think in terms of “like attracts like'', you are not “be-ing” a vibrational match to what you want therefore you aren’t putting the law of attraction in action.
This is often when people try HARDER with their manifesting techniques like affirmations and scripting, but this simply won’t work because they aren’t addressing the underlying issue that’s causing the feeling of lack in the first place - SURRENDER.
Now that you understand why you need to surrender to the universe, let’s talk about how.
How To Surrender To The Universe - 6 Powerful Ways
A quick google search on how to surrender to the universe and you’ll quickly find lots of spiritual resources that provide you with valuable information on letting go and releasing attachment.
While I LOVE and agree with a lot of these principles, there’s another side to the story that I want to present you with…
If you are someone who has something BIG that you want to manifest, like your soulmate, a successful career, a baby, weight loss, your dream home etc, and this desire is very dear to your heart, receiving advice that prompts you to simply RELEASE and LET GO of what you want is going to be a hard pill to swallow.
This is because; the very reason you are setting out to “manifest” it in the first place means that you care DEEPLY about this desire.
It’s like telling someone with a broken leg, to not think about their broken leg .
How are you meant to do this when it hurts all day, is in a big heavy cast and you can barely walk?
You can’t! It’s too prominent.
For this reason, following traditional manifesting advice around surrender and letting go of attachment doesn’t always work.
So here I’m going to give you some other more POWERFUL ways to surrender to the universe (that actually work).
*Please note everything that I'm explaining here is a very small part of what I teach inside my manifesting course The Surrender Approach. If you want a shortcut to surrendering your desires so you can manifest with more ease and speed, you can check it out here.
Surrender Method 1. Rethink Your Goals
The first method I want to discuss is to rethink your goals. Now, I know this one may sound strange but here me out…
Say you want to manifest love, and more specifically you want to manifest marriage. Focusing on marriage might cause unnecessary resistance and attachment in your energy and vibration because it's a very BIG goal.
You may think that marriage is just as easy to manifest love or a relationship but this isn’t the case.
If you have been single for a very long time, and even have fears around meeting someone by a certain age (feeling like the “clock is ticking”), focusing on marriage can bring up MORE fear, doubt and attachment.
Here’s why…
If you have marriage as a goal on your vision board for this year it’s almost GUARANTEED that every day, week, month that ticks over where you feel like you aren’t getting any closer to it happening, you’ll start worrying MORE.
“Where is this person”
“Why aren’t I meeting anyone I like!?”
“Dating apps suck.”
“Why isn’t my manifesting working?”
“How am I going to get married in Sept when it's APRIL and I haven’t met anyone yet”
For this reason, RETHINKING how you word this manifestation and the aspects you’re focusing on will automatically put you in a more surrender state.
Want help with this?
I cover this topic inside my Free Vision Board Masterclass where I show you what to focus on with your manifestations so they don’t bring up any fears and doubt allowing you to manifest what you want EASILY.
If this interests you, you can register and watch the free training here.
Surrender Method 2. Drop The Timeframe
Time can be a funny thing when you’re manifesting. On one hand you don’t want to leave your desires completely open ended (who wants to manifest lotto when you’re 80 👀), but on the other hand you also want to ALLOW things to happen in divine timing right?
Here’s my take on this and what I teach my manifesting students…
You want to use time in an ALIGNED way.
The timeframe you use to attract your desires should feel REALISTIC but also EXCITING.
If you find that you’re OBSESSING about your manifestation (like in the example I mentioned above about getting married) this is a sure sign that you’re not in a surrendered state and won’t be vibrating at the right frequency to attract what you want.
Here’s another example…
Say you want to manifest 10 clients by the end of the month but each day that goes by you find yourself STRESSING about where the clients are, this timeframe is actually MAKING you more attached.
In this instance you want to drop the timeframe you originally picked and opt for something that feels better.
Perhaps, you give yourself 3 months to manifest these clients and when you think about that option you feel RELIEF This means you’ve released attachment and dropped into a state of surrender.
*If you want to learn the “secret timeframe" I use for pretty much all my manifestations (yes there is a secret to this!), one that makes your manifestations feel exciting yet believable I cover this in my Free Vision Board Masterclass.
Surrender Method 3. Reverse Engineer The Manifesting Process
Another unique way you can surrender to the universe without feeling like you’re giving up on your desires is to reverse engineer the manifesting process.
It’s is a great way of releasing resistance and letting go of attachment.
In order to do this, you need to first think about the end result your manifestation will give you ie money will give you freedom.
And then, find a way to give yourself this feeling NOW.
For example, find ways to experience more freedom in your life TODAY.
