11 Best Crystals For Self-Love (Magic Results)

A photo of specific crystals and stones that are great for developing self-love. The photo includes an image of Amethyst Crystals, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and other stones.

Wondering what the best crystals for self-love are?

With so many crystals and stones to choose from it can be difficult to know which one will be the right fit for you on your self-love journey

When it comes to important matters like self-esteem, confidence and inner-healing you want to be sure that, not only do you have the right crystal or stone for your individual needs, but that you’re using it in the right way.

In this post I go deep into 11 of the best crystals for self-love and exactly how to use them to produce magic in your life.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Why use crystals for self-love?

Before I get into the nuts and bolts of what the most ideal crystals are, I want to first address WHY self-love is so important.

As a Manifestation Coach, I help people use their energy and vibration to attract certain things into their life.

This can vary from attracting the type of dream job and salary you desire, manifesting love with your soulmate, increasing money and success in your business, even falling pregnant or losing weight

And here’s the thing…

No matter what type of goal you have or desire you want to achieve, self-love will always be part of that journey. 

This is because; the more you learn to love yourself, the more you will start to emit a frequency that will allow you to attract the type of people and opportunities that will fulfil your ultimate desires.

So if you want a loving relationship with a person who treats you incredibly well, you need to work on treating yourself that way first.

Likewise if you want to attract money and manifest your next career or business breakthrough this will require working on yourself so you radiate self-confidence and BELIEVE in your abilities. 

This even extends to being able to successfully release weight from your body - you need to love yourself the way you are in order for this to happen.

Self-love is the key to creating an abundant and fulfilling life.

A photo of a black wooden hand and an Amethyst Crystal positioned together speaking to the nature of crystals and self-love working hand in hand.

How Crystals Work

All crystals have unique healing properties and work by interacting with the body's energy field, clearing blockages, allowing energy (or chi) to flow more easily and creating a greater sense of alignment.

When we think about the universe in terms of energy and vibration we understand that everything is energy and has its own unique frequency.

Crystals are believed to have a very STABLE energy which helps to influence our energy which can be affected by outside influences more easily. 

Ever compared yourself to someone on social media and then felt the discord? This is what I mean by our energy being affected by outside influences more easily

What’s so special about using crystals for self-love is that every crystal has its own unique energetic blueprint.

Some crystals are good for self-esteem and confidence, while others are great for unblocking energy in the heart chakra.

Every stone has its own flavour so its about finding the one that works best for you.

A picture of a group of Smokey Quartz crystal points all grouped together.

11 Best Crystals For Self-Love (Magic Results)

1. Garnet - Self-Belief

Garnet is a stone that is excellent for banishing self-doubt. It helps to create a stable and calming vibration in the mind and increase positive thoughts. 

When you feel as though you’re lacking in self-confidence and often find yourself doubting your abilities this is a great crystal to carry with you or wear.

Garnet is also known to help overcome self-sabotaging behavior, release negative energy from the chakras and also amplify the energy of other crystals.

The reason it gets my pick for self-love is really because of the stability it creates.

Often when people are swinging between thoughts of confidence “I can do this” to “I’m not good enough to achieve xyz” this crystal helps to ground that energy (also making it wonderful for manifesting).

Speaking of manifesting, if you’re interested in AMPLIFYING the energy of your crystals a great way to do this is by using a manifestation ritual that allows you to rapidly raise your vibration and align with your desired outcome.

*You can grab a copy of my Free Manifesting Ritual here.

2. Pink Tourmaline - Inner Healing


Not only is Pink Tourmaline an incredibly BEAUTIFUL stone to look at, but it's one of the best for promoting self-love, confidence and healing a broken heart.


If you believe that some of your self-love blockages may have stemmed from previous relationships, or being told you weren’t good enough, this crystal can help to calm those vibrations and increase your inner confidence again.  


Robert Simmons, a well-known authority on crystal healing calls Pink Tourmaline the “quintessential heart-chakra stone” perfect for restoring one's energy after any kind of heartbreak, loss or even healing from old childhood wounds.


I love it because self-love blockages can almost always be traced back to people and events from that past that influenced the way you see yourself. 


This stone goes straight to the heart of the matter (pun intended!), so you can create the deep healing necessary to get to where you long to be.

3. Citrine - Self-Confidence Booster


Citrine is the ultimate self-confidence booster! 


If you need to strengthen your sense of personal power and will, this is the crystal for you. This energizing crystal raises self-esteem and self-confidence while also helping to transform negative thoughts into positive ones.


One of the things that makes this crystal so powerful is its ability to open up and balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.


Sometimes when a person is suffering from lack of self-love or low self-esteem situations arise where they feel like others are taking advantage of them. 


This will often happen when they come in contact with someone who has a very strong and active Solar Plexus Chakra. 