When you do this, you become a vibrational match to the energy of your desire, and you no longer emit a frequency of NEED around it. This allows you to manifest it easily and effortlessly through a surrendered state.
This is a practice that I cover in detail inside my online manifesting course The Surrender Approach.
Surrender Method 4. Focus Elsewhere
The fourth method is simple. Focus your attention elsewhere.
This may sound counterintuitive because most manifesting resources will tell you that you need to focus INTENTLY on your desires in order for them to manifest but, if you find yourself OBSESSING about your manifestation you’ll actually be creating more attachment around what you want.
For this reason, it's often helpful to check in with yourself and ask…
Am I feeling or acting needy and desperate around this?
If the answer is yes, focus your attention on something else.
Stop putting your eggs in one basket and diversify your manifestation interests so to speak.
Surrender Method 5. Let Go Of Your Manifestation
There comes a point in the manifesting process where you need to be able to take your hand off the steering wheel and TRUST that you have done enough.
This isn’t about giving up on your desire, it's about ALLOWING the universe to meet you halfway.
You see, whenever you are trying to manifest something there will be moments where you need to apply yourself -
whether that’s through doing internal work on yourself, taking physical action and often both,
Then, there are times when you’ve done enough, and you need to let go and allow the universe to do its part.
I often compare this to flying on an airplane…
At the beginning there’s lots of build up of momentum (where it can feel like you are putting in lots of effort) and then, there reaches a point where you let go and all of a sudden you’re flying because you’re allowing that momentum to carry you. This is when you hand your manifestation over the the universe.
Surrender Method 6. Transform The Way You Are Manifesting
The final point I want to mention and way to surrender is to transform the way you are manifesting.
What I mean by this is to evaluate the manifesting techniques you are using and really look at whether they are helping.
When I first started manifesting I was continuously being told things like:
➤ It's just as easy to manifest $100,000 as it is $100
(It's not, people have more blocks around attracting higher amounts of money because they’ll start doubting numbers that FEEL big to them).
➤ If you just repeat your affirmations 100 times today, you’ll manifest what you want quicker
➤ The universe is like a genie in a bottle - you can ask for ANYTHING
➤ Or my favorite, write down your desires 55x5 times so they manifest
The truth is, none of these techniques or ways of manifesting actually felt GOOD to me.
Instead, I wound up with a vision board depicting a multi million dollar mansion and private jet while trying to repeat affirmations like “I’m a money magnet”.
But I felt like I was lying to myself.
And to make matter worse, the manifesting resources I was reading were telling me to focus HARDER to get what I wanted.
But all this did was make me feel like I was PUSHING for things to happen which was taking me OUT of a state of SURRENDER therefore making it impossible for me to attract what I wanted.
My Journey With Surrender
One of the things I found so frustrating about manifesting was people telling me to simply “SURRENDER” my desires to the universe!
I hated being told this because:
Firstly, (on a deeper level) I knew they were right, and secondly, I didn’t know HOW to surrender.
I remember feeling so depressed about the whole thing because I couldn’t comprehend how I was meant to just “LET GO” of the desires that were so dear to my heart.
Was I meant to just GIVE UP on my dream of meeting my soulmate, creating a successful business and manifesting financial freedom?
No I wasn’t.
And you know HOW I know this?
Because in the end I manifested all of those things and it wasn’t by following that advice, rather, it was by following my own unique method of manifesting…
Click the video for a brief explanation.
How I Surrendered My Desires To The Universe:
Following the steps listed in this post, I stopped chasing things and instead REFINED my manifestations so I was focusing on things I was already in alignment with - and this meant I REMOVED RESISTANCE! Aka I had to rethink my manifestations.
Secondly, I stopped looking to my manifestations to save me and instead found practical measures to fulfil my needs which, not only healed the sense of lack I felt inside, but enabled me to create stable energetic foundations that set me up for manifesting everything I wanted in the future! Aka I started to reverse engineer the manifesting process.
And once I did these things - something magical happened….
I didn’t have to “try” I just was in this state, and it was that energy that ALLOWED my desires to materialise easily and effortlessly.
If you FEEL the truth behind my words and you want to learn more about my unique method of manifesting…
Come and check out my Online Manifesting Course - The Surrender Approach.
The Surrender Approach isn’t just another manifesting course. It’s a completely new way of manifesting.
One that helps you find alignment with your desires and operate from a state of surrender so what you want manifests EASILY.
It also covers:
➤ Healing resentment and past pain,
➤ Transforming fears and limiting beliefs,
➤ Overcoming self-doubt,
➤ Accessing higher vibrational states and
➤ Speeding up the manifesting process through a technique called MAGNETISING!
If you interested in learning more about The Surrender Approach™ manifesting course click here.
Juliette xx.