When you work on strengthening your Solar Plexus Chakra not only will you feel more confident and empowered in your life but you will also find that you can “stand your ground” more easily and aren’t as sensitive to the energies of others. 


Oh, and the other great thing about this stone is that it's the perfect crystal to aid manifestation.

An image depicting 3 of the best crystals for self-love. A photo of Garnet, Pink Tourmaline and Citrine.

4. Labradorite - Transformational Magic

Labradorite (often referred to as the stone of magic) is used by shamans and healers for multiple reasons. 

Firstly, it’s one of the best stones for creating a protective shield around the aura and secondly, it facilitates open and safe communication with your spirit guides, higher-self, and even accessing the Akashic Records


What makes it such a great pick for self-love is that it helps dissolve energies of fear, self-doubt and inadequacy and also EMBRACE change in your life.


I love it for its spiritual properties, because self-love is a spiritual journey!


The more you can develop your connection to your higher-self, spiritual guides, intuition and universal intelligence the more you will move through your self-love journey with ease and grace.


These ‘spiritual’ connections will gently and lovingly guide you to manifest the changes you desire.

5. Rose Quartz - The Love Stone


Known as “the love stone” Rose quartz is one of the most powerful stones for giving and receiving unconditional love.


It helps to foster self-love as well as attract more love into your life whether that be through aligned friendships or a romantic relationship.


*For a list of crystals specifically designed to help you attract love see this post.


Rose Quartz has a natural ability to OPEN the heart chakra and also promote feelings of happiness, joy and contentment. This makes working on yourself and increasing your level of self-worth that much easier.


In my opinion this crystal is a must have on your journey to loving yourself.

6. Aquamarine - Clearing The Emotional Body


Aquamarine is a beautiful stone for self-love due to its ability to clear the emotional body


It helps bring to light emotional patterns that need to be healed and does so in a way that feels easeful. 


It's one of the best stones for heart healing and can be used in conjunction with Rose Quartz. 


It’s wonderful for helping you to connect to your inner voice and “speak your truth” as well as being more compassionate towards yourself. 

An image depicting 3 of the best crystals for self-love. A photo of Labradorite, Rose Quartz and Aquamarine.

7. Tigers Eye - Strength & Courage


When you think about the Tiger what comes to mind?


Strength, courage, fearlessness…


These are all properties that Tigers Eye can help you to develop.


Its grounding energy assists you to feel a sense of calmness and strength despite what might be occurring around you - which is particularly useful when you’re working through issues of self-love and feel overly sensitive.


It gives you inner courage and strength and acts like an energy booster when you need an emotional lift.


Feeling like it's all too much, or your emotions are getting the best of you?

This stone is for you!


Overall the “vibe” of Tigers Eye is different from most other self-love stones as it has a more masculine energy as opposed to feminine. This brings a sense of balance to the self-work you're doing.

8. Blue Lace Agate - Standing In Your Power


Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful stone for clear communication and self-expression.  


It's often used for public speaking and is a wonderful aid for those on a self-love journey who feel they have difficulty being heard by others and want to communicate more powerfully.


The mesmerising blue hues make you feel instantly at peace and instil a calm yet positive and uplifting energy.


Blue Lace Agate is also known to dissolve blockages around self-doubt caused by past fears or judgements.


It's the ultimate choice for wanting to stand in your power more fully.

9. Kunzite - Connect To Your Heart


This beautiful pink and lilac stone is magnetising you when you see it.


It's great for helping you to connect to your own heart energy, and the energy of unconditional love.

Need to show yourself more self-care and compassion? 


Want to feel confident meeting new people? 


Desire to manifest a loving relationship with unconditional love? 

 This stone is for you!


Lastly, this particular crystal will also help you to anchor yourself into the present moment more deeply so you can let go of worries from the past and any anxiety about the future.

An image depicting 3 of the best crystals for self-love. A photo of Tigers Eye, Blue Lace Agate, Kunzite

10. Black Onyx - Safety And Stability 


This wouldn’t be an “ultimate guide to the perfect self-love crystals” if there wasn’t a stone thrown in for protection and grounding. 


This is because:


Whenever we are doing spiritual or energetic work on ourselves we need to make sure that we stay protected and grounded. 


Black Onyx is a wonderful stone for helping to ground your energy (and nervous system) leaving you feeling safe and secure.


And when we feel safe and secure?


It's easier for us to move confidently in the world and show up as our best selves!


Black Onyx will work as a lovely companion with the other crystals listed in this guide.

11. White Moonstone - Radical Self-Acceptance 


When you first come in contact with White Moonstone you’ll instantly feel a sense of peace and tranquility, like you’ve come home.


This special stone has a certain je ne sais quoi about it.


Known for its natural calming and healing abilities, White Moonstone helps you to connect with the Divine Feminine, open your Crown Chakra and move with the natural rhythms of life.


What makes it so great for helping with issues surrounding self-love is the ACCEPTANCE you start to feel when using it.


➤ Acceptance for what’s in your life.

➤ Acceptance who you are. 

➤ Acceptance for what’s happening around you.


Reaching this level of peace and surrender for what is, helps you to learn to love yourself - just the way you are - without needing anything to change. 


This is why it's one of the BEST for developing self-love. 

An image depicting 3 of the best crystals for self-love. A photo of Black Onyx, White Moonstone

How To Choose Your Self-Love Crystals


With so many incredible choices available, deciding on the perfect crystal to help you on your self-love journey can sometimes feel a little daunting.


Here are my top 3 tips for choosing the perfect stone:


1. Think about what you most need help with


➤ Do you require more strength and courage to pull you out of an emotional lull?


➤ Do you need to heal from past hurts and relationships in order to foster self-esteem and self-confidence?


➤ Or, do you need to learn self-acceptance and how to truly love yourself just the way you are?


Whatever bubbles to the surface around what you most need help with in regards to self-love choose a crystal (or crystals) that work specifically on those areas.


2. Use your intuition 


Do you feel drawn to any of the crystals mentioned above for no apparent reason?


TRUST that impulse. 


Your intuition will always be guiding you in the right direction. 


It already “knows” what’s best for you, and it's constantly sending your signals on how you can manifest the changes you desire in the easiest way possible.


So if you see a crystal and it catches your eye, don’t overthink it, just go with it.

3. Choose more than one


Sometimes we can put extra (unnecessary) pressure on ourselves trying to find that “one” perfect crystal when in fact, it could be more beneficial to use a variety of crystals or stones together.


Because the truth is, there isn’t just one crystal that works the best for self-love.


It will come down to your individual energy and vibration and what you need help with on your journey. 


For this reason, choosing a few different stones and using them together can often get you even better results. 

A picture of a hand holding some white sage and burning it in preparation of cleansing a crystal

Cleansing & Charging Crystals For Self-Love


Before you begin using your crystals it’s very important that you cleanse and charge them. 


This is because crystals will absorb energy around them and when you first purchase a crystal you don’t know where it's been, who’s handled it and what it’s come in contact with.


This energetic baggage can impact how the crystal will perform for you.


Click here for my full guide on how to quickly cleanse and charge your crystals. 


Once your crystals are cleansed and charged below are my top 5 ways to use them for developing self-love.

A picture of some beautiful crystals gathered together.

How To Use Crystals For Self-Love


Now for the fun part!


Once you have successfully chosen your crystals and given them a good cleanse and charge, here’s how you can use them:


1. Carry them with you


Crystals can bring you their benefits when you carry them with you. I will often pop them in my wallet, handbag, or the pocket of my pants. 


2. Wear them


Fancy some new jewellery? Crystals make beautiful jewellery pieces. Rings, bracelets, necklaces are all great ways to keep them nice and close to you and in your energy field. 


If ever I am buying crystal jewellery I will always choose a stone that I feel really intuitively drawn to, one that I know I want to be in very close proximity to regularly.

A picture of a crystals being used in the home to bring benefits of self-love and inner-healing.

3. Meditate with them


Every crystal has a particular chakra (or chakras) that it’s associated with which they naturally help to open, cleanse and balance. 


Placing your chosen crystals on or near that chakra is a great way to aid the process.

  4. Decorate your home


Crystals make great statement pieces around your home. They can change the energy of the space they are in as well as help to transform your energy when you’re around them.


In order to determine the best places to put your crystals, think about their unique properties and vibration.


For example: a stone like Rose Quartz or Moonstone is very calming so great for the bedroom whereas Tigers Eye or Citrine would be better placed in the office. 

Expert Tips For Best Results


My final recommendation is to use them as part of your manifesting practice.


For me personally, this means using my chosen crystals alongside my vision board.


Here’s why this works so well…


Your vision board provides a visual representation of what you are trying to cultivate and manifest.


It helps you to ANCHOR into your desired state of being (just think of that new version of you that’s bursting with self-love and confidence!).


Your crystals will then help to AMPLIFY that energy and vibration.


So using both of these things together helps you to manifest.


Specifically, I like to hold my crystals while staring at my vision board and allow myself to fill up with all the feelings and emotions that this new version of me already feels.


Confident, self-loving, energetic, free (just to give you a few examples).


I will then sit in this space for a few moments to really EMBODY the energy, knowing that as I do I am helping that version of myself to manifest easily and effortlessly. 


*If you want help creating a SUPERCHARGED vision board you can sign up for my Free Vision Board Training here


*In this training I cover how I used vision boards and manifestation to attract desires like: Free Round The World Business Class Flights, My Soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight), My Dream Home (identical to the picture on my vision board) and a Fully Booked Coaching Business. 

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

What crystals are you going to choose on your self-love journey?

Juliette xx

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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